General Discussion

General DiscussionHave FREE Covid tests "stopped" in your area?

Have FREE Covid tests "stopped" in your area? in General Discussion

    About a month ago, I could not find any covid test appointments at a CVS or Walgreens. Even still, today, I am having problems finding covid test centers. All I can find are at-home test kits, which are good, but not 'official' tests.

    Makes me wonder if they've stopped testing in some areas. Also, would it be far-fetched to think that they are transitioning to a new 'home test kit' model? I mean, that's a good money maker right there. Get people used to testing for covid, for free, then once they are used to getting tested, remove the test centers and then increase the supply of 'at home test kits' and then charge $20 per test. Infinite money glitch.

    I call their help line, all I get is 'if you don't see an appointment, then it's not available from some call center. I find it very hard to believe there's not a single covid test appointment within 100 miles of myself when I'm right next to a major city.

    I can get them through my medical provider, but not through a walk-in facility like it used to be. Guess they realized they could be making a lot more money? I also have insurance, and I used to tell the walk-in facilities that I did not have insurance, just so it would be free.


      In Italy there's even 2 hour long queues to get tested, in you want to book an appointment to a private clinic you will have to wait weeks if not a month before they find a free spot, if there's any to begin with, and I've started seeing home test kits sponsored on fb by some shops. I guess it's because the situation is unsustainable. Fun to see idiots psychotically run away from the flu and lose their minds over the absurd tyrannical system they've been following for 2 years. People need IQ tests not flu tests

      another day in paradise

        No, we still get free tests here where I live.

        Its actually so funny watch you conspiracy theorists go off xdd


          Lmao wait until communism will be the final variant and you won't icsdee anymore

          another day in paradise

            Cant wait for the communism variant ;)


              Conspiracy theories ? In Poland where I live, everything works normally. We party every week, restaurants are open, you can go wherever you want, do whatever you want. Even if you dont wear mask indoors there is barely anyone that will tell you anything and guess what ? We all live :D Ofc some people die but its more because or shi** medical care system and corupted hospitals. Even stomach ache pandemy would put weight on our system.

              You know why restrictions are so mild in our coutry ? Because we didint let it happen by forseeing changes. We knew covid passports would be implemented 1 year ago, where it was conspiracy theory.

              We still had communism 32 years ago and people are in a large percent resistant to propaganda. Majority of people can easily spot things that makes sense and things dont that are only directed towards restricting people' freedoms which are with no discussion provided by constitution. We protested. We have strong non mainstream media that expose BS that we are served everyday in main channells. Every journalist, politician, CEO, doctor who takes part in propaganda claiming that vaccines are the only way to deal with pandemic are precisesly noted down. This actions, our social control is doing its job because we will never forget about every single journalist pumping the fear everyday in innocent minds.

              Its very hard not to spot crawling communism, well at least for us Polish people because we see the same exact things that already took place in our country not so long ago. Situation is different though. Sickness is sickness, will always be, but no doubt its being used globally for politics and certainly not for people' good. Do you know that almost every country in the worlld had covid lotteries half a year ago ran at the same time ? That and many other things prove that those things are implemented by system.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                based poland indeed
                while the rest of europe is being ethnically replaced by 80iq mongrels


                  ^Finally someone smart. Tell these fucking brainwashed retards who accepted to get a literal experimental gene therapy at their own risk under coercion and blackmailing while giving up their right of property over their own body and health to "defeat the scary virus" that is fucking influenza/pneumonia. Worst thing is that, for the way these geniuses crafted the whole thing, they won't even need to use violence or do anything, it's gonna be the mongs themselves personally enforcing the dictatorship on the ones who got three digit IQ. It's the slaves themselves that are gonna ask for more restrictions, more rules, more punishment for everyone and the few smart ones. It's like buying a business, working hard at first and then letting it run by itself, fucking smart. You see these fucking retards every day everywhere, from social media to real life, call for more slavery like "if I'm braindead and will suffer for it everyone has to be dragged down with me", stil laughing at and denying literal facts easily verifiable by anyone. In Italy they put a "no vax allowed - I can't get in" sign on the door of a cafeteria, like the ones you put for dogs. Treated like the fucking jews in nazi Germany. I found out these things 10 years ago and nobody believe it, now they have criminals literally tell straight to their face that normality is over, that they have to accept a nwo (literal words), that compliance has to become part of the culture, along with a million distopian things, and the retards still deny them. Man people aren't running away from a virus, they're running away from the Truth and therefore from themselves. If they faced it they'd have to also face how ethically and humanly low they are, the fact that they have no principles, no critical thought nor inner strength. They'd also realize they're no different from all the guards, soldiers and compliant citizens that let nazism take place, at the sound of "I was just doing my job/I was just following the rules". Self reflection is scary for these sleeping robots 'cause their ego can't take it, that's why they've been sleeping in the first place. Sold their fucking soul just so that they could go back to eating in restaurants and post pics on instagram.
                  Also there's tons of proof this was set up, look up the 2012 London olimpycs ceremony, literal satanic ritual displaying covid and children being fed to a monster. Not strange at all for a sport event. In 2019 there was a pLandemic simulation conducted by the elite, in 2019 the chinese were already buying flu tests lal, in the same year Italian politicians met important big pharma corporations and the titles on newspapers were "Italy will guide the world on vaccines" meaning "we will fuck Italy for good (been saying it would be the next Greece and no one believe it) by putting the umpteenth banker nobody voted for as president (10 years like this but this one is the devil incarnated), calling a military guy to manage the whole nonsense and forcing the nazipass/qr code system first". I had some hope for humanity previous to this, that it would spiritually evolve one day, but man that hope is gone. Looks like the dream of seeing idiots get erased from the planet I keep spamming on dota when I'm mad will actually come true.

                  Btw @Lex is Poland expensive and can you survive at least in the beginning by speaking English or don't people generally speak it? Only hope for a better future is in one of the countries that have already gone through it.


                    Well I would not go too far with all that plandemic story. Truth is that we dont know much for certain. Crawling communism idea is more digestable for normal people who dont believe in conspiracy theories. Also dont be that aggresive. Our goal is to get people together. Even if you have different opinion about pandemic, we need to stay together. You get what I mean ? This is the language we need to speak right now. You are falling in their policy in dividing people into 2 groups.

                    Communists have only a small window for that changes to be implemented. There is still hope but n1 thing is to boycote covid passports. If they stay with us there is no more hope. Its not only Poland, we are 50/50 here approximately. But have a look at Romania or Bulgaria. 1/5 got vaccinated there. But there are not many of such countries.

                    We have much greater problems in Poland than some flu. Putin is going to use the situation that USA and China are under economic war with each other and he will be trying to rebuild old Soviet Union influence in middle east Europe. Ukraine will be first to be invaded. Then we will be next. Maybe not directly by using military but certainly Russia will regain some controll over our policy. Tbh in Poland in corelation between salaries and prices its quite bad. We have western prices and 1/4 of their salaries. But life is ok. We still dont have all that LGBT, problems with migrants (we have almost no immigrants apart from Ukrainians who are normal people). Even Jeremy Clarkson moved to Poland. But still... our government are socialists so its getting constantly worse. They're destryoing our economy year after year. Socialism and Communism is from the same Karl Marks book. The only difference in those systems is the tempo of implementing changes. Outcome in long run is the same. So personally im looking for a place where I might buy a flat in case something changes for even worse.

