General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    good: icarus dive!, general wr, can play shaman
    bad: u stack with friends that give u negative wr! leave them! D:


      Good: spammin dat slardar
      bad: slark wr


        Good: Nice Invoker, good winrate and KDA on Qop of pain.

        Bad: You lost your highest hero damage game.

        Mu Cephei

          Good: Support player
          Bad: Necro winrate offends me D:


            Bad : sadkotl

            Gud : descendent of necrophos.

            EZ money ez life.


              Good: Nyxnyxnyxnyx.
              Bad: I don't like Weaver 8C


                Gud: better pucker than me

                Bad : weaver is good weaver is life.

                Hex Sigma

                  Good: wr and overall stats
                  bad: y u no play support more?


                    bad : sadbois

                    gud : ask me to play support more


                      good: winrate
                      bad: on dat lose streak :<


                        Good that pa over 50% i love the hero but man i just cant bring my self to play her its just not fair to my team most of the time!

                        Bad your a pudge picker :( HOW CAN YOU PUT YOUR TEAM THROUGH THAT SHIT MAN HES SO USELESS INA REAL GAME D:

                        Also, i request if anyone does mine ignore clinkz im very aware of mine and his relationship especially lately where my team has let me down tremendously when i played him...

                        bum farto

                          Good: Decent stats on most of the top heros.

                          Bad: ( Gonna do a little summary here)

                          Looking over your games and heroes I can see a very strong safe lane carry or support. Continuing to look through I can see that most of your mid/offlane heroes are a mess (clinkz :P) and this tells me that you are not so reliable when it comes to winning your lane unless you have some one else with you. I am not a mid player nor a very good carry except on some heroes, sometimes it is better to accept that some positions aren't for you instead of trying to power teach yourself to play something you aren't 100% comfortable nor good at doing.

                          .....just a thought.


                            @Havoc summary, how r u gonna get better if you're not trying,-

                            Good: Experienced player
                            Bad: Dunno, don't have anything bad against this guy, however his Ember Spirit seem to suck :d


                              Good: amount of games
                              Bad: Medusa in ranked

                              bum farto

                                @SOEASY because I feel that you're wasting your time at playing something that isn't suited to your play style. Always play to your strengths.

                                Good: All-rounded, stable player.
                                Bad: I never bump into him in games much only in LP queue :( maybe also his love of brood and slark.

                                ♫♫ I walk the Bogi road the only one that I have ever known, don't know how to roam, with slark and brood with me I'll solo own ♫♫
                                (Sing to boulevard of broken dreams)

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Bad Intentions

                                  good: slightly above avg top heroes, veteran
                                  bad: major stacker, but wins games anyway


                                    good:spamming slardar with nice wr.
                                    bad: avarage winrate below 50%.


                                      Good : Nice winrate on most top heroes
                                      Bad : OD winrate when its one of the easiest hero to win lane


                                        Good: Very nice midlaners stats. Plays Rubick

                                        Bad: Rubick below 50% wr despite your very good global winrate :(


                                          Good: Applause to a support player
                                          Bad: some people might say lich and cm are easy hero


                                            Good: Good overall stats on most of your top heroes.

                                            Bad: RNGsus is not with you.

                                            Also, what are you talking about? EVERY hero in my top list is an easy hero :P


                                              Good: I might get a mek on any of your most played heroes
                                              Bad: It isn't that good to play so much support actually. Try more mid/carry heroes, it'll be a new experience plus improve your support play


                                                good: a banana
                                                bad: idk


                                                  Good: seems like a good Invoker player,
                                                  Bad: but plays Pudge too.


                                                    Good: Quite a versatile hero pool, seem to have a thing for mid?
                                                    Bad: Not the best winrate on your top heroes. (Looking through your matches you it looks like you haven't played many of them very frequently as of late)


                                                      Good: Mixes up heroes Nice :)
                                                      Bad: play some normal game not only rank have some fun :D

                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                        Good: Very interesting KDA on PL
                                                        Bad: Why not play ranked?


                                                          Good: You get a hero you stick to it :)
                                                          Bad: Mix it up :)
                                                          And about ranked dunno why i don't play, mainly cause i don;t care about scores and stuff :)


                                                            Good : You play a good carry
                                                            Bad : You only play carry, most of your heroes with 10-20 games played have very low winrates. Try to mix it up with a couple supports, not just hard carries and mids :P

                                                            Kapitan Timba

                                                              Good: Good winrate and KDA with Invoker
                                                              Bad: needs to play more shadow shaman :P

                                                              Yeezy duz it

                                                                Good: Good winrate and KDA with ss
                                                                Bad: needs to play less everything else :P


                                                                  Good : Nice winrate on top heroes
                                                                  Bad : overall winrate


                                                                    good: nice overall winrate
                                                                    bad: aa winrate

                                                                    TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

                                                                      Good: Nice KDAs with best heroes

                                                                      Bad: Instapick Invoker?

                                                                      nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                                                        Good: KDAS and winrates on top heroes
                                                                        Bad: Pheonix abuser


                                                                          good: almost 50% wr
                                                                          bad: dat ta

                                                                          John Matrix

                                                                            Good: invo
                                                                            bad: basically doesnt support, ever


                                                                              Good: D-d-DAZZZZZLE. Actually you have generally good WR on your top heroes (Except for the 2. Idk if you troll with those heroes or something but yeah)

                                                                              Bad: Dat shadow shaman though :( (And your ogre and nyx) Could possibly work on having a bigger variety of supports in your pool and not just limited to a few.

                                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                                good: rubick(not everyone can play him properly)
                                                                                bad: only 18 kills on record, start ksing more :D

                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  good: new player, good starting kdas, zues
                                                                                  bad: still learning the ropes, too green, play more games


                                                                                    Good: winning tons of ranked games on slardar
                                                                                    Bad: umm, luna wr


                                                                                      Good: Pudge and CM winrates. Especialy the former O: Rare to find that.

                                                                                      Bad: You only have above 50% winrate with one of your friends this month.


                                                                                        good: support :) wr, kda's
                                                                                        bad: u need more love to necrophos


                                                                                          very good winrates, but its good to play support sometimes 8D


                                                                                            Bad : dont know how to play in this thread

                                                                                            Gud : no cookie for u


                                                                                              Good: 72% wr on lycan
                                                                                              Bad: Shamefull 26% wr on puck


                                                                                                Good: nice invoker win% after 500 games gj
                                                                                                bad: play smth else


                                                                                                  Good: Wow, almost all mosteplayed 60%
                                                                                                  Bad: You make me feel n00b.


                                                                                                    Bad : dont be shy

                                                                                                    Gud : super supreme pls.

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      good: interesting wr on timber
                                                                                                      bad: oh that losing streak, rage