General Discussion

General DiscussionFinally managed to get almost flat 1k MMR account for my 4.1k smurf. ...

Finally managed to get almost flat 1k MMR account for my 4.1k smurf. I'm the happiest person ever. in General Discussion

    yeah when you stop caring about how your playing and just run at the other team you will either stomp them into the ground or you will start feeding their five core linup until they can overpower the rest of your team and you have to 1v5 on a hero that isnt a great 1v5 hero


      I would literally race you to 5k (if i can even reach there), but yea bit heartbreaking to lose this account.

      1 / 2 digit mmr dota is the finest.


        How come I went from 1k to 1.6k in 40 games with an 83%win rate and I'm 2.6k. And that's with 190ping. When you 4k with worse stats. Don't even know why I stopped I was still on an 11 game win streak.


          If some 2k guys compain they cant won game just because of 4k shittain smurf, then They must try to beat that smurf guy. If I can single handedly defeat a 4k player then i would be in 4k.


            YB, check the heroes I was playing. I'm practicing Invoker, tried Storm(literally shit 1k mmr with him), tried OD, etc.

            If I wanted to have pure winrate with Sick KDA, I'd probably stick with Shadow Fiend and a few Slark games.

            The whole point for me is to have fun, practice new heroes and climb the MMR along the way, cuz, why not.

            Also it'll prove countless times that 1k/2k/3k is just easy as fuck.


              It's just interesting to me cus I did exactly what you did with almost identical stats.


                I want to do the same!!! Someone please has a spare 1k/2k account I can use? If you want you can have my 4.1k solo account if you think you belong there :D


                  You can use mine, I decided to switchback to main and practice Invoker. Apparently I got really into hero, so I wanna learn him.

                  Add me on Steam.

                  Btw, since I see you're good at Inv, I'll ask you a few questions and you get to play on my 1k acc.


                    @Blunt @Gecko

                    In fairness to Gecko that was a requested account swap not a boost, I gave him a smurf account to play on, and I in turn played on his for 10 games so he could see the otherside, and I could enjoy the ease. You added him so I passed you the account to play a game on.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Sounds good Vertoxity, will do as soon as I get home.

                      I know that Invoker feeling, it's awesome. Espescially when you're having long teamfights and doing everything in fast pace perfectly. You can ask me anything ^^.

                      Dire Wolf

                        If you can't tell the difference between some of the players in your matches and 2k players, or even 3k players then you arent paying enough attention. Watch a replay. Difference is night and day. They will miss every last hit in lane, they will be totally unaware of anything outside their lane, ie rotations, ganks coming, they'll get caught out all the time. Beyond just normal buying the wrong items, building wrong.

                        Trust me I play group matches with a guy who is 2500ish, I'm mid 3k and most of the rest are 3k. The 2500 guy is noticeably worse than everyone else, we have to try and hide him but he only plays carries like sven and pa so it's really hard. He has no clue when to farm vs fight, or item timings, he'll die in lane all the time cus he overextends or doesn't see the gank you pinged like 8 times for him, it's just ridiculous, loses lane every game. Only time we win is if I play like lich and babysit him and offlane is a retard who we kill multiple times and he is so far ahead of other team we can't lose.

                        See if you can guess which one he is.


                          @Havoc + Blunt

                          Hey man, thanks for the experiment that time. As you can see I'm still stuck in the trench Lol. But still trying to git gud.


                          Giff me Wingman

                            ohhhhhhhhhhhh right.

                            nvm then LuL


                              @Dire Wolf: DJ Sammy.

                              Game 1: Sven player with 120some last hits in a 30 minute game & 200 building damage.

                              None of they guys you posted in those matches seem to be all that though.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                I'm back.. current mmr: 1570

                                playing slark and sf here is just sooo funny.

                                Tried playing Inv and Axe but I'm so fking bad with these so I lost.. xd

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  finally an update, keep us informed :D


                                    Playing SF/Slark here is just autowin.


                                      @ DireWolf

                                      Even if difference exits, in real world both players are capable of playing a decent game at both 1k and 3k mmr.

                                      And both players are shit for any decent MMR on the other hand.

                                      2.5k or 3.1k it's literally the same shit, and the difference between 1.5k and 3.1k is not as big as you guys think..

