Alright, jungle Storm doesn't work if your stubborn Zeus goes mid who feeds what a fucking noob I knew a dual lane would be much better than giving him mid
I'll never ever give someone else mid not even if I hit 5k+
i first picked ta all those 6 games and its cool cause they try to counter you with silencer viper veno shit and lose lane EleGiggle and the enemies end up not picking the good meta heroes
i thought xboct was supposed to be the one eating bananas
Apparently, Fly and Fear have six-packs.
fucking lolz xD
this shit is retarded
Alright, jungle Storm doesn't work if your stubborn Zeus goes mid who feeds what a fucking noob I knew a dual lane would be much better than giving him mid
I'll never ever give someone else mid not even if I hit 5k+
I like what Silent is doing.
hahahahah RIp that guy
i just saw fancy guy on the right and alrdy knew its fng and vp, not even the girls from Shauma ads have such a beautiful hair
I could tell from the mono brow
What are shauma ads about?
Shampoo ad
its in a weird language tho
nice image u fuking retard LOl
^i automatically used IMG command for a youtube video
Same shitty voice like in croatia haha
That hair is ridiculous. Impossible.
ty for mmr guide alleeson
ajajajja this ad sounds so retarded triple
ahahha u got lower mmr than me hahaha
i know that bane
actually its good cz we can snipe each other with a very high chance
Playlist for eazy mmr
The images lack character like Dendi :(
But he made complete and accurate Vici Gaming portrait ever :)
ye thx 4 mmr, good hero
i first picked ta all those 6 games and its cool cause they try to counter you with silencer viper veno shit and lose lane EleGiggle and the enemies end up not picking the good meta heroes
When even Ogre Magi has Blink Dagger...
Did you develop infatuation with TA after watching Waga or it has nothing to do with Waga?
@Triple - how the fuck do you lose a FaceIt cup vs 3-4k's? :D Teach me plx
waga dragonfist and the thirst for mmr
had to google infatuation
i dont think they were 3-4ks
Ha-ha. You're a good man.
Well i went to check their in game profiles and all (expect maybe BH who's around 5k) we're low-mid 4k's. Guess it happens.
we had more or less the same average mmr, didnt we. it was only me and afeect out of the actual team roster.
and if we count COMAN's 2.9k solo as his real mmr, then we were far, far behind.
Lmao 2.9k XD
nice mono lol
omg aimstrong ty for adding me on snapchat i look forward to seeing more of your sexy face
lmao where's your snapchat?
Nudes are out
whats your snapchat, I'll send nudes
Here's one for everyone (me at the gym)
snapping_kalvi is my snapchat name, I'm open for all nudes from you guys