General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: same amount of record kills as me
    Bad: top played hero sub-50% winrate

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

      Good: Can play Puck and Tinker very good.

      Bad: You have a good winrate but 3 heroes with negative ones in your top list (and Tinker is struggling). Maybe it's time to spam other heroes :)


        Good: Plays supports mostly and has a wide variety of heros above 50%

        Bad: Dazzle (good win % but you can do better!) This for example:

        Soul ring great addition and I treat it as a core. Add in a medallion of courage on your build, and trash mana boots for phase instead. Your shadow wave/poison touch are phys. so your ult and medallion make a better killer out of you, and better support so your heros can kill faster.


          @-hg- Cpt. Caveman
          Actually, that game I bought every single ward and sentry (to counter the sentrys against brood), plus the mek and arcane because nobody was going to make them (yes, we had OD, but his presence was sporadic at best...I mean, look at his assists). We raped the top lane so hard that Slark was forced to go farm somewhere else and leave Veno to defend it. That "somewhere else" was the middle and bottom lane where he got free kills every minute. Yes, that also means that fucking WD "rushed" (it took him half an hour) Aghanims as his first item, refusing to buy any other support item (including the couriers)...scratch that, any USEFUL item (hell, even a Dagon would have been better) and did that despite our team lacking a strong aoe disable for him to use his ulti while he died in 3 secs in teamfights. Slark snowballed from there and because I was a good reason his laning sucked, had a vendetta on me and proceded to focus me in every single teamfight...having no hp items from warding all game and farming the mek didn't help either.

          Guys like that WD is why I don't trust any pub support to do anything correctly, in fact, that's the first game I remember ever telling someone to uninstall Dota2 and jump off a cliff...but don't get me wrong, I've played terribly as Dazzle before, that's just seriosuly not one of those matches, but if you filter Dazzle in my games, you'll find better examples :)

          Next person comment on caveman.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            Good: Fun top heroes especially top two, also good win % on those two.

            Bad: Overall winrate.


              Good: invoker
              Bad: void / timbersaw


                Good: overall winrate and KDA.
                Bad : smurf


                  Good: Nice win rates with your cores, and overall too
                  Bad: So much losses on the records


                    Good: Clinkz winrate and winrate overall
                    bad : Low kda With invo


                      Good: on my friend list
                      Bad: Playing on a smurf


                        Good: Strong hero diversity
                        Bad: Dubious item builds


                          Good: High KDA on all your most played heroes.
                          Bad: Report your entire team for KS


                            Good: Nice Clockwerk.

                            Bad: 10 losses in a row.


                              In my defense those 10 straight losses came during the first 20 matches of my MOBA career. :P

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                Good: Support player

                                Bad: i suppose u'r not good at carrying


                                  I don't rally feel I have earned the right to judge another player, much better than I am. But............

                                  Good: You like Juggernaut, so do I! Your KDA ratio is epic!

                                  Bad: Hmmmm, Hmmmmm, I don't see anything bad!

                                  You must get stuck with some TERRIBLE players for your win rate to be only 51%. You are obviously a skilled player!

                                  TikTok Uncle

                                    Good : Plays viper pretty good

                                    Bad : Wassup with ursa and tiny?

                                    Have a cow

                                      good: nice weaver
                                      bad: lost your match with highest number of kills


                                        Good: dedicated to playing windranger

                                        Bad: everything else!


                                          Good: SF stats
                                          Bad: <50% winrate on Riki :o


                                            Good: WR and zeus.
                                            Bad: OD and low amount of games.


                                              Good: Invoker and SF have a lot of love
                                              Bad: Maybe TA want some more


                                                Good: Great Clinkz and plays a lot with mates
                                                Bad: Pretty Low KDAs on favourite heroes


                                                  Good: Nice winrate with friends
                                                  Bad: Lost a game with 400+ last hits on Faceless Void


                                                    Good: 52% winrate
                                                    Bad: Nature Prophet Picker, rat.

                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                      Good : 52%
                                                      Bad : Rubick winrate/ kda

                                                      @ Colored text

                                                      Fancy Footwork

                                                        Good: Visage
                                                        Bad: 14 lose streak… Ouch!


                                                          Good: Juggernaut, overall winrate
                                                          Bad: Invoker, Pudge.


                                                            good: nice windrunner player... also good kda with zeus and invoker.
                                                            bad: highest XPM GPM extremely low :(


                                                              good: nice dazzle win rate o.O
                                                              bad: 32% win rate voker


                                                                Because I didn't play carry that much:)

                                                                Good: Queen of Pain and Mirana
                                                                Bad: Alchemist stats :o

                                                                Have a cow

                                                                  good: zeus
                                                                  bad: io 38% winrate


                                                                    Good: Skilled Wind Ranger)
                                                                    Bad: one hero picker, Puck and rub stats.

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                      Good: win rate with wd is awesome
                                                                      Bad : low win rate with top your top picks

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        Good: Nice winrate so far
                                                                        Bad: Nothing really bad
                                                                        Reason: not many matches yet


                                                                          Good: Really nice Sniper win rate and KDA
                                                                          Bad: That Viper and Bounty winrate is terrible though

                                                                          SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                                                            Good: 66% WR with Pudge
                                                                            Bad: Bara and NP picker


                                                                              Good: Decent voker / furion
                                                                              Bad: low wr with kotol, not many account games:P

                                                                              nuvole bianche

                                                                                Good: Hate's Russians, Decent Invoker
                                                                                Bad: Sub 50 winrate player.


                                                                                  good: nothing good here
                                                                                  bad: smurf with bad stats


                                                                                    voker wr is less coz i played him many times when i knew shit about the hero... even now i cant play it decently though :P
                                                                                    good:dat slark and invoker kda
                                                                                    bad: too much rat doto(furion, ld, bm) :(

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      good: pudge madskillzz
                                                                                      bad: RIKI!!11


                                                                                        good: too few games, nothing much
                                                                                        bad: too few games, nothing much


                                                                                          good: seems to be good with Invoker
                                                                                          bad: fanboy


                                                                                            Good: Support player with extremely high win rate for one.
                                                                                            Bad: Nothing bad I've seen of you so far.


                                                                                              Good: Rubick = :3

                                                                                              Bad: In the middle of an ugly loss streak.


                                                                                                Good: You play a decent variety of heroes
                                                                                                Bad: You only play AP


                                                                                                  ^ no games
                                                                                                  @ Jussi
                                                                                                  why is it bad being a fanboy:(


                                                                                                    Good: 60% winrate qop
                                                                                                    Bad: winrate


                                                                                                      good: good wr on most player heroes, 4.5k games... holy shit

                                                                                                      bad: almost 20% bara games, also losing streak bigger then winning streak