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135 კომენტარი

    i think quas wex invoker work preety good against wr,
    idk i just win 2 games against wr with this.

    she cant run from tornadooooo, haha.
    but im not sure whether tornado dispel windrun.

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
    [N]uMb [S]oUL

      Idk why she should be nerf?
      Are u playing vs windranger?
      Just u need an orchid or any silencer hero to counter her.
      Why nerf?

      Wrath of GOD

        masturbaman has a very good idea, by nerfing the base damage by 4-6, we will see abusers stop picking her. I remember when they did the same to invoker. I went from seeing invoker every game to seeing him every 10-20 games


          Y. Shackle disjoint and here we are


            Nerf?nerf that alchemist,fking 1k gpm every match


              You people forget that to land a perfect shackleshot you need to be in a good position and sometimes it's dangerous for WR. A missed shackleshot is a crappy stun that sometimes puts WR in a compromised position. I don't agree with a nerf, you nerf shackleshot and you get a very weak hero again

              Agent Doge

                how about reove windrun evasion or movement speed.evasion+movement speed is just ridiculous.
                and yeah shackleshot turn it from point and click to skillshot maybe

                Witch Doctor Livesey

                  Definitely doesn't. The buffs may have been over the top because (as per usual) of idiots refusing to notice how strong the hero is, but please don't touch her, like you do with every other hero, casting them into oblivion.


                    I felt the whole article was completely focused on the wrong question. She clearly doesn't deserve a nerf. The facts that are stated in the article support this. She has a crappy win rate in both pub and pro matches. In pro matches, her pick/ban rate isn't near 100%. She's nowhere near the level of lina/lesh.
                    I think what should be asked is whether windranger needs to be *reworked* because, as you mentioned, people say it's not fun to play against this hero. This is a *much* more relevant and interesting question.

                    It seems like the main reason people think windranger needs to be changed is because of her shackleshot + aghs ult combo. I can see why the shackleshot stun is not fun. It's a 3.75 second stun if it lands, and it can land with really weird angles. That coupled with aghs ult is basically a guaranteed kill. On the other hand, there are tons of ways you can survive the shackleshot+aghs ult combo. There could be a support that can stun/disable windranger or protect you with like a force staff or glimmer cap. Also, believe it or not, you can avoid the full 3.75 second stun in some cases with good reaction time and positioning. Finally, if windranger has gone for the aghs build she is turning herself into a limited carry role. She has to itemize for damage, but she can only do significant damage while using her ult. The CD on her ult is long enough that you'll only ever get it off at most twice in a teamfight. So she becomes a carry with some gaping weaknesses.
                    I would also like to remind people that this is dota, not league of legends. There are many overpowered abilities if used correctly, like enigma ult. I see windrunner's combo comparable to riki's cloud + diffusal blade combo or clinkz strafe + orchid combo. They're designed to take down a single hero quickly. But do riki or clinkz need to be reworked? Those heroes also have weaknesses. Also, I don't think the annoyingness is comparable to pre 6.85 techies level of annoyingness.

                    TL;DR: The stats show that windranger doesn't deserve a nerf. The question is not whether windranger should be nerfed, but whether she should be reworked. Windranger shackleshot + aghs ult seems to be the main reason people think windranger needs to change. But her combo is just as annoying as riki and clinkz combo are and not as annoying as pre-6.85 techies mines. Also, if you look at the bigger picture, you see that she has some large weaknesses if she goes for this particular annoying build which is why it's just annoying and not overpowered.

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                      She has poor initial stats (her base damage at level one is 44-56). It's the first time that people are seeing Windranger played as a core and not as a support. It's so easy to say "NERF THAT B1TCH!", "SHE'S BROKEN/OP" and not even try to counter the hero as I stated in the second page and in a forum post.


                        dont nerf her buff other heroes. this meta is balanced


                          Windranger doesn't deserve a nerf at all.What she needs is ARCANA.


                            AS every hero as wr can be counter. With pugna I ate wr on dinner.

                            Yves Saint Dushman
                              კომენტარი წაიშალა
                              Wrath of GOD

                                The hero isnt broken but it is "annoying". Theres no worse feeling than being a poor support in a windranger game.

                                I also feel that people find it frustrating that wr now requires much less skill to land her shackleshot. I remember playing her before the shackleshot change and it felt like you had to be in a direct line with your enemy and a tree/2nd enemy for the shot to latch and also the target had a chance to react.

