General Discussion

General DiscussionI just earn $$$ in week steam marketplace

I just earn $$$ in week steam marketplace in General Discussion

    idunno but this 3month old game making me rich
    these chinese paying $20 or more just to buy a 1-2 or less $ and when i check they're acc they are new or they just giving money away? or they are bot?

    do you get it
    knowledge is power

    Hexy Rose~

      I didnt even get what u mean
      so someone paid $20? how can it make someone reach?


        1-2 or less? what do you mean?


          nah if you don't know just don't do it

          anomaly make video about this but ican't find it anymore u can search google tho
          ithink chinese bot buying item if you see the graph they purchse at always at $18 constantly just study the market

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            bruh go to school

            (Bot) Beerus

              i work from home and make like 8k a month pre-tax, basically getting paid to play dota


                ^holy based