General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Hell as a 2k support.

MMR Hell as a 2k support. in General Discussion
    კომენტარი წაიშალა
    Bles Bridges

      @Neverswatafly thanks I'll do that I really don't mind people telling me what I'm bad at because it just means improving.


        Just b good


          You have never won your lane according to dotabuff in something like 10+ games. You go between losing and drawing your lanes. I assume this is regular. There is room for improvement for you here since you are basically starting at a 30-70 disadvantage having lost your lane (as opposed to a 50-50). When you win your lanes, you increase your odds of winning into the midgame (duh!).

          If you want advice: you need to address the laning phase. If you don't win your lane as a pos4/5, don't expect to win the game. I favor heroes with lane presence (read slows and disables) like Bane, CM, Dazzle, WD in pos 5 and SShaman, lion, Enigma, Hoodwink pos4. This gives you initiative to win the lane (e.g. throwing out a stun and ping your carry to follow up). This will help you learn to lane and cast your spells better instead of relying on your carry to sustain with heals. Win the lane by pushing the wave, securing range creeps, getting level advantages, kill enemy heroes with level advantage, and THEN pull to restore lane equilibrium.

          As a support, you should also be looking at your laning partner. What disables do we have? Do we have spell-synergy into greater kill potential? Are we stronger as a pair than they are (hp/armor and dmg output)? If so, when do we go to kill them? If we aren't, what's the fall back strategy? If you aren't asking yourself these questions every game, don't expect to have meaningful impact in the game (you'll only do the most obvious things, the lowest hanging fruit of actions). I see you pick a lot of warlock. Heroes like spectre are good partners since they are tanky and absorb damage well, increasing the usefulness of your heal (synergy). Heroes like slark appreciate the sustain so they can hit lvl 6 earlier and abuse the free heal of his ulti. Think about these combos as it will help you in the lane (although I don't recommend you play warlock at all, choose someone who can disable/gank).

          Finally, in the mid-late game (after laning phase), your mindset will transition to team fighting and warding. There is a ton of things to say here but I will emphasize a good support will position and stay alive to cast their spells more than once. Ask yourself what should I be doing in the fights that are going to happen? Look at the enemy heroes and ask who should I save my spells for? Who do I need to make sure to avoid so I don't die? What conditions are best so that we can take a good team fight? Often times, if you can get your spells off more than once, you've done enough to win basic fights. Stand behind your cores, they should be able to cover you at this point.

          Hope this helps. I climbed to divine playing support exclusively (hopefully immortal soon) and all the comments about gaining mmr playing support are simply not true. The "hell" is created when you think you should be getting better, but you are not PLAYING better in a meaningful way (i.e. you are at your correct rank). I say this meaning no offense and accepting this will push you to get better in new ways. Don't get frustrated. Be better.

          Why so ez?

            I play supp and usually carry my team at the same time

            Just pick the right heroes.


              I watched your match @Bles Bridges ID6032703393. key notes are capitalised, sorry if they sound rude but i would have used coloured text if i could.

              You pulled the creeps into the small camp ard 3:45
              - why? I'm literally lower mmr than you, and I always hate supports that dont see the lane equilibrium and blindly pull when the creeps are lined up RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR TOWER. Ez exp for the radiant for the next 3 waves.
              - rubick being the equally abyssmal support (still topped off with FULL HP AND MANA at almost 3 mins) does a better pull under your ward vision, which you should have pre-empted considering the lane position. you dont try to re-aggro the pulled radiant creeps, ATTACKING THE JUNGLE CREEPS instead. Ursa had the right mind to get in and pull it back to lane, cos god knows you would have just watched the creep go to disneyland and still do nothing.

              you pull again at 5:16 when creeps are under your tower.
              - WHY? its literally the siege wave, and you let the radiant siege hit get in a few hits. thank goodness the bb offlane didnt know his hero matchups, didnt see his levels, didnt think he would ever die basically. if your lane partner was any other carry hero, even with level advantage, he would probably be dead as a result.

              guess what happens again at 6:15? yup, you PULLED. you didnt see the lane impact, you just blindly pulled again.
              - ursa was going aggressive on bb. ur friend probably didnt know you were pulling, has an entire creep wave and a half in his face. rubick suddenly realises he has spells to cast and helps lock down your friend. ursa accidentally used his wand charges early cos he's freaking out from this 2v1
              - bb chases you out of lane, you lose 1 creepwave worth of exp and TOWER IS DYING
              - 1 gank from storm later and you realise your TOWER IS DEAD from a single attempt. how did they down it so fast?
              - laning stage is basically over at this point, with bb coming out ahead (by doing nothing but spamming w). and you will never feel good if bb comes out ahead in the lanes

              Extra pointers:
              Supports MATTER as you have seen from the deaths just from this laning phase. you obviously dont seem to understand yet when to baby your carry, or go create more value elsewhere on the map yet (pulling, stacking) and hero matchups. you ar eprobably more concerned on your micro game than the macro game at this stage, which means you just need to watch/play more.

              if ursa had the same skill level as you, he might have been kited to hell and died many times over to bb and rubick.

              they had 3 squishy heroes that u could impact with your fatal bonds with your ulti early on, but you skilled points into upheaval (in a storm/pa match no less). very questionable.

              Play with the intention of getting better. you wont get better doing the same things over and over again without ever understanding why you do them. why are you pulling at this timing? should i stay with this hero after laning phase because the enemy will constantly hunt for them? can i rotate out of lane so that my other lanes can win harder/ get even? should i ever farm lanes beyond the laning phase, considering their heroes and their locations on the map? food for thought

              Bles Bridges

                Thanks appreciate some of the criticisms so far 👍🏻


                  Climbing as support sub 5k is %90 luck. The other %10 is based on what region you play on.


                    ^^ Funnily enough, all those who say that, can't even climb playing core role. That should be a big hint for you ppl. LUL


                      life is just about luck anyway
                      we're all the unlucky sperm in a billion that made it happen sadly