                    Polish people do speak english very well, at least those up to 30 years old. We had like 6 hours of english every week in school. But tbh there is nowhere to run unless you live in France, Italy, Austria, Australia, Slovenia etc where covid totalitarianism has reached a level where living anywhere will be better. Its still normal here but I dont know for how long. I hope for long since our Health Minister got death threats in parliament by other representatives recently that he will be hung :D lol

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      Neither theories nor conspiracies unfortunately. There are decade long investigations about what these psychos have been doing behind closed doors. There have been trials already and women sharing their experiences as victims in such satanic cults. These things and the symbolism connected to them have progressively become easier and easier to spot, in the entertainment and music industry for example (notoriously owned by them and used as a tool to brainwash the masses), 'cause right now they're so strong they don't even feel the need to hide it anymore. Actually now they boast it. Reality truly is crazier than fantasy and this is why the majority of people never believed it. It goes beyond politics and laws and right into spirituality.

                      You're right about the tones, but man the amount of times I received personal insults and injustices just 'cause of my views on social media despite being mega polite, reminding people that this is not a civil war between these 2 fictional parties but a war between humans vs tyrants and actually inviting people to make their independent research and consider the veriable facts I presented to them. Got suspended from a group, had comments deleted, got insulted heavily. The more polite and reasonable I was the more shit I got.

                      I also agree on the passport being the main problem, but the people who oppose it are a minority. I'm not sure what the percentage is but afaik it's like around 25-30%.

                      Sorry to hear about the political mess in Poland but lmaooo at the threats. It's good to send these bastards a message.
                      Luckly left Italy some years ago, but even where I live now things got much worse over time even though they seemed very chill until last september. This is one of those countries where freedom was always fought for, but then you see their prime minister hugging and laughing with Schwab lal. Man there must be some place that will keep its freedom, last thing I want is to end up killed in a lager for not bending over and taking part to their transhumanism fest.
                      Please let me know where you will buy that flat ha will follow by bike

                      another day in paradise

                        Did you also know that birds arent real, Trump is the next jesus and earth is flat? Strange times we are living...


                          The smartest thing they did was make people believe this is all a joke, mixed it with nonsensical theories^ and created the term "conspiracy theory" to prevent people from taking the truth seriously while turning it into an absurd concept. Despite all the leaks, trials, investigations, huge ass satanic monuments especially all around the US and all the symbolism everywhere displayed in plain sight, people still think elite pedo rings and satanic cults are a myth. Literally sent a clear message with the 2012 London olympics ceremony, they displayed hospitals and a huge hologram of covid taking the whole stadium with children fed to a monster, even the 2016 CERN ceremony among million other things. And nobody finds displaying human sacrifices to gods, there was literally a demon-like character above workers marching like soldiers, suspicious lal. The freaking olympic games and CERN ceremony, not some Broadway show. Totally not strange and out of place. Then of course humans keep falling into the same historical cycles, dictatorships and wars, with life conditions getting worse and worse both socially and economically speaking. But since they're blind af and can't put the pieces together all they say is "wow times have changed, what happened to the world? The 90s and early 2000 were so much better" when the damage is done.
                          Truth is better hidden when paradoxically revealed as a joke than when it's kept away completely. The second scenario might raise suspicion and investigations, but this? Haha a silly joke. Meanwhile we turned into money worshipping slaves, society has never been more divided with totalitarianism eating people's rights bite after bite at the sound of "equality and freedom" lal, privacy invaded with emergency state after emergency state "for your safety", technology and social media keeping people away from forming real meaningful connections and we call it "progress and bOndS wItH peOplE fRom aLL oVeR tHe wOrLd tHrougH a ScreEn", societal values went to absolute shit, mental illnesses are on the rise, big pharma printing billions while conducting mass experiments of gene therapies while locking people down and destroying economies and no one can't stop it since it literally owns governments and the same organizations that are supposed to police them. Talk about conflict of interests. Keep sleeping love, all of this is perfectly normal and ethical.


                            omg guys you have to take like 10-15 vaccines when you're a toddler. and here you are, grown ups talking about pedo rings and gene editing and whatever else you're reading on 4chan just cause you have fear of needles lol

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Idk why I care so much about humans despite considering them hopeless idiots but read it and do your research if you actually care about your future and the one of this shithole. The tones I use are because I cannot bare to see the world go to shit like this, not even the most retarded person in the world deserves what they're doing. It's not 'cause I hate the vaxxed, we're in this nonsense together.

                              4chan my ass, do your research and stop using internet just to jerk off. Also good job on the 50 IQ explaination lol. Cognitive dissonance is so strong that you can't even come up with a more intelligent reason. You're comparing vaccines that have been tested for decades with a literal experimental gene therapy that IS NOT a vaccine by definition, it doesn't prevent the spread of the virus, it doesn't stop you from getting sick nor does it significantly reduce risks of serious illness or death despite the lies they say (in fact it's still eMeRgenCyyyy after 2 fucking years), and that wasn't tested on humans so far because it's fucking deadly. All the animals it was tested on died after the 5th injection. Trials and tests prior to the real mass experiment (= the baboons running to get it just 'cause of the media terror strategy) have been extremely limited.
                              It was tested on 1300 children (for a disease that has 99.999999% survival rate on kids in the first place, they risk more from the jab than from the desease), was never tested on pregnant women (yet the criminals said it was safe, resulting in an overwhelming increase in abortions), on adults was also very limited.

                              The fairytale of aaaall the scientists of the world coming together to create this amaaaazing "vaccine" to defeaaat the teeeerrible terrible threat that is a fucking flu-like disease with the same death rate as the fucking flu got you real good, twas all planned and that's why they ran a pLandemic simulation in 2019 right under your nose. That's also why it took only 100 days (lal) to come up with a brand new experimental gene therapy.
                              Look up the number of deaths from previous years and wake up to reality, there never was a pandemic nor rising numbers in overall deaths across the world population.

                              They kept updating the side effects of this trash over time 'cause not even they know what the effects are. They trust it so much and are in such good faith that they gave themselves AND the generations to come legal shield and forced you to get it through blackmailing and limitations of freedoms at YOUR OWN RISK, 'cause being it experimental they can't make it mandatory but can find ways to force it on you by calling for an endless emergency state. This is what the terror is for among other things, all they're doing is against the constitution and basic human rights but hey, emergency state no one can stop us (besides the refuse to comply but humans sleep). So transparent and absolutely innocent that Pfizer accepted to disclose their documents and research in 55 years from now.

                              Hearth diseases incremented 6x in young people (99.98% survival rate to coviddo up until the age of 50), in Italy they tried to blame the hot weather for this lol, auto immune diseases, tons of deaths and so many other problems that amount to more than the sum of side effects and deaths of all the REAL vaccines ever created. In 1 fucking year. This shit does nothing but interfere with your DNA over time and weaken your immune system. Literally the opposite of what it's supposed to do, in fact contrary to what mainstream media tells you it's the vaxxed that run far greater risks and not the unvaxxed.

                              This is what happens when you blindly trust a psycho that years ago declared that the world is overly populated and that has already been persecuted in countries like India and South Africa with the accusation of injecting shit that makes people infertile. Go look up who took over WHO since 2016, the organization that is supposed to be independent and regulate big pharma, it's him. Again, they tell you the truth in your face and you can't accept it so you turn it into a joke and pretend it was never there.
                              Not to mention, the world's most important virologists and scientists, people with top notch H-indexes and not the idiots that are SO good at their jobs that they spend their whole time on TV, have all spoken against this trash and warned people while begging the gorvernments to stop with this madness (but of course, like said previously, the WHO and all other organizations are OWNED by big pharma instead of policing it, it's like asking criminals to watch over a prison and keep it clear from illegal activities). Needless to say big pharma also owns the government, along with the media industry.

