-Can give +6 armor to ally
-Can reduce enemy armor by 6
-passively grants 5 armor and 1.5 mana regen
-costs 1k gold
Also, armor changes in the range of 0-14 give you highest value.
So a -12 armor reduction is a nice buff to her offensive kit as a support.
Sounds like a fairly good item for her kit. But, never played venge so no clue, if there are better items for her.
Does that item even exist anymore?! I stopped playing support alch because they removed the item! Did you mean Solar Crest?
It's good on every support pretty much. It's mana regen, armor, and assistance in killing, which is what supports want. Of course cause it can be upgraded to Solar crest which is, in essence, a very support item. They probably made the Pavise go into solar crest to reduce redundancy in the two items being so similar.
it doesnt exist anymore, maybe go play some dota instead of talking in dotabuff forums if you dont know even that
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Why is medallion of courage is good on venge? she already has armor reduction and I cant see how it would synergise with any of her other abilities...