General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    good: IO
    Bad: 25.00% WIN RATE WITH YOUR FRIEND CraBzor !! Holy Shit!!


      Good: Support player
      Bad: SD and DS winrates

      About team m8s, all my friends are 3-3.4k MMR.
      Not the best players.

      Proud Boi

        Good: Pudge picker with slightly more wins than losses. AM (but too few games to be sure)

        Bad: Only 8 Jugger games. Overall win rate. Rubick.


          Good: monohero
          Bad: chose a somewhat weird hero to play


            good: plays a lot of tinker!

            bad: is one of those damn slark + brood pickers that recently appeared

            Fancy Footwork

              Good: 1058GPM
              Bad: Clinkz and brood

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                good: nice jugg winrate and itemchoice on everygame
                bad: NP winrate?

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  good: lone druid%
                  bad: general win%


                    good: created this thread
                    bad: morph isn't shining

                    Donald Duck

                      Good: Mr. Black hole w/r, personally I have 18% even if at the end of the match everyone grats me for the awesome ulti I land.

                      Bad: As a Bh player I can't get your winrate with him


                        Good: you seem like a good roamer, i guess you gank a lot when you don't play carry
                        Bad: bad carry, maybe you have some farming issues, you try to gank with carry or what

                        Donald Duck

                          Good: Rubick as most played, Juggernaut as most successful. Clockwerk is really good too.

                          Bad: Not that good on mid heroes like invoker, Magnus or pudge.

                          I have to reply to your post too: I'm not that bad on farming or lasthitting, but I really can't play carry if I solo Que cause most of the times I get matched with awful supports or wannabe carries. Void & pa winrate is low cause they were the first carries I used in dota, aaand I sucked.


                            Good : Bounty and PL
                            Bad: Winrate, Void,pa and am.. seriously stop trying to carry and try other roles abit :)

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Good: Mid skills. Rubick among top heroes.

                              Bad: Longest loss streak.


                                @►Game Is Hard my account isn't a smurf, I started in August. Thanks for the compliment, what made you think that?

                                Good: Them support skills.
                                Bad: For the amount of kills you have, you don't have enough CS on your carry heroes.


                                  good: new account with pretty solid stats
                                  bad: new account

                                  Chill out ma boy

                                    good : pretty solid stats

                                    bad: 455 cs record sf game and lost.


                                      Bad: Addicted to being a cannibalistic butcher
                                      Good: Morphling


                                        Good: You're on a winning streak!
                                        Bad: I see a recent loss as Luna. :(

                                        Amni くろねこ

                                          Good: Luna win rate
                                          Bad: Lina 46% win rate


                                            Good: offlane, ET Timber ES etc.
                                            Bad: dat pudge and rubick tho.


                                              Good: normal player)
                                              Bad: no

                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                Good: Clockwerk stats
                                                Bad: Bad alchemist i guess


                                                  Good: High winrates on all heroes!
                                                  Bad: Seams you "Main" ember spirit, try experimenting with other heroes


                                                    Good: 14k healing
                                                    Bad: Bad winrate on Enchant, however good kdr.

                                                    Feeder Chan

                                                      Good: Likes to play Support.
                                                      Bad: You more likely to loose with your most play hero than win.

                                                      edit ninja'd
                                                      Good: That record Hero Damage.
                                                      Bad: Not much supports in the top heroes played.

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        good likes to play solo mid
                                                        bad mid or 322


                                                          Good: Dat luna
                                                          Bad: Not EU master race



                                                            Good: All Random #yoloista
                                                            Bad: Morphling 20% winrate


                                                              Good: Top 3 most used heroes.

                                                              Bad: You lost the game where you dealt your highest hero damage.

                                                              Kamado Kun

                                                                good: plays a lot of support, somebody give this guy a medal
                                                                bad: bad win rate with supports as windrunner and sd

                                                                Chuppi Chupps

                                                                  Good: Nyx nyx nyx
                                                                  Bad: So many aliases :O

                                                                  John Matrix

                                                                    Good: support
                                                                    Bad: overall win ratio, and pudge :(


                                                                      Good: Nice support player with a good win ratio / KDA.
                                                                      Bad: Below 50% WR with 2 out of top 3 most played heroes.


                                                                        good: 3 heroes that i dont enjoy playing as on top
                                                                        bad: highest GPM is with alch and too low for an alch top GPM

                                                                        Some Random Stranger

                                                                          good: you have played many games of DOTA
                                                                          bad: It doesn't look like you play support much

                                                                          COYOTE CÓSMICO

                                                                            Good: nice mix of heroes on top, and good wr

                                                                            Bad: I hate Furion.

                                                                            Kamado Kun

                                                                              good: pretty nice win rate with most played heroes
                                                                              bad: not so good overall winrate


                                                                                Good: nyxnyxnyxnyx
                                                                                Bad: nyxnyxnyx (I hate playing against that bug) and overall wr

                                                                                Bone Chilling

                                                                                  Good: great tinker stats
                                                                                  Bad: so-so records

                                                                                  brastealer  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                    good : dazzle / drow wr and picks some rarely picked heroes
                                                                                    bad : most prolly the kinda of pudge i dunwan in my team 50% wr and hogs mid Kappa

                                                                                    Bone Chilling

                                                                                      good: i'm envious of your cm and elder titan stats
                                                                                      bad: no 1k+ gpm record with alchemist being one of your favorite heroes

                                                                                      PS: I'm not a big fan of the middle lane as pudge, and tend to pick a lane according to the opponents pick,really love to start off on a lane with a carry-semi carry and then leave him for ganks with boots and dusts as early as possible ^^


                                                                                        Good: High KDR on morphling
                                                                                        Bad: Lost longest game


                                                                                          Good: 41 Kills with Luna
                                                                                          Bad: Spirit breaker and Riki picker


                                                                                            Good: Won a lot lately.
                                                                                            Bad: Nature, Riki, Lifestealer, Mirana, Spirit Breaker, Rubick and Bloodseeker picker. SUKA BLYAT NUB

                                                                                            Flow ~

                                                                                              Good: Very good player, played over 2500 games and has some nice records.
                                                                                              Bad: Lost his last match. :(


                                                                                                Good: 5 Win Streak. Good for you :P

                                                                                                Bad: <50% Win Rate D:


                                                                                                  Good: likes supporting.
                                                                                                  Bad: No friends :(.

                                                                                                  Edit: ninja'd

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა