this druid is kinda retarded
I went firefly turn 1, turn 2 I went firefly number 2 and the flame ele, turn 3 was bluegill + mark of the lotus, turn 4 patches from hand + savage roar and he conceded.
idek the exact cards/plays but it was nuts.
i inherited wc III from some guy who sold(i think?) his harddrive to my dad without wiping it and then my dad proceeded to put it on my pc or smth and its there for like 7 years already
theres no setup file only the extracted content but i think it will run no prob if i just zip it and u extract it
the only problem is that its 2.5gb so ill have to split it in parts but i can do that just for u <3 <3 <3
also its in russian(script+vo) and idk if u can change it even with third party files
i wish that the worst people on the team stopped trying to advice everyone just so they feel somehow valuable when their calls usually lead to our teamwipes
pick chen because im certain that we lose
still do better than anyone in game, still coordinate monkeys just so they can do exact opposite and die to voker and slark 1 by 1
in the end im blamed because i picked a hero i cant play while they're doing most stupid shit they can
this hit me little too hard
this post is preventing me from being a dick. now how am I supposed to play dota
this druid is kinda retarded
I went firefly turn 1, turn 2 I went firefly number 2 and the flame ele, turn 3 was bluegill + mark of the lotus, turn 4 patches from hand + savage roar and he conceded.
idek the exact cards/plays but it was nuts.
mid-april ladies and gents!
it's snowing here comrade
we had a blizzard this morning and now theres snow all over the place and it keeps falling and it looks like time suddenly went back 4 months
not to mention it looks pretty surreal with some trees having almost grown leaves and the air smelling of spring and winter at the same time
Iz sunny here LUL
its been raining here for 4 days i hope its not going to fucking snow cause i just changed to the summer wheels last week no fkn way im changing back
nah it's just april going crazy. it'll we warm as ever in a few days imo
hopefully so, i packed all my winter clothing away
Me too. Btw guys sc2 is now free to play yey.
it's the original starcraft i believe
Isnt the remastered? The new version?
remastered comes summer, its starcraft 1 but remastered
what u get for free is starcraft 1 + bw, best 2 games ever
btw guys anybody got a decent wc3 crack?
i inherited wc III from some guy who sold(i think?) his harddrive to my dad without wiping it and then my dad proceeded to put it on my pc or smth and its there for like 7 years already
theres no setup file only the extracted content but i think it will run no prob if i just zip it and u extract it
the only problem is that its 2.5gb so ill have to split it in parts but i can do that just for u <3 <3 <3
also its in russian(script+vo) and idk if u can change it even with third party files
downloaded sc this morning feelsFuckinggoodman
anyone up for multiplayer?
i forgot how to play completely but it might be fun
meka got ru version as well shiet
ill dl sc later, does it require the launcher?
im not sure, i already have bnet launcher from overwatch but it seemed to be working without it
i wish that the worst people on the team stopped trying to advice everyone just so they feel somehow valuable when their calls usually lead to our teamwipes
sc1 or 2?
1 i guess. Blizzard is fucking pay2win. Thats why i left heartstone.
sc is not pay to win
i hate old games
Im telling blizzard is generally pay2win. The main 6 games.
what main 6 games
there is no pay2win
theres not pay 2 win in any game
not even hs lolz
blunt playing on tbc private server?? worst tank ive ever encountered
snapchat moroes_boss
Life as a 1 MMR player
Wake up after 1 hour of sleep
Barely conscious
Open up my Nintendo 3DS
Launch Dota 2
Plug in my 2005 Guitar Hero©: Aerosmith© PS2© Edition Guitar Controller©
Wait in queue for 43 minutes
Accept game
Highest MMR is a 105 MMR player named "ptmr :v"
4 people instalock mid, 3 of them playing Slark
1st pick random KOTL takes mid instead
Pick support because Kotl says he's buying Armlet before boots
The first gank at 10:30 results in our offlane spectre to die
Immediately hear a spanish 11 year old child deafeningly screeching into the mic
The chat fills up with jajajajajajaja for 14 minutes
Our Pudge with a Trump profile pic named "Cuck killer" gets into an argument with the other team about Trump
Both afk for the rest of the game, Cuck killer calling him a taco nig*er while the other team says "fuk tump jaja"
3 people start feeding down mid, 2 from the enemy team
Win because the other team was jungling while we got megas
Kotl asks all chat "wtf y creep so big :v" and abandons 8 seconds before we take throne
Nobody says GG just the enemy slark says "puta"
Close DS and try to kill myself again
^Is that legit man sounds so fun.
lets not sam
hurr durr me 4.8k core me good at dota
pick chen because im certain that we lose
still do better than anyone in game, still coordinate monkeys just so they can do exact opposite and die to voker and slark 1 by 1
in the end im blamed because i picked a hero i cant play while they're doing most stupid shit they can
allison come pls
PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
allison come pls
tbc ptr
we can either do 2s/3s or raid kara)
hell ye im down for some 2s/3s
hold on gotta go eat and do some stuff
man this game is kinda cringe i thought it would be like the wolf among us FeelsBadMan
np take ur time, im raiding kara right now and tbh i have no idea how to paly priest in pvp
Hha this video is so funny as a bs player. Btw guys whos the best dota2 meme youtuber?
i coxuldnt buz englisah kezboard because thez didnt have english so i had to buz this crap lol
trying to ban axe like
when do ppl usually get lp after crossing a report treshold? 1 hour? 2 hours?