General Discussion

General DiscussionEG ARTEEZY

EG ARTEEZY in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    "if team x beats team y and then team z beats team x, this doesn't mean that team z > team y"

    No it doesn't but there's a group stage and a long tourny part with best of 3's. If you don't trust they can find the best team from that idk what to tell you. I firmly believe EG was the best team and dunno if breaking up that chemistry is best.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      ^--PPD is eating cheeseburgers off the TI AEGIS right now laughing at you.

      Everytime I use the arrow post get the wrong guy...

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Maybe the chemistry could be better tho I mean in the video ppd doesn't like aui talking all the time . Plus from a skill point artteezy stronger carry than fear and no idea if fear better support than aui but overall skill level on team rose from this mostl likely and magbe more chemistry .

        Last picking is 4 pussies

          Everything makes sense it's just unfortunate for aui.

          If fear needs more medical treatments for arm easier for them to find a 4 position stand in also.


            dafuc is wrong with his arm tho?


              it's been hurting since he got shot in Vietnam


                back in the 60's

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Tennis elbow probably originally god knows what now. What surgery did he have that took him out of last TI?