                              Let's not get started on the disgusting shit scientists found in these jabs, from graphene to other metals, parasites, GMOs and, surprise surprise, nanotechnology devices the size of nanomicrons. this is one of the many videos you can find for proof if you actually decide to turn your brain on for 5 minutes and wonder why the fuck they had to make you terrified of a flu.

                              In the beginning the passport was a conspiracy theory, it came true, microchips were another one, Sweden already proposed them recently, graphene was nonsense spread by the tin foil hat crazy people that they tell you not to believe, it was found, 5G tech used to interfere with the jabbed ones was also labelled as fantasy, they actually found infinetly small circuitry hidden in the jab. They've been talking about new mind and body control technologies for fucking years, like Elon Musk but there's many, and yet again people pretend these things aren't a reality and keep trusting the same criminals that own 99% of world's wealth and are at the root of all the problems of our existence, both on small/personal and big/societal scale.

                              But of course since none of this absolute pile of shit worked, from the jab to lockdowns and measures and don't even get me started on the nazi-style passport that has ZERO scientific utility, we gotta find a scapegoat to blame and hate on.
                              It's the unvaxxed's fault if I bought an umbrella to protect me from the rain but since it has holes in it it doesn't do its job, so let me blame the person without the umbrella if I'm getting wet. Sick fucking logic there as always, let's turn it into the umpteenth war between the poor instead of addressing the elephant in the room.



                                Hexy Rose~

                                  SLQ going back to Herald where she belongs

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  Pale Mannie

                                    in the land of germ, tests were free, then were charged for 15-20€ and then became free again after a month or so. at that time people were really coerced to vaxx themselfes as it really hurt their wallet. not me though i am neet.

                                    asdasdsadsadsad sadf wer ...



                                        What a brainlet forum,bunch of wasted sperms .


                                          "5G tech used to interfere with the jabbed ones" omg


                                            Furry, conspiracy obsessed and a retard?
                                            I see you came prepared.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              Omg what. Elaborate, counter argument, defend your amazing jab with the 0 info your trustworthy government provided you with. I'll be waiting.

                                              Sit down taco dog. I barely know what a furry is you fucking ape, it's not conspiracies just 'cause you're braindead and lazy enough to not want to neither research nor acknowledge facts. Tons of videos of literal microscope shots and idiots still call them conspiracies lmao. Talk about cognitive dissonance. Obssessed why, 'cause I've had my rights taken away for 2 years and I keep myself informed? Maybe for mongs like you living as a slave is normal, for me it's not. Where's your arguments though, I see empty insults but I see no facts.


                                                Bro i'm not gonna write an essay to prove that your "opinions" are shit and based on stupid shit and fake myths because it wont change your opinion because like all the conspiracy tards you have your head too deep in your ass.

                                                That sayd, all your stupid shit about "rights taken away" while real dictatoriships are rising up elsewhere it's just amazing.

                                                In the end, i came here to laugh at you

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  why crusaders are always fucking cringe

                                                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                      Thats what ive said bro. You went too far with your conspiracy theories and here is the result. I also dont like the way you speak to others. You just keep on dividing people while we need to stay together. Even if you believe in some theories people just wait to roast you for it, so less words and more thinking.

                                                      I dont care if someone got vaccinated or not. It should be individual decision. If you got vaccinated then you should feel safe, end of story. If im not i take the risk. And thats how it is in my country and we live. We also are fundamentally different in the way of thinking. We dont believe in the maintream story about vaccines being the only way out of pandemic, since many countries like Israel or Australia, Portugal, France etc. have proven otherwise. We believe that corporations what to be healing you for long and profitable time. The system is very strong but we say NO to covid segregation.


                                                        Taco doggo there's no need to hide behind a false sense of superiority. Just admit you have zero arguments and in case you do, but I doubt it otherwise you would have debated the topic like a normal human instead of only insulting personally like a worthless little shit, express them.

                                                        What they're doing is textbook totalitarianism in case you haven't realized it yet my dear taco doggo, the reason why you can't see the pile of shit is because you've been swimming in it for 2 years and you're being conditioned to like it. The fact that to you being limited in the freedom to move around your city, enter places, having contacts with people and working, as well as having to wear a muzzle everywhere you go for 2 years, is considered normal it's pretty fucking worrying. Shows how much people have been conditioned and started obeying to this "new normality" that has nothing normal to it. Which is exactly what they wanted.

                                                        Is having to have a qr code attached to yourself, obtained through the indirectly forced injection of an experimental gene therapy, also normal for you? Losing your right of property over your own body and health? Having to prove you are actually HEALTHY all the time at your expenses? Being treated like you're a DANGER UNTIL PROVEN WRONG? Being isolated despite being HEALTHY? Are the words of the Pope and other public figures regarding private property not being an inalienable right anymore normal for you? Don't they smell like communism and totalitarianism to you? Are coercion and blackmailing normal for you? Is censorship on social media (facebook was also recently brought to court for their dogshit "independent fact checkers" and had to admit they were actually retards censoring people based on their own opinions) normal for you? Is the fact that a lot of those who spoke against the propaganda were fired (n1 virologist in the world and other doctors), slandered publicly (nobel prize winner Montagner who recently sued the worthless fake expert that shat on him for 2 years and that actually WORKS FOR PFIZER LOOOL), arrested and even murdered (dr. De Donno was first persecuted and then magically died right after presenting an alternative cure, dr. Andreas Noack's arrest was caught on camera 'cause in that moment he was in videoconference with his students explaining he had found graphene oxide in the jab and also he magically died "from respiratory problems" 8 hours after it while the wife said he was beaten to death, the Haitian president murdered for speaking up, chinese scientists disappearing and/or being murdered in the beginning) normal for you? Are the "containment camps" set up by Australia and prolly Canada too, where they forcefully deport people for 2 weeks with the chance to extend, even the ones that tested negative just because they might have been close to someone who tested positive, normal for you? In a video of such camps recorded by a girl deported there a doctor was shown saying "I'm just doing my job". Doesn't it remind you of nazi Germany? Is the fact that they're about to do the same thing in the US, with the only difference that people will be deported in mental asylums with the excuse of being "a danger to pulbic health" but it was never defined what that means so they can act as they wish and keep you there literally forever by extending the period of illegal detention for 90 days at a time, normal for you? Doesn't it ring a bell and remind you of another historical period? Is setting up this charade for a virus with the same mortality rate as the flu and similar symptoms normal for you? No bell ringing? No questions?

                                                        If the answer to all of this is "yes, this is normal" then book a ticket and move to fucking China, 'cause here I and other people will fight for our goddamn inalienable right to exist without bending over to being fucking lab rats.
                                                        And keep well in mind that if this turns into a civil war, which is where they're trying to head, it will not be because I chose to fucking live normally, it will be because your master convinced you that your own peers who have no personal interests are your enemies and that all of you must live like compliant and obedient slaves. Laugh to cope now 'cause very soon you won't be laughing anymore.

