whats the deal guys? are u seriously that retarded?? i might lived with the wrong ppl and never talk to insanely low iq creatures (avg human being i guess) for the past years
but i refuse to believe someone can be that ignorant and clueless to blame my pick when im owning the fucking game
i just refuse to believe it, probably most of u low beings are so triggered about me, arent you? good, every breath u shitty low iq animals take, every animals murdered for you sacks of shits to eat, it triggers me, to the point i might blow your fucking existence up some day
fucking low key animals
do those players from the game even exist on this forums??
Or you just venting?
whats ur behavior score? What time of the day did you played? Ive had so many times where people goes full retard mode seeing new heroes and roles. Now imagine if i actually started playing broodmother (again as the offlane) before the new abilities. I would get flamed for sure. I remember when i played with some high mmr players they say why when i make axe vanguard everyone flames me, but once a pro player does it its all fine... (this player is a pro player now)
Glad to know I'm not missing out on "better quality of games" cause of having low mmr. XD
dude my enigma in other game getting chased by 3 heroes in lane min 1, they have no stuns, jugg spins and he cant just tp back to tower :))) after tanking all the spin damage, and again, getting saved by my Q usage, he fucking tps to base instead of tower so i use salve on him.
after he came back to lane he said "thank you for ruining my lane"
i had better games when i was 900 mmr, this is a bad joke.
its fine anyway, i thought in new system griefing means u get banned and being toxic means u get low behavior
sadly i just watched stream of a random dude who griefed my game and i saw him rage buybacking, getting all tomes as pos 3, afk farming for next 5 games and he is still not banned :))
i get it now, an absolute animal who gets 12 fucking gameplay reports in a summary instead of getting a ban loses 1k behavior
meanwhile if i say 3 sentences about how world was better place if ppl like that enigma queue on their own for sub-animal servers, im a spawn of devil and i get 1k less behavior as well
just take your time guys, its very enjoyable to watch the first minute. if u feel low in life, just watch the first minute and u will feel good about yourself.
just see how our 7th pick pos 4 feeds fb and remember no matter how big of loser u are, atleast u are not russian, there are hopes for you <3
just see how much our amazing high iq magnus player is triggered about his chen pos 3, literally snap is griefing and feeding game yet mag is upset about his pos 3
if u have extra time, see this godlike player rp usage and remember, it was all my fault for picking chen
u can find some #RLM quotes in all chat if u are supportive too. much love, stay kind and positive.
^^ Meh, I played techies for a year in ranked and that's like everyday.
Mid feeds -> Techies fault
Safe lane dies in enemy jungle -> Techies fault
Cores jump into 5 heroes and die -> Techies fault
But I was too busy playing techies that I never bothered to respond and somehow, if you don't respond the animal finds someone else to blame and then they get reported.
Low IQ animals have attention span of a goldfish, if you don't remind them, they won't even know you exist in game and then pick fights with other players.
And boys that's my secret to having 10k bhs after spamming 450 techies p5 games in ranked. XD
My inspiration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzeUeJejHXM
im not saying its sth new, i heard it since beginning. but i really expected to not hear it when im owning the game as i didnt before. this is sth new. russians are actually evolving in their degeneration
oh i got 0 com abuse this summary and yet i lost 300 behavior for 6 gameplay reports in 3 games. guess i shouldnt picked prophet when chen is banned :))
so we have literally the prior system with no lp bans for everybody. u get lower behavior just for your pick and count of reports, overwatch casually bans absolute animals for 2 lp games after a week. very cool stuff. one step closer to perfection!
from what ive noticed we get rarely put into LP. In order to get into LP our overwatch detectives needs to do it and if they do it you'll get like 2-3 games +- depends on how frequently u get. And in order for us not to lose beh score you need to not be reported at all. Even if u get like 3 times reported and 2 times in 20 games not your next reports can be meant for LP if theyre a lot. But it is completely possible to increase your score if ure from 5k or lower. You just need to carry the game or play good enough in order for people to notice you. But in low beh score climbing is a lot harder and decreasing it is easier.
I can confirm what bambi says.
Overwatch review decides if you get LP or not.
Reports will reduce your bhs, regardless of verdict.
If you report someone and that player is marked guilty, the report is refunded to you.
If you report someone and that player is marked not guilty, you lose that report.