                                      We'll see when I get into 2.5k mmr if these guys are any better than 1.6k


                                        Sup bitches?


                                          Update on your progress? I could see you lost a game with Slark.


                                            R u stuck in the trench ?


                                              i have a 1k account too and i once played vs a morph that had min 20 linkens eblade treads aquila

                                              3k does get a bit harder though mostly cause your useless teammates make the game harder in comparison to how they would impact a 1k or 2k game.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Almost 1700, haven't played much games lately. Global Winrate is 77%, and most of the games I lost were Invokers I failed terribly and A storm game. For a 6 days of playing I managed to grind ~600 MMR.

                                                The Slark game was literally 5v3, our ES was 0-26/6k HD for ~50 min game.

                                                I made a few mistakes aswell, could've been a won game but wasn't an easy one.

                                                @ Jacked

                                                No man, playing in 1k is so fun and so easy. I don't see how anyone but newbie could be stuck in anything lower than ~3.5k(with that being said, 3.5k is by no means a good mmr to have)

                                                I'll do one more game now.

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                [HQ], H e a v e n`

                                                  Interesting :)


                                                    1700 MMR guys. Road to 2k is ends soon. :D


                                                      Nice 1 dude. Keep it up.


                                                        Will do. :)


                                                          Looks like a fun thing to try. Can I play in 1k too?



                                                            I'm on a winning streak and will try-hard to see how many games it;ll take for 1ks to take away my winning streak.

                                                            After I lose or get bored, you can play. Add me here, so we can set things up.


                                                              I tried playing unranked games on a 1k account about 2 month ago, ppl abandoned every single game. I was playing arc warden.

                                                              Fenhorn "The Bold"
                                                                კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                                                fear is the mind killer

                                                                  you guys make me wanna try 1k too lol.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Alice Guo

                                                                    Was reading this thread instead of memorizing some speeches. Lmao makes me want to go back to 1k again xd


                                                                      Sad Jacked could have breezed through 1k in like a week if he had time, next level Weaver plays are fucking lit.


                                                                        Haven't played on my 1k acc yet. I'm busy working... :-/


                                                                          I have just found out that you play often in Eu west. We might end up in the same match, sooner or later:p



                                                                            Can't wait. :p

                                                                            Played a slark game. Ez.


                                                                              Hello my name is bws I'm a flat 2k scrub who is stuck at 2k even after 600 hours of playing DOTA2 and got VAC banned because I used GPM hack to get out of 1k
                                                                              So I abandoned my VACed account and stole a flat 3k account from a stray dog and blackmails him to increase my MMR but he died after the last juggernaut game because he choked when he tried to eat a huge bone, before he died he said 3k is just a less shitty 2k, you can grind your MMR up to 4k, but fuck him I won't listen to what dogs say
                                                                              Now I can pretend I'm 3200 although everyone especially seatards know I'm forever 2k

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                @Vertoxity: If we end up being against each other I will buy as much sentry as I can after min 10. And a TP, I don't want to be raped :p

                                                                                @bws~: Whut O.O?



                                                                                  Sounds like a plan! :)


                                                                                    Haven't played much on a smurf lately, mostly because I've been busy.

                                                                                    But I lost a game as Tinker.


                                                                                      How good are you with tinker? I find tinker does not carry into late game when bkb comes into play.


                                                                                        Not very good. I can play him way better than Invoker or Storm, but I'm I doubt I'm more than flat 3k with him.

                                                                                        A good Tinker will get fast aghs/hex in 1k and will rape their whole team before they even get a chance to get bkb's..

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                          About to lose one more game as Inv. I just can;t play this hero at all. It's so sad. :-/


                                                                                            Void is pretty cute in 1k.


                                                                                              4k was hard. I'm much happier at 3k. Also I dont need my reflexes down here as much.


                                                                                                Interesting Ultra-Kill I got in my last Ember match in 1.7k:



                                                                                                  Nice. Ember is one character that I really don't know how to play. GJ.


                                                                                                    Thanks mate.


                                                                                                      Judging by how you keep saying both that you underestimate 1k players, them not being so bad and games being ez; also judging by the fact that ur nickname is "I Rape You. You Cry" as a 4k player on a 1k account I can surely assume that you, sir, are a scrub.