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          @Lex you guys keep calling them conspiracy theories but I gave tangible and verifiable examples of what I was referring to, such as the ceremonies, the entertainment industry and the plandemic simulation. Not to mention actual trials and investigations, people testifying such experiences, monuments, legal issues of uncle Bill, Epstein's friend btw, in other countries, statistics, I also linked a video of an actual biologist giving his personal infos as a way to show transparency while exposing what he found in the jab. All facts that are literally there, physically present or recorded and registered. It is true that I talk aggressively but I speak facts and always justify my point of view. And like I said I got attacked elsewhere even when being super polite and open to dialogue (which I am in any case), so it makes no difference. Might aswell remind the idiots that they're idiots while explaining to them why they're idiots. It's because of people's idiocy that I cannot live a fully normal life and couldn't for the past 2 years, and it most likely won't come back anymore. Good for you if Poland reacted, in the west it's very different. Also I don't see how we're different in this regard, that's exactly what I've been saying.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            'It's because of people's idiocy that I cannot live a fully normal life and couldn't for the past 2 years'

                                                            dude just cant deal with real life lol. easier to believe in satanic cults and invisible qr codes in your blood than believing that life could change like this almost overnight huh. I understand. If I didn't have to dispose body bags filled with anti-vaxx people daily at the local hospital I probably would prefer to believe in all that nonsense too


                                                              "Believe in satanic cults" as if that was fantasy with all the DECADES of investigations about the subject lmao. Did you go look up for info to check or nah? If nah, why do you insist and pretend you know anything? "Invisible qr codes" what you absolute baboon, the nazi passport is based on qr codes. Change like this in the sense that I go to sleep one day and wake up to a majority of people psychotically trying to run away from an endemic flu-like disease while bending over towards a dictatorship that has done nothing but lie for 2 years? Yes, can't accept it 'cause I'm not an idiot. I will never understand nor accept those who just blindly follow nonsensical rules like marching soldiers without questioning any single thing they are told, who can't recognize the truth even when they have it told to their faces and who give up all their rights and freedoms at the umpteenth set up threat, falling into the same "create the problem - sell the solution" trap.

                                                              How about you talk about all the body bags filled with people who were purposefully killed with criminal protocols such as "paracetamol and waiting (for it to get worse)" while negating house doctors to visit patients, banning and/or conducting misleading and false campaigns against common meds that ended up being used by doctors who refused to follow the narrative and actually cured people, the same ones that were later on used by India to get over this farce, or alternative protocols for which a doctor in Italy was murdered right after introducing it and that is now being adopted in Russia? How about you talk about how they forbid autopsies on the bodies to prevent authorities and people from finding out the truth, which is that a lot of those deaths weren't caused by the virus but by the deadly protocols and that people who died from other causes, even road incidents, were counted as covid deaths 'cause hospitals would print money for each covid case and death they reported and to pump the numbers and scare people, while most importantly creating the necessary conditions to call for an endless emergency state through which impose absurd and incostitutional regulations plus force people to accept an experimental gene therapy?
                                                              Those were the necessary conditions for this mass experiment to be made possible. In the presence of commonly known (and less rewarding for big pharma) meds nobody would have ever allowed this Mendele-like experiment to take place, so they had to be hidden, plus perfectly avoidable deaths had to be forced in order to create panic and cause the emergency.

                                                              How about you also talk about how this experimental therapy caused more injuries and deaths than all the real vaccines ever created combined in just 1 year and god knows what's gonna happen in 2-5-10 years? Or about the fact that even then, only a ridiculously small amount of injuries and deaths reports are actually being registered? Or about the fact that doctors watch healthy people die all of a sudden right after the shot and refuse to find any correlation to the jab 'cause this would ruin the stats and it wouldn't be possible to make it mandatory when this mass experiment will be over by the end of 2022-beginning of 2023?
                                                              How about you talk about the fact that the actual death rate of this virus is 0.02% and that, regardless of being jabbed or unjabbed, the vast majority of patients who end up in hospitals (and also who die) is aged 80+ and has 2 to 3 other medical conditions, which is to say very fragile people who are for obvious reasons more at risk of dying from literally anything and not just covid, who have always died in larger number also from flu and pneumonia as statistically and logically expected?
                                                              How about you talk about the fact that a large number of people labelled as "sick" actually presents no symptoms? But those pumped case numbers are useful to spread panic, am I right? With PCR tests whose technology wasn't even created to diagnose jackshit, therefore making them absolutely useless and yet people were charged 130 € for one?

                                                              The "you're crazy" bullshit is getting old my love and people are waking up, how about you justify any of this utter trash the entire world had to bare with for the past 2 fucking years? You also didn't reply to any of the things said previously but conveniently cherry-picked a few phrases and twisted them to suit said "you're crazy" nonsense. You got tons of things to explain, take your time and give factual answers.

                                                              Bonus: one of the doctors I talked about, the one that with a group of spanish researchers recently discovered the presence of nanotechnology in the jab, MAGICALLY and ABSOLUTELY UNEXPECTEDLY died 11 hours ago after expressing his will to go to court and present his discovery. Dr. Domenico Biscardi, the one in the video I previously posted is his spanish colleague. Same end that this other doctor, Andreas Noack, had to face after revealing he had found graphene pure, oxide and hydroxide in the jab. first got arrested and the arrest got caught on camera as he was giving a conference to his alumns and then died 8 hours later. Google says he died from respiratory problems (lal), his wife says he was beaten to death. Not in some remote place of the earth but the very progressive and democratic Italy and Germany. Like them many others, murdered or fired or slandered. WhErE's tHe DiCtAtOrShIp you ask? Fucking retard you'd better put facts together or stfu.

                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                Imagine getting this riled up over a fucking common cold


                                                                  Source for 2nd one is public heath tracker for Seattle


                                                                    THERE REALLY IS NANOTECHNOLOGY IN THE JAB!

                                                                    I was about to get my vaccine the other day because my job is FORCING me to. The nurse who was going to administer mine stood out from the other nurses (nice shoes and a fancy watch). My gut told me something was off about this guy and at the last moment decided I didn’t want to get vaccinated. He said that I had to and tried to jab me anyways but I quickly turned caused the needle to fall from his hands. The second it hit the ground it shattered and what looked like a trillion little mechanical spiders that were dissolved in the liquid began to scatter across the floor. The “nurse” quickly forced me out of the area and pulled a curtain to divide the room as he scrambled to clean up the nano spiders.

                                                                    Maybe not every vaccine has the nano spiders but the government is planting spies in hospitals and some people are getting the nano spider jab! I wouldn’t take the risk. Who knows what these nano spiders are going to do to us in 1-5-10 years. So glad I escaped and still have pure blood.


                                                                      @horatio13 there's 2 papers I found a couple hours ago talking about how they manipulate the unvaccinated/vaccinated count but can't find them atm, there's also a video explaining how they do it but it's in Italian. Here's an article though
                                                                      These smart bastards count people with 0, 1, 2 doses plus those who received the 3rd one less than 14 days before the date of hospitalization/death as unvaccinated** HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH in fact if you go look up the official definition, that was recently changed to keep up with the madness, a cycle of vaccination is only the one including the boosters. Even people who received 2 doses fall into the unvaccinated category, hence the screwed up numbers and the impression every time that "you see, vaccines protecc we need the brand new booster" LMAOOOOOO ABSOLUTE GENIUS. How to create a never ending business with this trickery and faulty data, also by weakening people's immune system shot after shot and make them dependant on these boosters that, only temporarily, MAYBE provide some protection for 1-2 months and then proceed to destroy your immune system more intensively as the amount of shots increases. They're turning people into HIV patients with no own natural immunity. When I find the other 2 articles where the process was explained in detail I will post them 'cause this deserves an entire category by itself. Freaking madlads.
                                                             another one for good measure but still not the ones I had found.


