what exactly he is so good at? I have never played him
should I stay with my carry all the time in jungle? (then he gets half xp)
Your objective is to give your safelaner a free lane. You should pay attention to when to leave him alone to stack camps, when to stay around to save him. In most of the case, wisp + 1 will dominate the lane due to heavy amount of healing + attack speed bonus.
When it comes to mid game, you should think who is your main key play at that time and try to run with him (not directly, in-direct, either wait for him to join and positioning to tether and overcharge or save him from dying).
I know holy locket is better to rush for wisp, but I do not know how to use it effectively yet, hence, most of the time, I go for men. Remember, your opponent will tend to kill you first, thus, get some decent item (bracer (bonus strength), raindrops (blocking magic damage), glimmer, ghost).
Last, wisp's shard is very good, always go for it. You may lose some matches (as I am right now), but you will improve your positioning as a support when playing wisp, pretty sure about that.
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Pick Wisp as pos 5 guys, so broken in this meta