General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the best hero to climb 2k Support?

Who is the best hero to climb 2k Support? in General Discussion
Bles Bridges

    2k is special in the sense that sometimes you REALLY can't trust your cores to farm hard or not throw with bad decisions. I'm talking blatantly bad decisions like chase a pos 5 with no vision etc.

    I've had some medium success with Warlock and Shaman?

    What is the best heroes and playstyle to climb 2k as a support?



      basically, healbots


        Think of a support hero that punishes blatant bad decisions.

        Answer: Techies.
        Learn how to play that hero and watch 4 enemy cores walk on your mines repeatedly.
        Easy climb to 3k.




            Winter Wyvern


              Also had succes with Wyvern. First item mana boots, dissasemble for aether lense and then just stay back and throw your ult in. Good combo with Jugg on safe lane


                WW warlock lion shaman.
                But goku is right if you master techies he is da best, ez mmr.


                  You need supports with high dmg to deny those lane creeps so the opponent carry gets nothing. Then if you cant deny, then go harass until the opponent leaves his lane. Chances are that the opponent will harass you very greatly nowadays compared to in the past. So you need a jungle option for yourself if you lose the lane, as most carries cant jungle that fast. There used to be an item iron talon that was so broken they removed it.

                  Some supports that always have a strategy no matter how bad the lane goes and yet fulfills all criteria above: Jakiro, Dark Seer, Invoker, Viper, Shaman, Witch Doctor, Venomancer.....

                  There are somemore, especially one which I shall not reveal. Basically your carries farm so slow you always have excess creeps sitting around. So in 2k bracket you want to cover those weak spots that your carries have instead of blaming them.


                    When you play heroes like Shaman or Treant you should aim for at least 10 denies or more otherwise you are just wasting your time. People like you need to play core more often to train your last hitting and denying skills so that you realize what core players need in the lane.


                      WW ult is the most op ult in the game, I don't think of any ult that is better than this shit(maybe dark willow)


                        AA ulti is the best in the game. No regen, No healing, No armlet toggle, No low hp shenanigans, No attribute shift -> that by itself counters so many cores + it has global range with increasing aoe.

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          if your 2k support all you need to do is ganking and backup them try use hero like earthspirit or gyro roaming

                          honor guard

                            Dark willow, wr

                            honor guard

                              Dark willow, wr


                                ^^ off topic, But is everyone getting the "internal server error" frequently now and then the comment is posted twice?

                                honor guard

                                  Yep, just checked out this topic since last night when that "internal server error" thingy pops out after commenting here lol

                                  Anyways, playing with dw on your bracket is so fun you can literally kill anyone when you hit lv 6 if you know what you are doing. XD


                                    If you really wanna climb fast go mid. Climbing with pos 5 is borderline impossible depending on your rng. Pos 4 heroes who can solo carry or make crazy comebacks are techies/enigma/roaming shaker. WW is not bad but your brainless dogs will throw everything on your ult.


                                      ^ P5 climb is doable if you know what you are doing. If you can't climb on P5 it simply means you suck at P5.

                                      Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                        Oh god pls dont techies .. Always remember to report techies whether if its ur ally or an enemy .. Whether it is a win or loss

                                        The guy who wants to play...

                                          techies is definitely the hero to go if you want to make your own game. Otherwise, just get good. your mmr will eventually climb. If not, then maybe the trench is your true habitat lol.
                                          That being said, 2k (which is Crusader trench and also my current trench) is also full of smurfs, so it is more of luck thing involved as well. Personally, I'd just pick heroes I like to play/ fit my play style. I like to sit back as support so I prefer the likes of WL/ Zeus/ Veno/ KOTL/ Lina/ AA etc. Been floating in 1.8-2k for a while now, once I dropped to 1.4k but going back up is quick.


                                            Dark Willow. With her i got like 500-800mmr~ from Ancient 2 to Divine 2 or something like that.


                                              Judging by your profile, dazzle or warlock.


                                                Just remember, 40% of the games are going to be stomps you will have to endure. Another 40% of the games are stomps that you are going to be handing out to the other team. It is only those 20% games where your skill is truly measured. Shit tier teams usually are light on stuns and/or team fight abilities... So any of the heroes that provide these are good (this is basically most of the supports though). There are a few supports heroes that scale up and are not completely neutered by BKB.

                                                Even a shit tier core can hit a stunned enemy... Things like Void Chrono and WW ult etc. are a bit dangerous as you can f your team up with those abilities.

                                                positive vibes

                                                  lina, dark willow, lion, shadow shaman,


                                                    nobody mentioned crystal - rubick here.
                                                    I tried them today and I got 2 loses. so should I only focus on meta heroes like WW and Omni?

                                                    and the other question: is it ok to ply all the roles? or should I just focus on 1-2 roles and few heroes? I mean is it possible to be great at all the roles?