                                                                      Bonus: - CEO Of Major US Insurance Company Says Deaths Are Up 40% Among People Ages 18-64

                                                                      "We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.
                                                                      What we just saw in the third quarter, and we’re seeing it continue into the fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic.”
                                                                      "The CEO added that the increase is not a result of the pandemic as most of the claims are not for COVID-19 deaths".

                                                                      If you want my suggestion, stick to the false covid data** 'cause if you got jabbed and see this you're not gonna like it. I honestly feel bad for whoever fell into the trap, friends, relatives and strangers all. Hence why the fight to spread knowledge (yes, despite the aggressiveness).
                                                                      In case you got jabbed, please stop and don't give them further chances to turn you into an immuno-suppressed, perpetually sick zombie that has to depend on their shots to survive for 1 month at a time until the next dose. As always do your research, verify what I wrote and free yourselves otherwise they'll never let you go as they seem pretty happy with the idea of printing money forever with this immunity dependence system and infinite boosters (

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                      Slim Shady

                                                                        ^ This lonely spastic retard is putting more effort into writing entire bookworks on dotabuff about conspiracy tinfoil hat bullshit than he probably ever did in school xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd


                                                                          Lmao this is a huge effort for you?! It's strange for you that people discuss politics, question narratives and defend their freedom?! Videos, articles and explainations attached to concepts make them conspiracies?! Holy shit. With each further comment this thread seems to highlight more and more the correlation between below archon ranks and actual idiocy btw, it feels like conducting an involontary experiment. Or did facts scare you 'cause you got jabbed and now ego must deny reality to self protecc? Can humans get any lower or did we reach the bottom with you, Slim Shady? Man, you discuss for answers and end up with even more questions.


                                                                            ur cringe stop


                                                                              The truth is cringe? Come to think of it it actually is.

                                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                Lmao this is a huge effort for you?! It's strange for you that people discuss politics, question narratives and defend their freedom?!

                                                                                Im a libertarian and everything you are writing is anti-intellectualist shit. You know nothing about virology, nothing about politics and nothing about how these vaccines work, that much is apparent from the shite you have written in this thread. People are far more likely to believe conspiracy theories when they are dissatisfied or feel that their lives are falling apart beyond their control, maybe seek help for your personal issues instead of believing schizo theories posted by websites that are designed to harvest revenue off of retarded pensioners and Qanon conspiracy theorists.

                                                                                Getting vaccinated against disease is not an infringement of your personal freedom. You have been vaccinated since you were a fucking infant unless your parents were also retarded. It is basically your most basic debt to those around you that you dont infect them with disease and kill vulnerable people you psychopath fuck.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  My dad is literally a retard that believes in all this shit SLQ wrote, listening to this shit every day i see him took a few years off my life. On the other hand my aunt gets pissed if someone stands too close to her, she took every damn vaccine in the book, yells at people to wear masks, like fuuuuuuuuuuuck off at least all my friends are normal human beings that dont spaz out over a cold, shit let me get sick and get over it, im not gonna social distance and vaccinate myself with 15 different vaccines for 15 different versions of covid til the end of times.

                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                    I dont really see the point since Omicron is a common cold essentially, which is why its even funnier that insane people think its the end of their liberty or that this situation is even going to persist for more than a year or two from now.


                                                                                      Parmadog being a psychopatic male pretending for years to be a girl raped by her own father psychoanalyzing people and telling them THEIR life is falling apart HAHAHAHAHAH man but this shit gets more and more glorious with every comment. They are not conspiracy theories, get that through your antisocial empty thick skull. I linked videos and articles with microscope shots as proofs and there's thousands of scientists and virologists that stand against this crazy narrative. Doctors getting murdered under your nose for speaking up and/or finding out things they weren't supposed to find out and no fucking bell rings in those heads you idiots use as ornaments.
                                                                                      Also, dogs justifying and supporting tyranny and limitations of freedoms talk about "people's lives falling apart". Oh the fucking irony. Tell that to all the small and medium businesses destroyed to escape a 0.02% death rate virus, "ihihih your life is falling apart and you're afraid of needless these are my arguments. You have no job anymore but we are doing our best to stop the flu". Man I have no words anymore.

                                                                                      "You know nothing about virology, nothing about politics and nothing about how these vaccines work"
                                                                                      Speak for yourself and don't drag people to your own level you ignorant fuck, thank you.

                                                                                      "Getting vaccinated against disease is not an infringement of your personal freedom"
                                                                                      1. it's not a fucking vaccine by definition, despite them changing the definition of vaccine just to suit their narrative. It doesn't neither prevent nor reduce the spread of the disease. And it doesn't even prevent severe cases nor death. Takes fucking 50 IQ to understand this, otherwise why the fuck is the number of cases increasing instead of dropping with 80-90% of jabbed baboons after 3, three, shots.
                                                                                      2. It's an experimental gene therapy they've been testing since 2020 on humans and said testing will officially end by end 2022-beginning 2023.
                                                                                      3. Like that piece of fucking paper that is the Constitution states, and as decided after the Nurimberg trial, not one fucking single soul can fucking force any fucking one to get fucking treatments under any fucking circumstance, let alone a fucking experimental gene therapy under fucking coercion, limitations of freedom and blackmailing ON HEALTHY PEOPLE you worthless fuck. Turn that fucking brain on and then come back.

                                                                                      "You have been vaccinated since you were a fucking infant" I've been vaccinated with REAL safe and tested vaccines that DO THEIR JOB of preventing me from getting the disease after BEING TESTED FOR A DECADE. Diseases that are potentially deadly, not a fucking flu. You're one of those retards that compare polio vaccines to this shit.

                                                                                      "It is basically your most basic debt to those around you that you dont infect them with disease and kill vulnerable people"
                                                                                      Little psycho shit pretending he cares about others in the first place. This is the manipulative GUILT TRIP tactic mongs like you have fallen into. As said before, IT DOESN'T FUCKING PREVENT YOU FROM GETTING IT NOR SPREADING IT. F A C T S. Number one, number two is that the thing itself is a fucking utopia. How come we've always lived in contact with viruses and bacteria all our lives since forever, knowing very well that you can't protect everyone from everything, in fact nobody has ever thought about it nor discussed it 'cause it's a fucking crazy stupid concept. Might aswell stop driving 'cause we might cause an incident, stop walking on grass 'cause we might step on an innocent ant, stop living 'cause by existing we might cause any trouble to anything. We've seen millions of people die even from influenza every year and fragile and old people pass away for even the most common flu and now, all of a fucking sudden, eeeeeveryone is so worried to save the 100 year old granma omagad let's stop the fucking world, destroy economies, enable a nazipass, lock entire countries down and deport people in "containment" camps while also being terrified of having normal human contacts with people even AFTER the jab. For a fucking experiment that does nothing for the 0.02% death rate virus. You're fucking sick in the head.

                                                                                      They changed the way you fucking think and experience the world in the first place, took away your goddamn normality of simple living. They're turning you into hypocondriac, perpetually sick not citizens but enslaved patients eternally subscribed to big pharma's untested poisons and you can't even fucking realize it. If you retards are happy with what humanity has become I don't give a shit, but stop denying fucking facts 'cause of your cognitive dissonance and hold yourselves accountable for accepting inhuman, unscientific, unethical and tyrannical behavior. And stop your fake pikachu surprised face when fucking normal people won't accept any of this dystopian nonsense.

