General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you think you deserve to have kids? would you maike a great parent?

Do you think you deserve to have kids? would you maike a great parent? in General Discussion
Im the Bully of my School


    this girl ma favorite lol . she so scared of bears LMAO

    Im the Bully of my School

      hes the guy on youtube io posted just before lol xd

      Im the Bully of my School

        anw just watch this one ! sue's brb

        Im the Bully of my School

          well Arin this trolling or you trolliin to end serious. we all learned somethin from this discussion! its. I was right i were right i am right . i am inquestionnable.

          Im the Bully of my School

            g_g 5k mmr pce.


              is this le famous 1 man spam thread


                is this le fаggètte you were looking for?

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  oui, merci beaucoup

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    i wasn't trolling


                      gonna watch the videos now


                        Are you constantly refreshing the page to check for responses?

                        Anyway I answered this thread so seriously yet it devolved into shitposting. :tear:


                          i didn't even read 3 posts :/


                            knew this thread is 1 man spam


                              I was the first to respond to the thread

                              how would I know the guy would talk to himself into 5 pages worth shitposting


                                I hate fuckin kids, so no. But IF someday something changes, i think i can teach my kids a lot of different things and most important - to believe in themselves and follow their dreams.


                                  kids are fokin stupeed fuck kids hehe lmao


                                    xD xD


                                      to answer on topic - i think i would be the best father in the world.


                                        kids ar stuped fuc cids


                                          what happened to melody and his kid(s)?


                                            post a pic of urself


                                              did i find u?

                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                Wat is happening?

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  RAA you are the king shitposter man

                                                  About the question , i dont want kids, not now not for a VERY long time.

                                                  Kids are annoying as fuck, everytime people start saying " AWWWWWWWWWWW look how cute this kid is ! " something inside me just dies.

                                                  Dogs by the other hand are cool.

                                                  and yes i think you can clearly see i would be a shitty father.

                                                  Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                                    How to ruin your life in two simple steps

                                                    Step 1: Have kids

                                                    Step 2: gj


                                                      go to reddit and see how long u survive

                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Who DD ? OP ?


                                                          5 pages of posts about kids I think wow

                                                          Then I read it and its non stop RAA spam xD

                                                          ...& I want kids but later in life lol


                                                            i would force my kids to practice something all day everyday to become best at whatever they doing otherwise no food for them

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              I mean just the thought of not being able to go somewhere or do something because you have a fucking baby to take care for makes me mad


                                                                OP YA LROFL

                                                                Vaikiss cause that's how you wish your parents parented u? :blush:

                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                  Vaga you would be a great father my friend

                                                                  Wish my parents did the same, i am mediocre at EVERYTHING in life

                                                                  or awful to be honest

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    I mean right now i should be studying, and here i am, shitposting about kids


                                                                      That would mean Vaikiss is exceptionally talented in something and I don't see the problem.

                                                                      Having your child invest his time into something is okay BUT only if you don't deprive him of a proper childhood meaning no friends and shitz like dat.

                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                        kuck fids


                                                                          ^ lol girl


                                                                            @dd yeah i kinda do

                                                                            i got businessman parents who never spent time with me when i was younger i only got showered in money and was always babysited by babysiters 24/7

                                                                            thats why i started gaming when i was like 6-7 years and never stopped so thats like 19 years in a row now #coolstorybro


                                                                              no kids. gf is ok, marrying gf is not.

                                                                              Having a kids is just like carrying a fucking 10 v 10 dota with all ur 9 teammates is pinoy / russian / peruvian. < noffense lol