                                I think the best way to deal with WR is to either to lower the base damage so scrubs find it harder to lane with her or to increase the shackleshot difficulty (Just change it back to how it was before or something). Either of these changes will separate the scrubs who get lucky shots and the players who are actually good with her.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Disjoint shackleshot and its stun mechanism, sometimes u dont need straight to land a stun its op af


                                    She is really OP and need nerf- for example in fight sniper vs. WR, she can go through the creeps, stand next to the tower, catch sniper and use ultimate on him and kill him without get any dmg. This is ridiculous. If she got a desolator it would be over for enemy team. Only one item...
                                    For example clinkz is very slow, sniper is squishy, every character has bad things, but WR has everything - escape ability, best stun, long powershot, and that freaking ultimate, where she can melt tower or hero (ALONE) in seconds.
                                    Nerfing her is very good idea.


                                      Nerf shackle: disjointable and maybe stun to 1.5 2 2.5 3 (or less effect).
                                      Nerf (and maybe minor buff) windrun: No longer slows nearby enemies, maybe have eva from 100 to 75 or something and/or have speed boost go from 50% to 60% (or haste but thats too op)
                                      Powershot is considered weak for me tho, maybe a rework: more dmg for more channel time, and maybe have minor nerf reducin dmg for trees.
                                      Ulti? well... nerf dmg, buff other stuff, or the other way around (100% dmg too op when aghas tho so nerf dmg more prefered)

                                      This is what i'd do if i was icefrog

                                      Felissie Fenessa

                                        "But with Techies, Dota became two different games: one was Dota and the other was Minesweeper."
                                        I laughed so hard and I nearly fell from my chair.


                                          She is fine. IceFrog will buff some certain heroes next patch and then WR will be forgotten.

                                          Aestival Iuvenis Venerati

                                            Disjoint broken shackle and good to go


                                              "disjointable schackle and onward." +

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                People hate her cus of the randomness of shackle, which doesn't mean she is op. It's like when PA crits you four times in a row or spirit breaker bashes you to death. It's not op but the streakyness of it drives you nuts.

                                                So here's what I propose, don't nerf shackle, change it. I would make it stun a single target for 1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds. If a second hero is within 400 range (might need tweaking) it will shackle them together for the same duration. Now it's not random, aside from if you're in range of more than 1 hero how it decides whom to shackle, but no more bullshit lineups, can't hook you to creeps, is less powerful when it lands but it is still useful for a single target and more reliable.

                                                Another option would be make it like a meepo or naga net. Don't make it a stun, make it point target, make it a strong root. I think that actually suits the heroes playstyle quite nicely while still giving people a chance to dodge it and defend themselves.


                                                  i don't think windranger needs to get nerfed its still have a lots of counters like daggered wk with blade mail and lc with blademail and lots of it . The windrangers win rate is not good as doom or leshrak or sniper bloodseeker of other metas . so please don't nerf the hero. :)

                                                  Freddie Mercury

                                                    I dont think wr should be nerved. Maybe valve should think to nerve huskar ult to disjoint

                                                    Lester, Moe

                                                      Revert WR to how she was back in 6.75 or thereabouts and she will be fine.


                                                        disjointable and pls fix those crazy shackling ANGLES - there is not future for DOTA with such crap-shooting WRs throwing their shackles hopin for luck and 90% of time - actually GETTING it...


                                                          I think that a disjointable shackle would be a way too big nerf for her... I'd rather a nerf about the range of the latch to be reduced with 100-150 range and the latched target to be stunned half the time for the time on the one infront of it.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            Shackleshot should be disjointable and her windrun dispellable with purge. There are even some strong ultimates that can be purged and not... windrun...
                                                            Everything else in her kit seems fine, I dont mind if she is buffed even more.

                                                            Sansa Stark

                                                              OMG THIS HERO FUKIN RETARDED, FUKIN SHACKLE SO OP PLZ NERF IT AND KEEP SHITTING ON HIM


                                                                Cry more, she deserves a buff.


                                                                  Shackle is broken other than that shes fine


                                                                    HER CAMELTOE NEED TO BE REMOVED AND ALSO THAT CUP F SIZE. ITS TOO PROVOCATIVE SHIT.

                                                                    Erase Humanity

                                                                      Windginger is so annoying when you want to finish her and all of a sudden runs and jukes.