General Discussion

General DiscussionFinally managed to get almost flat 1k MMR account for my 4.1k smurf. ...

Finally managed to get almost flat 1k MMR account for my 4.1k smurf. I'm the happiest person ever. in General Discussion

    Shame on you
    I can't play anything 😏


      My nickname is just to trigger them, so they try to pull out some better plays. Nothing but that.

      They are indeed not so bad at times, but usually they, 90% of the times are easily outplayable and are for reason 1k.

      If I wanted to have a better chance at winning almost 90% of the games I've played I'd try to play heroes I'm capable of playing on an decent level. The whole point of this is to show delusional 1k/2k people that it's easy to escape the so named "mmr hell".

      Same goes for 3k and 4k, regardless of me being a barely 4k player, with very limited hero-pool, I'm having 77% winrate in a long run and grinded about ~700 MMR so far without even trying so much.

      So I don't see your point. Did I triger you somehow?

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Saying "ez" a couple of times in this thread is what triggered me. It's obvious that 1k players are not as good as 4k players. Otherwise they would be 4k players. It's just stating the obvious. The reason people think it's "mmr hell" is because there are many boosters, many new players and many players that have a faulty understanding of what the game is about. They call it mmr hell because it is in no way similar to all the games you can watch of higher mmr. I couldn't help but comment after seeing your nickname in that Ember game. Didn't mean to offend or anything like that just wanted to say that writing ez is pointless.


          Writing ez is funny and if I triggered you I'm sorry. I just do it out of fun. It feels good to outplay someone, and if that's a sin then I'm sinner, fuck me.

          I'm not an egomaniac by any means, but I do enjoy playing in 1k at the end of the day. So after a good match I write EZ, just like I write EZ when I win in my bracket.

          It has nothing to do with any mmr.

          "he reason people think it's "mmr hell" is because there are many boosters, many new players and many players that have a faulty understanding of what the game is about. They call it mmr hell because it is in no way similar to all the games you can watch of higher mmr"

          You're perceiving the "mmr hell" just the way I thought you would.

          It's not about boosters, new players with a faulty understanding of the game or something else. Anyone uncapable of escaping 1k MMR in a long run is stuck there for a reason, and it applies to any resonable low mmr.

          So basically, even with boosters, smurfers, bad players, new players... having less than 60% in 1k MMR is just the fact you're doing something wrong, because, MMR hell doesn't exist.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Or to sum things up;

            1k/2k players are delusional.


              Having less than 60% wr in 4k is just a fact that ur doing something wrong? I don't see ur point? Whats the difference?


                when can i have my turn on that account?




                  I defeat vertoxity in the climb to 2k. Feelsgoodman


                    "Having less than 60% wr in 4k is just a fact that ur doing something wrong? I don't see ur point? Whats the difference?"

                    Exactly. That's my point.

                    @ Dog, idk man, I'm doing a climb to 2k.. Maybe when I get to 2k.. It might take a lot of times cuz I don't play a lot on smurf.

                    @ Fx

                    Gimme a match.. D:


                      What do you mean vertoxity.


                        Oh I see. I realised what you meant now.. Sorr. xd

                        We can do road to 3k if you want. :p

                        I'll try to get to 2k by end of this upcoming week.


                          Tonight I'm getting 1800 at least. 2 more games to go.


                            Got 1800 guys. Will try to get 2000 soon, I really lose my patience with this 1ks, they are apparently more toxic the more they come close to 2k mmr.


                              whats the point


                                1800-2000 is Chernobyl

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  Keep this up!
                                  Since you can hardly win a 4.0K match 1K match suit your character or wanting to storm and wave epenis

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    I think last hit is overated even on sven
                                    I think last hit is overated even on sven
                                    I think last hit is overated even on sven

                                    Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                      why i always lose on my solo rank?
                                      what did i do wrong?


                                        @ 1iceTea

                                        mate idk if someone beat the shit out of you when you were young or you're getting molested in school or whatever, but please, if you have some problems I sugest seek for a professional help.

                                        I'm really sorry your life has no meaning and all you have to do is wait for me to show up, I literally don't mind, you can talk all you want, but try not to look so fucking miserable, it's literally pain watching you trying to point out something I said and break it down for literally no reason.

                                        @ Arin

                                        No point, just having fun I guess. Some people are interested about the progress, so I'm trying to refresh this topic from time to time.

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          ^B-but I just kappaing around don't touch me uncle arrrggghhjjj~


                                            Lets go road to 3k my new year reso is to get 4k. This is my true main acc and i only have 1 smurf that only have 4 games


                                              1 year to get to 4k, that's slow.

                                              i can do that in 3 days

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Not everyone have a lot of free time and not everyone learn/improve that quick


                                                  Its not the matter of learning its the matter of free time. Because i got school most of my times are limited not like you cookie who have more free time than me but i still think that getting into 4k in 3 days without a smurf is impossible just because the amount of games. Well since i got around 10 loss since 7.00 comes i think i will stay in 2k kappa


                                                    Cookie is a bullshitter moron retard fuckface


                                                      To raise from 2k to 4k mmr you need ~80 games (with a 100% win rate)
                                                      With a winrate of 90% it's 88 games
                                                      With an average length of 30 min it takes 44 hours.
                                                      So cookie can even do that in 2 days! (if he doesn't sleep^^')


                                                        Cookie is a bullshitter moron retard fuckface

                                                        i loled


                                                          HAHAHAHAHHAHA FUCKFAVE

                                                          old man

                                                            i ne'd


                                                              @ FX

                                                              Mate you're doing amazing. Keep it up!

                                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                If I rub my manhood against a cookie,does it mean I fackfucked cookie?


                                                                  this tread is becoming ayylmao soon i can fel it


                                                                    VerTOXICity. The most obnoxious person ive ever met in pubs


                                                                      Great antimage skills.. </3