General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy nerf arc in 7.30 again gaben?

Why nerf arc in 7.30 again gaben? in General Discussion
A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

    Shard slow increased from 20% to 30%
    Level 15 Talent +12% Cooldown Reduction replaced with +8 Armor
    Level 15 Talent + 40 Attack Speed replaced with +40 Magnetic Field Attack Speed
    Level 20 talent +100 Attack Range replaced with +40 Flux Damage Per second

    Arc has been nerfed for so many patches in a row now, the only thing they keep buffing is that most useless shard in game, hero isnt even picked in competitive or high level pubs that much and requires alot of skill, as a arc player i feel the hero is garbage dump right now and should be ignored, ult feeds too much gold, its too easy to get ganked/killed and is easily countered(only can last pick him)

    NA DOTA Enjoyer

      yeah Arc gets faded for the time being i dont know


        Because Arc is not made any sense when it attacks me with a high attack speed. :lick:

        Dark Hunter

          Its a really obnoxious hero to play against, it sucks all the fun out of the match when you play him right.
          It sucks that he's getting nerfed but i'm also kinda glad cuz i hate playing against it


            I know how it feels when years of hard work go to waste. But the majority of players in Dota will benefit. By the way those nerfs are not as bad as some of the nerfs done to supports. #nerfarcplease


              The hero is still pretty good, nerfs werent too bad. A lot of heroes get ignored because babies on reddit whine too much. Thats why techies, brood, meepo, tinker, arc rarely get good patches in the last few years (brood last patch being the only real exception) because people hate when the game isnt the exact same every time.

              People just need to learn how to play against heroes taht dont do the exact same thing. Personally I think every mid being QOP/Puck/Spirits is lame as hell when they all play the same. I miss the varied playstyles of dota


                Arc win rate before patch: 52.24%
                Arc win rate after patch: 52.54%

                He's ruined!!!!

                A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                  you need to look at the % pick rate, ppl arent picking it cuz its bad, and those who pick it are good are it and pick it in a very good arc game, so win rate would be generally higher as most ppl dont know to play them and will not pull down the win rate.... so win rate isnt everything
                  just like how necro has a decent win rate because its better at lower mmr ranges but its actually a dogshit hero

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Just a few minor changes in talents and these people are complaining, while ignoring all the harsh nerfs done to supports, AA and WW.

                    A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                      Those heroes are op, well deserved nerf as they are first pick material in competitive, meanwhile arc is largely ignored. Did you even follow the competitive scene?

                      Hexy Rose~

                        they nerfed both aether lens and EUL (lower mana regen) which sups now have to get clarities in mid-game more often and they also reduced duration time of SENTRYS which sups have to buy them more often and spend more time placing those shits.
                        on the other hand Abyssal blade and AM is back into meta. playing sup is getting more boring and more powerless against carrys

                        Landkart Ugandan

                          i do agree with u on the nerf on arc, very unreasonable lol.. so lets see.. his farming is extremely slow and can be bullied in laning phase easily, he is extremely dependant on midas and maelstorm, so his powerspikes are in around 25 ++ mins timing (which is horrible as pos 1 job are supposed to at least do damage in small commit way)
                          this nerfs are just rlly weird.. what he should be nerfed is his powerspike in lategame i think when he has 6 slots

                          idk i just feel like devs dont play the game

                          Landkart Ugandan

                            also the reason for arc warden high winrate is due to lower bracket (divine to below unable to end the game or pressure him when he only has midas and maelstorm <-- e.g. smoking into jungle where arc usually farms)

                            check arc warden winrate in different bracket in dotabuff proves my point.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                            (Bot) Beerus

                              tbh the attack speed sucks that its gone, as it was the best talent on him IMO besides lvl 25, but the 8 armor is pretty good too. makes his tempest a lot tankier to physical dmg and tower shots. flux cast range is the same, and you have +40 flux dmg at lvl 20 which is kinda trash but still good. I think the 40 attk speed was a bit OP as it translates to 80 attk speed with your tempest out. he stills builds attk speed items, so it's not the end of the world. maybe adds up to like 2-3 auto attks in a 30 second long engagement.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                lmao both lv 20 talent is trash


                                  I wouldnt be sad if the hero was deleted.
                                  he is less interesting than am, tinker, storm, or even techies.

                                  his ghost mines are the only interesting thing about the hero

                                  @DarkHunter even playing with him is also boring.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    As a AW spammer I was really surprised to see nerfed talents, but the most important talent they didnt touch +12s double duration, so you know you don't have care that much about talents.

                                    I think most important thing playing this hero is deciding you items from early on. Not every game you have to build midas,maelstorm,bot to barely show in fights.
                                    For example if you lane-up against WR rush blademale, she ulti you she dies or stops attacking then you pop your double and its gg.
                                    Or rushing orchid against storm is also one scenario. The point is you have to think what build to make every game, and that's the beauty of this hero.

                                    But it's true that in pro scene u rarely see AW and its very niche pick as someone already mentioned.

                                    I hope we will see this hero in TI10 just once would be enough :))


                                      The lazy aspects of the hero replaces with active play.
                                      Valve just raised the skill cap of hero nothing else.

                                      Lvl 15 -> CDR Removed cause of cdr stacking change
                                      Lvl 15 -> Now you have to use your bubble properly. So many arc's in low mmr just right clk the clone in lane and don't micro at all. That's gonna get punished.
                                      Lvl20 -> Again, you are forced to use your bubble for efficient push against twr. No more of "summon-> right clk twr ->ignore".

                                      More or less this changes hit the low skilled players the most and it increases the skill cap on hero.