So if someone keeps reporting you, just ignore that and play as you normally do. Don't give in to the toxicity, cause then the review guy has a reason to mark you guilty and that guy gets another report to use.
dude i had 5 com abuse 0-1 gameplay and i gained 300. i have 0 com abuse and 6 gameplay and i lost 300
this is bullshit :))
like i rather go lp instead of queue 40 fucking minutes to play with divine 1-2 as a fucking 6k player
literally when im pos 4 or 3, i play 5 aswell, i should buy wards while my 5 buying a midas into core items then i get lower behavior cause i picked np and cleared one camp with treants :))))
also even if they report you its up to the overwatcher to decide whether ure guilty or not
but i already lost behavior for nothing
dude, nobody cares about 2-3 lp games. 80% of my games someone rage buybacks, going jungle whole game, amulate in mid. this is beyond trash
do you have any idea how many dogshit animals gonna report me for nothing if they know it will decreases my behavior score?
they introduced this system so ppl like cancel not getting into 2k behavior score for no reason more than others hating them, and we are back at it again
this game probably gonna be a reason why im not 6.5k behavior in next summary and i am 5k
well, i mentally broke when am constantly saying i report chen. i dont know how a qop dies 2 time solo to a fucking arc
i dont know why my brew with a "heart" in his name and anime girl tps lane to farm instead of fight when i have mek
but i know it was my fault to try in first place, next time i pretend im trash and i dont give animals like am a hope to win. that was my bad
as u can see, there is a lesson in every thing. u can always do better. sometimes u shouldnt give false hope to failure since birth animals
If it makes you feel any good, I got flamed for asking my 2 core,2supp,1 tank team to push at 18 mins after winning all lanes against a 5 man core team.
Finally they decide to push at 35 mins and the enemy team wipes us off, then my team flames me again saying "See this is what happens when we push".
I'm really not sure, if I'm retarded to think that there's a massive difference between 5 man core at 18 mins vs 5 man free farming cores at 35 mins.
ahh here we go, Delusional crusader monkey with a boner for me, I thought you were finally ashamed and stopped stalking me. Guess not.
That's a nice dose of laughter. Instead of saying, it's impossible to climb as support, you should just say it's impossible to climb mmr when someone sucks at the game.
You are so bad, that not even your 3k friends can pull you out.
Lol filthy subhuman scum of the earth behaving as usual like a psychotic dog that should be put down. The only fucking thing with a boner is your gonorrhea infected transvestite father. Still thinking that u can offend me by using my match history? What an amusing clown
Well it seem to work. Even when you are not mentioned you just show up and talk about me. It feels like I've made a small little civilization inside your head. But please, pretend it's not like that, it's hilarious.
Also, at the pace you are losing, is it Guardian time soon?
Your brain damage is too severe to comprehend that u post in every single thread here (becos u have no life - typical degenerate weeb filth autist) and I'm not "showing up to talk to u"
If anything, my OP was talking to others, not you. Fucking idiot
Seriously a fucking shameless retard thinking you're worthy of any space in anyone's head. No one (not even in your reality life) gives a fuck about your meaningless dogshit existence. Go fuck a goat's corpse we all know u enjoy it
that anime sub animal guy literally griefed a 40 fucking minute game chasing others and trolling two weeks ago
and i personally reported him that game
yet the degenerate weeb scum is still some how playing the game. very cool. 40 fucking minutes 4 ppl trying to win while an animal ruining game yet i lose behavior cause of his report and nothing happens to him
im not even trying to say he is blatant account buyer 1k mmr subhuman
only in 2021
If anything, my OP was talking to others, not you. Fucking idiot
Talking to others about me. You just love to talk about me, don't you??
Guardian monkey in denial at this stage. At this point, I don't even have to put any effort to trigger you. Ez life.
once again using language/logic that i taught u. pathetic sack of shit living in a slum probably half your family already dead from covid (the other half doesn't recognize your shameless existence anyway)
Look at this autist monkey having his usual episode of psychosis. Probably just done with his morning hentai wank-a-thon, waiting for his sickening filth cum to dry as it forms another disgusting layer over his deformed penis
https://www.dotabuff.com/players/2161850 <- I'd rather look at this and laugh my ass off.
Triggered Guardian monkey. Trying to get 3k player to boost you, but even they can't carry you.
Lol the clown is back to repeating himself becos he has once again reached the limit of his intelligence and his English. Something around the level of filthy cancerous bacteria living on a 80yo war rApists cock 60 years after the war ended. Pathetic useless son of a filthy wh0re I hope they test the vacine on u becos that's the most useful thing u can ever be a fcking meat shield
Triggered guardian monkey.
Too angry to even make coherent sentences or spell words properly.
Trying so hard with that limited vocabulary of insults. This is hilarious.
How angry will you get If I post the link of ranked games again?
idk why u think it will make me angry. fcking retarded scum pretending he knows why he's being made to look like a clown on his favorite dota forum lol pathetic
guys can u plz stop for a minute and appreciate gaben for banning that degenerate weeb scum for ONE lp game?
so much hard work be thankful to our lord and savior
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
"visage" "safelane", "sniper" "pos 4" constantly talking about pos 5 chen pick
"he trolled us with his pick"
"chen in 2021"
every lives matters, specially these fucking annoying shameless low iq animals