General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp! urgent!

Help! urgent! in General Discussion

    Hello guys i know this sounds uncool to some of you people. Im 8.3k mmr im 15 years old and right now? im having a hard time financially because my mom is in the hospital she has brain cancer and she needs my help. All i can do to help my mom is to boost accounts which i never have done yet but i know im capable of because of my skill. Anyone willing to get boosted? coached? or buy my smurfs account? really need help no talk sht guys this is the only i can do for my mom im doing a cashier right now but it wasnt enough to pay the bills pls help

    another day in paradise

      or just get a job?


        trust me, your earnings from cashier is way higher than boosting.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          This is not the place to look for money.
          Instead of wasting time here, do multiple part time jobs, they will easily earn you way more than any dota related stuff.


            i have ajob which is a cashier in a simple store pays less honestly im in a poor country thats why im trying here


              You are essentially asking ppl on random stranger to pay you to ruin the game? I know you are 15 and still unaware.
              But, no one likes someone that decides to ruin others for their own good.

              Find more jobs, there are ppl that work 3 jobs, to live a normal life.

              Also, if my family member was admitted in hospital with cancer and I was short on money, I sure as hell wouldn't be wasting my time playing dota for 3-4 hours.


              Just saw this, you sure your mom is dying from cancer?


                I will buy one account, boost me pls


                  You do realize that what you're doing < blank > is against the game's rules.

                  another day in paradise

                    guys he is obv trolling

                    for some reason some people in these forums dont seem to realize that the whole forum and all the posts are literally just trolling and shitposting


                      ^ I don't think Trolling starts with "my mom has cancer". If it does, the I guess I've been away from social media for too long.
                      I guessed, this is just a immortal dota player, who wants to make quick cash.