General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this the right way to climb mmr?

Is this the right way to climb mmr? in General Discussion
Rusty Ken

    Hi guys recently I’ve been spamming a few heroes that worked for me to climb mmr, most notably, sniper or tinker mid, or snapfire 4, 5 and it seemed to work really well (esp sniper and tinker mid). My question is, let’s say I do manage to climb a significant amount, do I actually deserve the mmr I’ve climbed up till? Or will it bite me back in the ass later.


      What's the purpose of your climb?
      What you plan to do once you reach the xxxx amount of mmr?

      Answer those and you get your answer.


        swag up brother


          @tv/adgoku24 idiot legend


            40% win rate smurf said something?


              just enjoyer

              Keipybara (Sarcastersm)

                abusing tinker is never good for your real skill


                  Hello, I would like you to help me with my problem to raise mmr, I think that I am a good carry because I farm very fast, I try not to die a lot, I fight intelligently, I always have objectives, besides that my net value at 20 min most of the time is 10K+, but in most of my games the game pairs me with too toxic players who steal my farm, use their abilities to make me die, cover neutral fields with wards and do many things, despite that I try to play better, Even if I'm the only one who wants to win, I don't give up and try to win, the maximum I've become is Legend III but I've fallen too low for those reasons. Drow ranger is my best hero that I control perfectly but besides her in case she gets banned I have five more carrys that I can use very well.
                  When I run out of games for the role queue I play support that I master many heroes for that role and for off and mid too. so, Any advice to raise my mmr?


                    ^ just get good.
                    Your skills reflect your mmr.


                      there is no "worth mmr or not"
                      if you are able to climb constantly, without cheats or boost, then you deserved it
                      tinker is kinda scummy but, a climb is a climb

                      another day in paradise

                        What the fuck is this question


                          just spam 3 heroes maximum, one support, 2 core

                          rice farmer

                            once you reach your peak MMR, you buy a smurf and repeat the process until you finally get a life, have a job, get a wife and have kids. then you download mobile legends and play that on your ipad because games are short and since you have an annoying ass wife that always wants you to spend money on shit. then you get fucked when she divorces you for her bull named tyrone and you jerk off to anime porn while paying child support and getting your wages garnished while you live out the rest of your wagecuck life

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              ^^that sounds way to specific, like someone is speaking from a very tragic experience. xD

                              rice farmer

                                couldn't be me, I don't have kids, but my wife plays mobile legends and I play that with her sometimes. we aren't going to be having kids until I'm 40 and she's 35 because all my friends have kids and they are miserable ( 12 more years for me i'm 28, she's 23)

                                also i have big penis like tyrone so she will never leave me

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  ^^ Good for you

                                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                      drink vodka play dotka


                                        Rusty Ken.
                                        No matter how hard you try, there are always players (like me) who just play for fun and not learn how to be better. That's why you should consider playing with friend or two. With such coordination you have higher chances to win comparing to team with 4 completly strangers. That is my advice. I Hope I helped. Good luck with climb!


                                          git gud


                                            as long as you are focusing on improving AS A PLAYER in both macro and micro contexts your climb is fine. i have personally had experience with this kind of thing from climbing out of guardian 1 with a single hero, and then getting stuck in crusader for a while. i had abused the fact that many 1k players didnt exactly know how to deal with the heroes i was playing, but my general knowledge of the game wasn't improving. i took a lot of time to learn more about the game and pretty quickly got out of crusader.

                                            tinker plays differently than most heroes. i personally would suggest playing a more well-rounded mid hero that plays the map in somewhat of a more traditional way. you may hit a wall at a certain point where you win lane with mechanical skill, but lose game due to macro since there might be a knowledge gap.

                                            but at the end of the day -- it doesn't matter -- play what you find fun and is successful.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              hey daddy, ur photo make me horny
                                              do u have snapchat?
                                              im bi :*


                                                Abusing Tinker is the cheesiest way to climb MMR. However, once he gets patched/nerfed you'll fall right back down, so yes, it will come bite you back if you just abuse Tinker, as he's insanely broken.


                                                  spam a support that can farm jungle and rush guardian greaves, still op after nerf
                                                  make sure your team have 1 greave carrier, you can go for upgraded drum, wraith pact, or pipe if there is already greave carrier
                                                  make sure not taking away carries farm while farming as support
                                                  if you dont wanna buy regen on lane, at least go pulls and stacks and farm jungle, dont steal laner xp if you arnt contributing to trading on lanes, instead of afk suck xp, just go jungle and stack for your team, or you can just clear it using cm or jakiro ult
                                                  if you cant contributing to early fights, ignore them, dont tp into random early fight if it is far, just accelerate your greaves timing and join fights after greaves
                                                  try to stay near your teammates while you get greaves or pipe while farming, be ready for random teamfights in pubs
                                                  early game, soak any lane xp if your laner goes jungle, roam, or dies
                                                  dont go warding alone in your jungle when the whole area is dark, you will feed, unless there are enemies show on opposite side of map,
                                                  always have at least 1 sentry in bag, its free gold if you see enemy warding on the map
                                                  be creative on warding spot, dont always ward same high ground that get deward instantly unless it is just before a fight start on that area or when your team is occupying that area, it saves you gold. a simple way is you can check your sentry ward range on popular cliff ward spot, and put the obs slightly out of range of sentry vision while there are no enemy vision on you.

                                                  just spam any heroes that can carry guardian greaves before next patch, still op after nerf

                                                  Plz ask your carry go to farm triangle and enemy safelane if you are behind and your safelane tower is down, stop going safelane or you gonna feed. stop trying to deward your safelane or you gonna feed. spam ping your carry ask him go to enemy safelane or your triangle to farm. ward enemy safelane. unless enemy back to their safelane, never go into your safelane jungle to deward, or you gonna feed. if your team is still weak, stop contest your safelane vision, go enemy safelane instead, dont fight. ask your team to mirror your opponent movement while behind. enemy at your safelene, ask your team farm enemy safelane, enemy back to defend, your team goes back to safelane jungle and you can start dewarding enemy wards on your safelene. PLEASE JUST AVOID GOING TO YOUR SAFELANE JUNGLE IF YOUR TEAM IS BEHINND AND YOUR SAFELANE JUNGE IS COMPLETELY DARK ON EARLY MID GAME UNLESS YOU SEE ENEMY ON OPPOSITE SIDE, IF YOUR CARRY DONT LISTEN TO YOU, FK HIM, LET HIM FEED, DONT TP IN AND FEED YOUR WHOLE TEAM TO ENEMIES


                                                    some tips when your team is ahead
                                                    if your team is ahead and have nothing to do when the time is 20+ mins, spam ping rosh, ward high ground near rosh and ask your team to rosh, especially after your team caught 1 or 2 enemy heroes


                                                    occupying either top side or bottom side of the map is enough, not recommended to farm all 3 lanes, theres chance enemy can catch one of you off guard. you dont need to afraid of such things as enemy late game are stronger, they are pressured under tower and just cant farm. your team farming 2 lanes and jungle while enemy team can only farm one lane. plz get guardian geaves so your team can stay healthy and keep occupying an area.