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        Man the more I come back to reread certain parts the more I cannot believe how braindead people are.
                                                                                        "Imagine getting this riled up over a fucking common cold"
                                                                                        "It is basically your most basic debt to those around you that you dont infect them with disease and kill vulnerable people"
                                                                                        Infeeeect them with the diseaaase and kiiill the poor 100 year old granmaaaa you selfish assassiiiin. With a common cold. HAHAHAHAHAHAH
                                                                                        And if it's a cold, why am I being held in a lockdown and prevented from working, going places and being close to people if I don't accept a useless experimental gene therapy again? I didn't quite catch that.
                                                                                        Lucky mofo, good for you you'll never experience the burden of being born smart in a world of idiots. And you're the one labelling verifiable facts and rationality as anti-intellectualism. My lord. Man I don't blame you if you felt the need to switch identity, I wouldn't accept to be you for a million euros either.

                                                                                        @kabir your dad is right and in a way so are you. It is a flu turned into a cold. There is in fact no need to worry nor escape nor recreate fucking nazi Germany, that is exactly my point. It is not just reasonable but at this point necessary to live normally. The only difference is that you stop there and, unlike me, you don't care about analyzing the situation from its roots and understanding why the fuck this is not being done considering it is a noob virus, you just wanna move on with your life. Cool. I wanna move on with my normal life too, but I see that's not possible because of people's lack of awareness resulting in them still blindly following the same faulty narrative that these criminals, who haven't been fully exposed nor slaughtered yet, have been carrying on for 2 years. Therefore researching and discussing becomes necessary to get to where both you and I and your father wanna get, which is to a fully fucking normal life. Even the rest of the baboons wants to get there, the jabbed, the confused, the scared, they just can't see that by continuously following the lies they're keeping themselves more and more away from it.

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                          I'd normally ignore this entire post cause its the ramblings of an insane person and its obviously a waste of time because you either don't understand or are too brainwashed too comprehend but I'll bite this one time cause I find it deeply entertaining.

                                                                                          I linked videos and articles with microscope shots as proofs and there's thousands of scientists and virologists that stand against this crazy narrative.

                                                                                          Every single website you linked are grifer sites that target impressionable people and demand payments to patreon accounts or through bitcoin. etc.
                                                                                 is a grift site where you have to pay a subscription to have full access.
                                                                                 is another grift site where users are encourage to donate. Most of its content is designed to be anti-vaxx, hence clickbait for donations.
                                                                                          Flybynews looks like it was designed by an infant
                                                                                          'The Covid World' - not even attempted to disguise itself as a neutral news source. A site which peddles conspiracy theories in return for donations.
                                                                                          Daily expose literally brings up a window on entry telling you to donate.

                                                                                          These websites are engineered to trick stupid and desperate people into parting with their money. They are scams, not clever one eithers.

                                                                                          Doctors getting murdered under your nose for speaking up and/or finding out things they weren't supposed to find out and no fucking bell rings in those heads you idiots use as ornaments.

                                                                                          Andreas Noack was a well known conspiracy theorist who used fake claims from discredited researchers to push false narratives about covid research. His whole apartment building was searched by police for an unrelated incident, this was a YEAR before he fucking died of natural causes in a DIFFERENT country to where he was arrested by police. His wife said he had been attacked, she later clarified this as a heart attack and that her english was poor.

                                                                                          The Haitian president was involved with anti-corruption campaigns and shutting down the illegal drugs trade in a poor, unstable country, his assassination has fuck all to do with covid.

                                                                                          Who fucking knows about this de Donno guy but there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people globally working on alternative covid treatments so I will just invoke Occam's razor and say that it isnt weird that people commit suicide, no matter what profession they do. The suicide rate in Italy is 6.7 per 100,000, so you can expect a few people working on covid cures to kill themselves thats literally life.

                                                                                          Also, dogs justifying and supporting tyranny and limitations of freedoms talk about "people's lives falling apart". Oh the fucking irony. Tell that to all the small and medium businesses destroyed to escape a 0.02% death rate virus, "ihihih your life is falling apart and you're afraid of needless these are my arguments. You have no job anymore but we are doing our best to stop the flu". Man I have no words anymore.

                                                                                          When most restrictions were put in place we had a poor understanding of how deadly covid was, most places were reporting a 2-5% mortality rate for the first couple months of the pandemic when we were undertesting. A 2-5% mortality rate is 100% a deadly illness and is cause for concern. Since then the mortality rate has been revised downward and restrictions have been lifted to reflect that, idk about where you live but the only restriction here is that you have to wear a face mask on public transport.

                                                                                          "You know nothing about virology, nothing about politics and nothing about how these vaccines work"
                                                                                          Speak for yourself and don't drag people to your own level you ignorant fuck, thank you.

                                                                                          My mum is a consultant at a hospital and I have a masters in political philosophy and history but ok

                                                                                          1. it's not a fucking vaccine by definition, despite them changing the definition of vaccine just to suit their narrative. It doesn't neither prevent nor reduce the spread of the disease. And it doesn't even prevent severe cases nor death. Takes fucking 50 IQ to understand this, otherwise why the fuck is the number of cases increasing instead of dropping with 80-90% of jabbed baboons after 3, three, shots.

                                                                                          Every single graph shows that the VACCINE BY DEFINITION prevents and reduces the spread of disease. The rates of disease among unvaccinated apes is far higher than the rate of disease amongst normal people. In the United Kingdom, the age standardised mortality rate of vaccinated people is 96% lower than unvaccinated people. (source: office for national statistics). 80-90% of people in NHS hospitalisation are unvaccinated (sources: NHS, the BMJ, The Guardian)
                                                                                          The number of cases continues to rise rapidly for three reasons:
                                                                                          1. There is still a large percentage of subhumans (at least 10-20% of the population here) who refuse to get vaccinated and therefore spread covid freely among themselves.
                                                                                          2. The omicron variant has mutated to be more infectious than older variants. This is a normal pattern in respiratory pandemics, new variants are normally less virulent but more contagious, this enables the population to achieve herd immunity and ends the pandemic. Same thing happened for Asian Flu and Spanish Flu before it, the pandemic will have a last large wave of mild disease before subsiding; very basic virology not that you would know anything about this subject.
                                                                                          3. Restrictions have been eased which allows for the disease to spread. Most countries have taken the attitude that Omicron is not a deadly disease and are thus allowing people to have freedom, at least here, which is why its hilarious that you are throwing your toys out the pram over a pandemic and situation which is essentially over.

                                                                                          2. It's an experimental gene therapy they've been testing since 2020 on humans and said testing will officially end by end 2022-beginning 2023.

                                                                                          You misunderstand the nature of this vaccine. Gene therapy implies that the vaccine alters your DNA or has some tangiable effect on your genetic makeup. Most covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines which contain Covid spike genes, this encourages certain cells in your body (the same cells that would be infected in normal virus infection) to manufacture this protein, triggering an immune system response the same way a pathogenic vaccine would. It has nothing to do with your genetics or your DNA. Describing covid vaccines as gene therapy is wrong and shows you dont understand how they work.

                                                                                          3. Like that piece of fucking paper that is the Constitution states, and as decided after the Nurimberg trial, not one fucking single soul can fucking force any fucking one to get fucking treatments under any fucking circumstance, let alone a fucking experimental gene therapy under fucking coercion, limitations of freedom and blackmailing ON HEALTHY PEOPLE you worthless fuck. Turn that fucking brain on and then come back.

                                                                                          The constitution is 400 years old and should not have relevance as a law document. The Nuremberg trial described forced vivisections, surgery and other extreme medial procedures. Also I agree that nobody should be forced to have the vaccine, even if it is common sense, so spare me this retarded argument about blackmailing.

                                                                                          I've been vaccinated with REAL safe and tested vaccines that DO THEIR JOB of preventing me from getting the disease after BEING TESTED FOR A DECADE. Diseases that are potentially deadly, not a fucking flu. You're one of those retards that compare polio vaccines to this shit.

                                                                                          Yes, it is now the 21st century, vaccines take less time to develop, mRNA vaccines are also easier to test. This is a global pandemic and we have more advanced medical technology than we did decades ago; if you assign millions of scientists and the bulk of the World's medical staff to combatting a single disease there is obviously going to be a rapid advance in vaccine technology and a quick response to what is occurring. In times of war, in this case medical war, technology progresses a fast rate. During the early 21st century we went from biplanes, to props, to jet engines, to high atmosphere supersonic flight within a mere few decades because that is what warfare faciliated, the same way a medical response to a pandemic facilitates a fast vaccine rollout, as if completely normal. When swine flu happened over a decade ago, a vaccine was produced for that within a few months as well.

                                                                                          Little psycho shit pretending he cares about others in the first place. This is the manipulative GUILT TRIP tactic mongs like you have fallen into. As said before, IT DOESN'T FUCKING PREVENT YOU FROM GETTING IT NOR SPREADING IT. F A C T S. Number one, number two is that the thing itself is a fucking utopia. How come we've always lived in contact with viruses and bacteria all our lives since forever, knowing very well that you can't protect everyone from everything, in fact nobody has ever thought about it nor discussed it 'cause it's a fucking crazy stupid concept.

                                                                                          The ramblings of a schizophrenic person. We have lived in contact with viruses and bacteria and guess what, before modern medicine and vaccination we used to have pandemics that wiped out 25-50% of the exposed populace. Now we have modern medicine such as the VACCINES which eliminated smallpox and polio, and prevent the spread of respiratory viruses. Without modern medicine, 100-500 million people would be dead from covid by now most likely, its a similar sickness to the Spanish Flu which killed between 1-5% of the TOTAL population of the world just a century ago.

                                                                                          Might aswell stop driving 'cause we might cause an incident, stop walking on grass 'cause we might step on an innocent ant, stop living 'cause by existing we might cause any trouble to anything. We've seen millions of people die even from influenza every year and fragile and old people pass away for even the most common flu and now, all of a fucking sudden, eeeeeveryone is so worried to save the 100 year old granma omagad let's stop the fucking world, destroy economies, enable a nazipass, lock entire countries down and deport people in "containment" camps while also being terrified of having normal human contacts with people even AFTER the jab. For a fucking experiment that does nothing for the 0.02% death rate virus.

                                                                                          Maybe run a long and tell that to all the people who have lost perfectly healthy people to this virus, 1 in 5 people who have died of covid had no prexisting health condition (source: ONS), over a quarter of people who died were under the age of 65. I personally lost my 58 year old uncle to covid, but he had severe diabetes so I can't argue that he was healthy, still though, go tell people who have lost their partners to this disease that it doesnt matter cause its mainly just old people who die you sick fuck.

                                                                                          You're fucking sick in the head.

                                                                                          Yes you are

                                                                                          They changed the way you fucking think and experience the world in the first place, took away your goddamn normality of simple living. They're turning you into hypocondriac, perpetually sick not citizens but enslaved patients eternally subscribed to big pharma's untested poisons and you can't even fucking realize it. If you retards are happy with what humanity has become I don't give a shit, but stop denying fucking facts 'cause of your cognitive dissonance and hold yourselves accountable for accepting inhuman, unscientific, unethical and tyrannical behavior. And stop your fake pikachu surprised face when fucking normal people won't accept any of this dystopian nonsense.

                                                                                          I live a normal life, I go about my business as I did before, though I sometimes have to wear a mask. I go to the cinema with my friend every Wednesday, I go to the nighclub on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I see the football live on a Saturday, I might go to the pub a few times a week, cause tbh I dont let a virus control how I think or how I choose to live my life. You are the one who believes in retarded conspiracy theories and has clearly spent a large amount of time gobbling up fake news cause you lack the ability to critically evaluate sources or fact check what you read.

                                                                                          I pity you really. What is dystopian is how you let grifters and those making a quick buck on stupid people reading gossip online actually override common sense and fundamental human nature. i.e to protect those that are around you and to watch out for your community by getting vaccinated and not spreading pathogens.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                            Also I am not responding to your other schizo post nor am I going to write a lengthy response like that to anything else you are probably about to write. Whatever you write will most likely be a continuation of your insane tendencies and I do not have time to lecture a brick wall about matters that it will never understand. I did it this one time to highlight how fucking stupid you are and that's that.

                                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                              Looks like it’s too late… the nano spiders have already infested Perma’s brain. She is fully brainwashed.

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                Oh nooo the amount of baboonery I read just by scrolling. It's the reminding you of what kind of psychopatic subhuman you are that triggered you, ah?

                                                                                                1. Although it's true that some sites regarding any topic are created with the purpose of scamming people and/or spread false info, those same infos can be found on many other sources too. Very reliable ones, signed by very important figures too. Speaking of dogshits sites, Youtube has been heavily censoring anything that goes against the propaganda, same as Facebook. FB was recently brought to court and had to publicly admit their "independent" fact checkers aren't neither independent nor fact checkers, they're fucking idiots cancelling informations based on their personal opinions. But these are "official" and well known platforms, we should trust them right?

                                                                                                2. So strange that a doctor gets illegally arrested by the police and dies shortly after disclosing what he found in the jabs. De Donno, Giulietto Chiesa, Domenico Biscardi, all curiously dying right after being an obstacle to the narrative. These suicide cases surely work in a strange way. Not to mention all the chinese scientists that, of course willingly, decided to disappear after talking about the Wuhan lab and virus. Such a strange world, isn't it? All the virologists and scientists slandered and fired literally the day after warning people about what was going on. Hmhm interesting to say the least.

                                                                                                3. "When most restrictions were put in place we had a poor understanding of how deadly covid was" oh really? Strange, because Project Veritas has found the official papers stating that the US and Fauci were financing the project and perfectly knew what they were dealing with, in fact the virus was lab created since HIV strings were mechanically inserted into it. Not to mention in 2015 on national TV they were already talking about lab experiments with corona viruses and bats. We had poor undestanding? Hmhm, 5 years of experiments for a string of viruses, the SARS, that is known since the early 2000s.
                                                                                                "A 2-5% mortality rate is 100% a deadly illness and is cause for concern" absolutely true, if you're a retard living in lala land. In the real world the mortality rate of pneumonia is 5% and yet we've been living peacefully until now. Even with all the deaths they willingly caused using criminal protocols the death rate didn't surpass that of influenza and pneumonia. Very LOL.
                                                                                                Where I live they put another fucking lockdown for a cold in late december and I'm prevented from going anywhere, even to work, if I don't accept the jab. Here like in many other countries.

                                                                                                4. Your degree goes to show that critical thought and an inquisitive nature can't be taught in school. Knowledge doesn't equal intelligence.

                                                                                                5. Oh the evergreen "let's blame the unjabbed" fucking bullshit. What mongs fail to realize is that this explaination is mathematically absurd. If 80-90% of inbreds bent over and got jabbed it's mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for case numbers to rise and exceed those of when the number of jabbed people was 0 if unvaccinated people are the vehicle of transmission. This was happening even before Omicron appeared so don't be using the new less deadly and more contageous variant as an excuse. The jab is literally fucking useless because it's not a vaccine by any means, in fact after getting it the number of cases and deaths didn't drop, it actually went up especially in heavily jabbed countries (lal) but it can't be all unvaccinated because unvaccinated people are a very small minority of people (lal), which shows what a fucking scam this jab is and, moreover, you still have to keep distance and wear a muzzle even as jabbed (lal). And you still get it, spread it, end up in hospital and die from it (lal). I explained how they count unvaxxed/vaxxed cases, it was told on national TV too by one Italian politician and the director of one of the biggest hospitals in Rome: they consider people with 0, 1, 2 and 3 doses with the 3rd had less than 14 days before the hospitalization/death as unvaxxed. Hence the fucked up numbers and why every time the booster seems to shine statistics wise. Your cognitive dissonance doesn't seem to want to register this HUGE info though. That would mean admitting you got scammed like a fucking retard and the psychopatic ego can't accept it. What can I do.
                                                                                                Also, once again, the pLandemic in my and many other countries is anything but over. We're in lockdown, in Austria they're hiring literal gestapo to go to people's houses and giving 7000 € fines to the unjabbed, in Australia and Canada people are being forcefully deported in camps, in Italy people who refuse EVEN ONLY THE THIRD BOOSTER and that are over the age of 50 will be fined, working is also not allowed nor is it allowed to access your own fucking bank (same shit that happened to Greece when they destroyed it, people literally forbidden to withdraw their own money). Stop living under a rock plz.

                                                                                                6. I wish I was misunderstanding. What this jab does is replace your own natural immune system, the ADE effect is very well known in science and constant and frequent injections of boosters are a guarantee that this will happen. Being it mRNA doesn't in any way guarantee that there won't be any interference with your DNA, on the contrary it is likely to happen over time. We're already seeing a large number of cases of auto immune diseases in jabbed people. There's a reason if this technology has never been tested on humans.

                                                                                                7. "The constitution is 400 years old and should not have relevance as a law document" excuse me did I read that correctly?
                                                                                                "Also I agree that nobody should be forced to have the vaccine" so why did I have my freedoms and rights taken away for 1 year after the jabs were introduced again? Why am I still not able to live normally? Why am I called assassin on national TV and why is the French President saying "he wants to piss off the unjabbed"? It's common sense when they're real vaccines and tested meds, not in this case. The unjabbed are not the anti-science shamans they want baboons to believe. I'm not anti vaxx, I'm anti THIS vaxx.

                                                                                                8. Oh yeah the fairytale of all the world coming together to beat the menacing 0.02% death rate virus. So strange they don't do this for other much more serious illnesses right? But yeah it was totally unexpected, 2019 pandemic simulation, 2015 and 2019 "Italy will guide the world on vaccines", 2019 chinese government buying tests already. Totally caught them by surprise and they promptly came out with an experimental gene therapy never tested on humans.

                                                                                                9. Lul mong replying with a totally unrelated thing. Should have expected this since that is one of the most retarded, and therefore strongest, points of the propaganda. "Be responsible and stop living to save the 100 year old granma". Manipulate and guilt trip people, always works. You would know since you're a certified psycho. Out of which ass did you pull those statistics you hopeless imbecile? The survival rate to covid for people up to the age of 50 is 99.98%, it's nothing out of the ordinary for people up to the age of 65 and it starts getting a bit higher for the elderly. Sounds like any fucking disease in the world doesn't it? With a ridiculous death rate ah? Your anecdotal nonsense isn't of any use to the discussion, my aunt started having heart problems right after the jab and died 3 weeks ago after the third jab, so what. Oh and don't forget the deaths, especially those in the first wave, were literally caused on purpose to increase numbers and panic. In fact no autopsies allowed, no visits from house doctors, no meds that were known to fight the corona virus, because they got slandered or banned, but paracetamol and waiting and once in the hospital when people already had their lungs compromised, taaac, high levels of oxygen right into them for the final blow (if I'm not mistaken the files found by Project Veritas regarding what Fauci lied about in court also exposed how certain meds were taken out because they were an actual cure, in case you wanted to conveniently ignore the 1000th proof).

                                                                                                10. You (but not people in many countries) NOW are allowed to herd semi-freely after being forced to accept an experimental jab but see, read what you wrote after, "protect those that are around you and to watch out for your community by getting vaccinated and not spreading pathogens". It fucking got to you even if you don't see it. In 2018 were we living our life worrying if omagad we were spreading pathogens? Wearing masks? Getting experimental jabs that don't prevent you from spreading it anyway (so you're watching out my ass)? With a nazipass and qr code? No we fucking didn't. And that's what is worrying, this is much bigger than a virus. This is why both you and I agree that it is just a fucking cold, then why all this? You'll find out over time since this is only the beginning of a much bigger society change, or will probably never realize it. It's expected to pass by as the crazy one among those who don't see the big picture yet. No worries there's no need for you to reply, you've proved how much of a psycho retard you are enough.

                                                                                                '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                  Whatever you write will most likely be a continuation of your insane tendencies and I do not have time to lecture a brick wall about matters that it will never understand.

                                                                                                  Well I predicted it I guess. Actual brick wall, I pity you that is all, I would say enjoy your life but you wont.

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    So as a psycho with alter egos you pity me and call me schizophrenic when I'm the one speaking against this mass health psychosis and you're the one delusionally thinking that a capitalist government all of a sudden wants to do your interests. Hmhmhm

                                                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                      The absolute no.1 priority of any western capitalist government is to assure that their civilians survive and have free will to participate in the economy, so this schizo narrative of the government controlling you and depriving us of our freedoms is contrary to your own perspective on the nature of western governments.

                                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                        HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH oh my god, you actually believe that?! Man imagine how shocked you'll be when you will decide to open your fucking eyes. No wonder all this sounds strange to you. It's not contrary to my perspective at all, I'm well aware of the fact that governments have turned tyrannical a long time ago. If they were ever actually working FOR the people in the first place. What is against your own perspective on the nature of western governments is the chinese communist regime that has been enstablished with the excuse of this pLandemic (remember "all this for a cold"? Good morning sunshine!). The nazipass is the first step towards the chinese social credit system. Get ready for when the "government that is assuring the survival and free will of its citizens" won't be happy with you expressing your own ideas and will censor them. Ah no wait let me try again 'cause this is already happening. Get ready for when you won't behave in the exact way they'll want you to behave, when you will get even one small fine, when you will contest any of their decisions. Minus points my love, no points no rights. Everything will slowly be attached to that qr code and you'll be turned into an obedient mass of data. Now it's just blackmailing if you don't get the experimental jab, later they'll police your insurance, your credit card, everything you own. Not to mention fiat money will disappear and they'll enstablish a new universal digital currency. But imagine talking about these things to someone that is stuck at step 1 and still believes anything these criminals have been up to is done in good faith. I'm the crazy one, right? Let time tell, truth can be delayed but never hidden.