General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Matchmaking Scam

Dota 2 Matchmaking Scam in General Discussion
Actor lè sè🤮

    As player counts hit 5-years-low (, GG team posted this matchmaking meme

    We all know every other game has Seasonal MMR Reset, except Dota 2 which has obviously rigged 50% (if you have Dota+) win rate that you can't break however good you are. The "dark toxic system" manipulates your games in all ranks, forcing you to lose just when you have 3 games win streak by giving you ridiculous bots.
    Somehow, Valve decided one win + one loss = mmr +1. Therefore, if you buy an account you will lose very very very slowly, perhaps even gain some mmr in the long run because skill has absolutely nothing to do with MMR. In other word, Dota 2 is boosters and account buyers' warm bed. Besides, ranking up in solo queue is impossible, we can only seek help from boosters who are doing just great in Dota 2.

    Some facts and evidence:
    bots playing fake games in Immortal,

    Is this a normal Immortal match?
    byu/Zerudinha inDotA2

    boosters have made it to Immortal 4 rank.

    Rank 04 Wintrading Along Map Hacker
    byu/Meepomon inDotA2

    For more, just look at your games and see how ridiculous they are

    not so normal infj

      Tnx for sharing this. I have been trying so hard to rank up to at least crusader but after long streak wins long losing streaks starts. Idk how it works but you have good explanations. They should really think something for their game otherwise only parties can play dota


        Salt from low skilled ppl, blaming everything but their own skill, never gets old. Same forum different low skilled individuals.

        I spammed only pos 5 for an entire year and I went from Crusader 4 to Ancient 5.

        Matchmaking system works as expected. Low skilled individuals stay at low mmr. You can blame the system all you want.

        Actor lè sè🤮

          Glad I could help.
          Valve ban us on Reddit and on forum just because we talk about their scam. And boosters speak ridiculous sht to make you unhappy even without any evidence. They dont even read my posts, just bark like dogs. If you read it you will see anyone can rank up because one win + one loss = mmr +1 but it has absolutely nothing to do with your skill. The system is as messy as garbage trash. If you are pro player or good player in Immortal you will agree that their games are pure garbage, that is why pro players ask for a change and what they get is "Recruite Mode" which is even more garbage than before.
          I can solo in mid lane against any booster and crush them like cockroaches, but I can never win because my team die faster than flies. That is the sad truth about Dota 2


            you being crusader and wintraders being rank 4 are not related