General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    bad. no 50%? :S
    good: CM SUPPORT =)


      Good: Higher winstreak > Losestreak
      Bad: Centaur


        centaur was rly rly bad - hate that guy

        Good: Many Positions, good winning streak + over 51% Winrate
        Bad: Wtf @ Magnus+Shadow Shaman ?


          Good: Pretty much every role in your most played list and all with good winrates.

          Bad: You are in the middle of an ugly loss streak.


            Good: support player and centaur winnings

            Bad: WR and SD winrate


              Good: BB OP
              Bad: only 250 matches :\


                Good: Invoker - yay - good winrate =)
                Bad: Still many heroes under 20 games + playing pudge - pudge is a shit hero

                NO DIGGITY

                  Good : NP and Dazzle !
                  Bad : Cancer 72% winrate >:(

                  Fancy Footwork

                    Good: U've been winning a lot lately
                    Bad: Pudge 0-7

                    big throws

                      Good: good overall winrate
                      Bad: Furion winrate


                        Good: good kda on top heroes
                        Bad: only 17 more wins than losses, should be alot higher considering your kda/winrates on top heroes.


                          Good: plays a lot of different heroes instead of the same old boring stuff
                          Bad: Forever etched into your top list as an earth spirit picker


                            Good: Nice KDA on top heroes
                            Bad: Tinker with 41%


                              Good: KDRs looks good.
                              Bad: Nature with 47.50%. I smell "Nature Prophet: Let's play Broodmamma!!!"


                                good: plays a mean NP
                                bad: plays NP


                                  good: has over 1000 games
                                  bad: shitty winrate


                                    Good: invoker
                                    bad: shadowfiend


                                      Good: Nice Winrate
                                      Bad: Too much ratdoto!


                                        Good: Exactly 1000 matches played, nice KDA with stormspirit
                                        Bad: No mercy for Kaolin

                                        Lorenzo VI

                                          Good : Winrate is strong and plays supports often
                                          Bad : too few games and high rate could mean a smurf account and enjoys playing venomancer :P

                                          John Matrix

                                            Good: Nyx
                                            Bad: almost 200games with Bs :D


                                              good: a lot supports
                                              bad: no ranking games?


                                                Good: a lot of suppports and wr>50
                                                Bad: Extremely low kda on Bh and Rubick (treant allways have bad kda, and its doesnt matter)


                                                  Good: PLAYS BLOODSUUKKAAAAA :D
                                                  Bad: Veno one of the most played hero, yet not very succesful.


                                                    nice venge
                                                    magnus needs some love

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      good:I wish I had that kda
                                                      bad: too many kills for a support necro


                                                        Good: Winrate on most heroes
                                                        Bad: Total Winrate


                                                          Good: Total Winrate.
                                                          Bad: Winrate on Rubick,puck,tiny etc.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            Good: winrate >50% on all top heroes
                                                            Bad: losing streak > winning streak


                                                              good: nice winrate
                                                              bad: not much... maybe KDA but its most likely supports so its ok


                                                                Good: Winrate- is it bugged? should be around 65%
                                                                Bad: possibly abused matchmaking for winrate?


                                                                  Good: Morph player with good WR
                                                                  Bad: Pudge WR

                                                                  Bone Chilling

                                                                    good: nyx nyx nyx nyx
                                                                    bad: PA deserves more love than that!


                                                                      Good: Nice WR overall
                                                                      Bad: Low KDA on heroes who should have more.


                                                                        Good: Nice KDA's on top heroes and general winrate.
                                                                        Bad: Dat pudge and rubick tho.


                                                                          Good: Nice Nature Prophet
                                                                          Bad: Most played hero low win rate, on pudge also.


                                                                            Good: Guess you can play a great Pudge
                                                                            Bad: Can't say anything about another heroes


                                                                              good:huskar hero damage record *_*
                                                                              bad:axe :/


                                                                                Good: Won your match where you died the most.

                                                                                Bad: But lost the one with your highest hero damage...and probably a smurf account.


                                                                                  Good: Support player. Seems like a good guy to have on your team.

                                                                                  Bad: I don't know how you play that much Treant haha.


                                                                                    Good : High KDA Storm Spirit
                                                                                    Bad : Shadow Shaman


                                                                                      Good: Almost 51% win rate!
                                                                                      Bad: Bara most successful e-e

                                                                                      beyond imaginable

                                                                                        Bad. 48.15%
                                                                                        Good michael skills

                                                                                        nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                          Good :KDAs and winrates
                                                                                          Bad: You usually stick to the recommended build

                                                                                          John Matrix

                                                                                            Good: most carries
                                                                                            Bad: never supports (tiny and drow too)

                                                                                            Sup m8

                                                                                              Good: plays a variety of fun, unique, not-popular heroes.
                                                                                              Bad: plays pugna, Goodness I hate his ward.


                                                                                                Good: nice troll stats; able to play tinker as well.
                                                                                                Bad: bristleback games played = 1 ????? WTF LOL


                                                                                                  LOL SO MANY GAMES ON BRISTEL

                                                                                                  Not only bristle at records
                                                                                                  Pretty one sided plays by you


                                                                                                    Good: All aroung player, thats awesome
                                                                                                    Bad: Lost 3 games at your records :/

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                      Why does everyone keep mentioning my Treant? I haven't played him for 2 months now.

                                                                                                      Good: Nice winrates from Weaver to Clinckz.

                                                                                                      Bad: Negative winrate with your most used hero.