General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    Good: good supp
    Bad: hard carry


      Good: Unusual top heroes.
      Bad: Records a bit low, and SF / BH need a bit of love.

      Bad Intentions

        Good: looks like a challenging enemy, a veteran invoker, knows how to play omni
        Bad: ur top heroes are the ones i usually destroy, bad for you if we meet


          Good: nice slard, still spamming him :)
          Bad: No Meepo :( At least play him once!


            Good: Decent performance considering you probably havent played DotA 2 for more than half a year or so
            Bad: Go play ranked!


              good> very good in overall stats
              bad > it seems you stack too much


                G: Good, consistent mid player

                B: Poor, poor Meepo

                Bad Intentions

                  good: top winrates on a couple of heroes
                  bad: few games, still starting? need more games played


                    Good: Seems to be on a slardar bender and a win streak
                    Bad: Don't you get bored with slardar ?


                      G: dat kda with PL
                      very good KDA with all your top heroes actually!
                      B: your CK :D


                        Good: Very nice POTM stats
                        Bad: Your Rubick needs some work

                        Max Best

                          Good: Meepo kda and lycan win rate
                          Bad: No Phoenix :( At least play him once!

                          Hex Sigma

                            Good: meepo
                            bad: very few heroes played overall, try to expand your hero pool


                              good: zeus
                              bad: wk <50

                              SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM

                                good; winrate is high than 50
                                bad; pick invoker and mid or feed


                                  Good: Phoenix I guess?

                                  Bad: Confused with your name. Pinoy pride then fuck pinoys? Lol?

                                  And why are you intentionally losing games? As wisp? (If that's not intentionally losing...I don't know what is) What's your MMR now? Lol. Your overall performance seems pretty bad.


                                    Good: plays rubick... i suck as rubick :\ and ET KDA is so good :O
                                    Bad: you suck with carries :P
                                    anyways good support player! (y)


                                      bad : OPPA DENDI, WHY SO UNDERPERFORMED RIGHT NOW? :(

                                      GUD : hope oppa dendi pick pudge in ti4


                                        Good: Dat best win streak
                                        Bad: So many invis heroes

                                        Bad Intentions

                                          good: nice avatar, good winrates, interesting wr on most heroes.
                                          bad: squishy top heroes, few games, i eat ur top heroes for bfast :]

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            Good: Slardarrr!!!
                                            Bad: Your Slardar gpm could use improvement.

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              good: ahhh a very green account, 21 wins on necro, great wr on him too.
                                              bad: only 32 games played..


                                                Good: Seems dominant in games even when game is lost.
                                                Bad: Very low hero diversity.


                                                  Good: Mappo player! #respect _/\_ Dat highest last hit record with Mappo :O :O
                                                  Bad: tinker wr and highest kills kinda low...


                                                    good: nice dazzle winrate over a large number of games
                                                    bad: stereotypical top 2 played


                                                      good : nice winrate so far
                                                      bad: few games


                                                        Good: V-God and all that comes with that.
                                                        Bad: How can you say something bad about a god?

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          good: who is in your avatar?! i like avatar. ok good wr on lich.
                                                          bad: EU server, not really the top of the line league.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                          Bag stealer

                                                            good: Your slardar wr / build / kda on heroes..
                                                            bad: I dont see sapports :c


                                                              Good: Nice current streak. Decent IO player
                                                              Bad: Clearly a good player. Should start playing Captains Mode/Draft (Clasping at straws here!)

                                                              Bag stealer

                                                                omg mappo (actually i know how to play him but its like... going full meepo)

                                                                good: great meepo player and kda's on more than 5 heroes (with some nice ammount of games)
                                                                bad: cant play io for shit t-t

                                                                For Selling Mayonaise!

                                                                  Good: Nice io player and good win streak going
                                                                  Bad: No sheepstick on Tinker, and not amazing winrate

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    G: Undefeated Axe so far
                                                                    B: GPM averages are all below 500


                                                                      Good : nice pudge
                                                                      Bad : Losing streak > Winning streak
                                                                      Plays Rat
                                                                      Bad invoker
                                                                      Low Games Played


                                                                        Good: You seem to have mastered a lot of heros
                                                                        Your Viper win%!

                                                                        Bad: Pudge Kda and gpm.


                                                                          Good : Not sure yet, too new acc, maybe necro?
                                                                          Bad : probably a smurf


                                                                            Good: Everything, would love to have your win% when I ever get that number of games oO
                                                                            Bad: Errr....Dunno

                                                                            Mostly commenting to say thanks for the compliment saying Im a smurf :P I played HoN and am actually new at Dota 2 (which is why I try to learn a few easier heroes properly while I get into the game), but most heros have the same mechanics in both games, just different names ;)

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              G: Switching to DotA 2 from HoN (I played dota 1, then HoN, then DotA 2 and got called a smurf, too haha)
                                                                              B: Try to get away from getting S&Y on Necro lol


                                                                                bad : hon doto best doto

                                                                                gud : fucking large pool hero

                                                                                Bag stealer

                                                                                  good: omg your winrate and timber... timber is such a bs hero c:

                                                                                  bad: idk... seen your heroes too... really good player


                                                                                    good: on a nice winstreak
                                                                                    bad: winrate and almost only tinker last week?

                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                      Good: High no. of games, veteran player, supporter
                                                                                      Bad: Bad games tend to be really bad, squishy top heroes, u wont like me when we match up i love eating squishies :]


                                                                                        Good: A very nice w/l ratio over the last few days.

                                                                                        Bad: Maybe you could mix up the hero(es) you play a bit :).

                                                                                        お Knight を

                                                                                          Good: Good agi carry player, good KDA

                                                                                          Bad: Has a Military Rank Quirk, refuses to play ranked

                                                                                          nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                                            Good: plays nice supports
                                                                                            Bad: invo picker:D


                                                                                              G: dat 17-0 slark
                                                                                              B: your AM record :(


                                                                                                good: nice winrate on mirana and es (btw i hate good miranas >.<)
                                                                                                bad: highest kills quite low as is highest gpm!


                                                                                                  G: Your seem quite good with your namesake hero

                                                                                                  B: That is way too much Pudge for one person 0_0


                                                                                                    Another ex-hon player here (shame this acc was 21-29, wouldve had a better win% :>)!
                                                                                                    Good: decent KDA on beefy carries
                                                                                                    Bad: weak records for 1k games (25 kills max?)

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა