General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Apoo abusing zeus

      I'm thinking of CK, slark, and PA to master next
      Cancur op


        yo cucks, anyone up for some memes?
        I'mma play roaming mk



          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            yo clement, have u watched bowies guide on how zai plays roam mk?


              I won't play today
              And I hope I can hold myself from playing for at least 3 days


                will be playing 6 hours frm now, if anyone is going to go full zombie mode


                  also haffy now officially owns my old 4k acc


                    Haffy couldn't climb to 3K so he took the shortcut and went to 4K


                      "Old 4k acc" you mean the acc that's 3.8k and now will never reach 4k?


                        i have access to that acc too but i dont play it because haffy is practicing on it

                        now if haffy claims that that is his main acc and that hes a 3.8k player im gonna have to feed games there to force him back to his main LOL


                          Hohohoho great plan
                          Keep the race fair and square


                            and YES i hate it when u take shortcuts because its almost as if i wasted time on grinding (even tho i alr know its a waste of time)

                            so fuk u bryant

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Inb4 "you also cheated your way to 3k" reply


                                You're starting to sound like Naruto
                                Except that Naruto is actually good at what he does
                                Boohoo no shortcut boohoo never give up boohoo


                                  NRUTO SUCKED AT THE BEGINNING TOO

                                  and i may not be good at what i do but im still better than both of you cucks


                                    I think you three all have your strengths


                                      Naruto sucked at the beginning but he doesn't spend 3000 hours to be able to rasengan
                                      Retire and go play Point Blank with bunch of fuckboys


                                        Is Point Blank ever been, or is still a thing in PH?


                                          If you put me in a 1v1 mid match against Haffy I'll lose before the horn even blows


                                            inb4 fillers also took too much time


                                              i think point blank was famous among grade school to early highschool kiddos, most of them switched from special force or crossfire but it quickly died


                                                OMG!!!!1 1V1 ME CONTER STRIK ONLINE I HAVE SKULL3 FITE ME I HAVE FINISHED ALL ZOMBIE SCENARIO MAP

                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                  apoo stop spreading electric cansur


                                                    I have to admit
                                                    I enjoyed playing CSO for a short period of time


                                                      but if u asked me overall hours doesnt matter much

                                                      now this may seem biased seeing im a 3k hours = 3k mmr guy but i think hours only county from when u started tovactively improve

                                                      i spent like almost half of that playtime queueing with friends while being a delusional brat who thought "if i queue and get carried by my friends ill eventually be as good as them", it wasnt until mid-year that i realized im stupid and need to grow some balls then play solo ranked while being self aware that i suck ass


                                                        I remember playing point blank and blackshot. Fuck those pay to win cancer games


                                                          like theres this fighting game i played named brawlhalla, i got like high gold-top 150 SEA in 80 hours (high gold was like 4k because game was new when i got high gold) and i know some people were still low silver for 400 hours because they only play free for all

                                                          now high gold is shit and im shit and my main is now nerfed to shit so fuck that shit game

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          pls be patient very noob ...

                                                            I honestly wrecked them pay to win kids with my good ole sniping skeelz


                                                              Yes play hours don't matter
                                                              But then again, why won't you make fun of a guy who has his play hour > his MMR
                                                              It's like making fun of a guy who has been stuck with the same job for 10 years not being able to do his shit efficiently

                                                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                guise someone is copying my ninja shit from work. ive yet to find him/(HER) out


                                                                  yeah ive learned my lesson

                                                                  if i start doing anything that has a competitive side to it no matter how small im gonna try and get fucking good at it right from the start


                                                                    told you dog

                                                                    pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                      well she's already found me out from our big reveal, aaaaaaaaaaand now we're awkward.


                                                                        1v1 me osu yves


                                                                          tho i know some friends where they ask for my help like theres this 2k mmr guy who asked me to teach him meepo basics and i told him to get iron talon stack with his clone while farming lane and using talon to clear camps quick with poof and he was like "no man thats too tryhard i only want the basics" and they think im forcing complicated and hard stuff on them

                                                                          its like theyre saying its ok to be bad, if ur gonna do something at least be decent at it ffs


                                                                            fuk u i fucking suck at osu


                                                                              inb4 rantbuff


                                                                                Dude it's better than having bunch of 1k Dunning-Krugers as classmates
                                                                                "Come on man bounty carry is too gimmicky if you want to one shot people go pick lina or shit, I only play bounty as support"
                                                                                "Lul u only play bounty as support because you noob"
                                                                                "Ofc juggernaut aghanim first item noob"
                                                                                "600 LH 30 min WTF IMPOSSIBRU"
                                                                                "Lmao so fucking delusional 120 LH on 20 min AM is already hard to get"


                                                                                  At least most of the lower than 1500 MMRs are nice guys


                                                                                    Ahahahhahahahahha elictrick cancer


                                                                                      I think I can reach 1k before you guys reach 4k kek


                                                                                        I hate it when some my friends say they can only play carry heroes, yet their bad at it
                                                                                        fuck those people, a Good player is versatile


                                                                                          Like me I m versatile in the fact that I can't play anything


                                                                                            Just letting everyone know I'm still alive


                                                                                              It's funny that I treat myself as an average carry and dogshit as support
                                                                                              Yet I can still count the amount of okay-ish support with my fingers


                                                                                                Having a support that sucks XP and not fuck with the equilibrium already feels like a godsent


                                                                                                  U have seen my support lion hurhuehuehue