                                                      Treant protector and winter wyvern.


                                                        just pick a hero who buys 10 salves per minute and doesnt care about any items. maybe AA is good in that case
                                                        till 10k mmr u still get a son of a pig russian wh0re carry buying 0 regen for himself and blames u for every thing

                                                        or maybe wait for a patch that supports have impacts and dont need a russian 1k mmr acc buyer son of a bitch carry them

                                                        actually thats the reason why warlock ench ww and healing is meta
                                                        its ruski son of bitch pos 1 meta




                                                            I climb from 2k mmr to 3k by playing mid lane hero ( Tinker, Meepo and Arc warden) i only play these three.

                                                            Reverse Flash

                                                              It doesn't matter what you pick at 2k. If you're good and know what to do in the lane phase (denies, harass, pulling, roaming) you will win no matter what hero you are. You could play Zeus support and climb.

                                                              Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                                                Chen pos5


                                                                  my top 1 networth @10 totally free lane russian pos 1 has 1k more damage than my useless chen
                                                                  god how inferior a whole race can be :))))

                                                                  dedicate your life to support russians boys
                                                                  we all love them, its not their fault. it just happened they born with mental illness called "being ruski"


                                                                    Pick AA or Winter Wyvern. Those heroes offer great fight and they both can build holy locket which is a must have item on most position 5 heroes


                                                                      Holy locket on aa? For what lmao


                                                                        Average bulldog watcher.
                                                                        bulldog says "holylocket is broken on all heroes". pleb makes HL on everything regardless if it syncs with that heroes kit or not.


                                                                          Ancient Apparition




                                                                              Offlaners like Mars or any heroes that can clear waves

                                                                              boring personality

                                                                                shaman, ww, wlock, jakiro, dp should all be good choices- reasoning being either they're incredible teamfighters where u press 1 button to hopefully win a fight
                                                                                or u just splitpush & take free towers until end of time

                                                                                2k's cannot deal with splitpush when done properly- proper vision & splitting multiple lanes
                                                                                i personally climbed with luna/tb just splitting waves until kingdom come

                                                                                Аня Тейлор-Джой

                                                                                  He's 1k now tho sadge

                                                                                  Something to say

                                                                                    A bit late, but you can try playing Abaddon 5. People in 2k don't focus you down, because they assume you are a tanky abaddon with his ult (though you don't want to put any points in it at all). You max your heal and shield with one point in curse for besieging towers. Rest of the points go in talents or +2 stats. You build a vladimirs and solar crest and go from objective to objective, staying behind your carry/mid/offlaner (whoever is the least pepeg) to heal and be ready to dispel any roots, stuns or silences. Since you act as a walking fountain and short cd manta for your team, team fights should become a breeze. More objectives means more space for your cores. With this much space and dick sucking it's really hard to lose. Unless you have a hard support jungle sf or a mid dazzle, in which case god bless you and gl next.


                                                                                      Bles Bridges in my humble opinion WW is the most broken support in this meta. in 2k bracket i know you cant really rely on your cores to do the heavylifting every game so you can do the heavylifting yourself with a great Winter's curse , quickly taking one enemy support and then turning around the fight , or just using it so that your carry survives.
                                                                                      Another thing that makes WW such an amazing hero in this patch is the fact you dont really need items except your glimmer cape to be really effective.
                                                                                      Try watching some high mmr guides on ww pos 5 (pay attention to positioning , warding) and you can get +500 mmr in no time.



                                                                                        12 or old meta enjoyer

                                                                                          wave clear, backline rubick ww. people on 2k dont really jump backline support if you position correctly


                                                                                            Pick meta high impact


                                                                                              Lion bro / Lina bro

                                                                                              (Bot) Beerus

                                                                                                skywrath pos 4.

                                                                                                spam spells on enemy safelaner, walk back to base, tp in and repeat. get atos, solo kill everyone

                                                                                                Get Wrecked Noob

                                                                                                  Honestly bro you shouldnt be playing support in 2k id suggest you play a core like spectre or medusa and go mid everygame you have to realize dota is a 5 team game its not 2v5 or 3v5 and when shit like that happens its impossible to see where the game will go yh you can pick rubbick or wven or techies thats not bad at all but it wont gurantee you the game at all if you pick heroes like spectre or medusa youd have way more of an impact but the thing is you actually have to learn to play if you suck you wont climb mmr easily if you want to be the best you got to study the game and put in the work which you take time off from ranked create another account if you have to and practice when youre good play ranked again your perspective on the game has to change and for bracked like 2k ,3k ,4k even 5k nowawadays its all about picking heroes to avoid that 4v5 and 3v5 when you get like 6k , 7k you will start to enjoy the game cause players around that bracket are serious and games are actually 5v5 and its way more enjoyable i wish you the best in your mmr climbing just remember study the game dont go just finding match you will lose alot of games


                                                                                                    ^ok normal skill