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General Discussioni need help - dota2

i need help - dota2 in General Discussion

    Tell me how to win again, please...

    Kabir singh's bo0ster

      kill the ancient


        Same way you did the last time you climbed. Shouldn't be too hard.




            i cant. I got all the trash talk, noobs in my team every game. I've had some decent team mates and i won. My last 2 games are an example. Either they destroy items, trash talk all the time. I wanted to queue as carry but i got like 30m queue got bored and switched to least ive 40 games remaining as any pos i want so i might rank up a bit.


              look, u got griefers in enemy when u won, now griefers are in your team. stop making fancy stories about your skills.
              literally same happening to me and i dont make a big drama out of it :))
              i mean, there is a rank 200 guy who won 3 games against me today and when he matched with me he afk since start of the game over stupid picks. accept the life , its just a bad joke


                The problem is that in my last 30 games are always like this. Especially when I play support. I'm tired of carrying them as core. I just want a normal game where nobody quits


                  ^^The matchmaking is balancing itself out. For 30 games you see trashcans in enemy team and climb to divine, now you are getting trashcans in your team and you are going down.

                  Balance in all the things ~Ember spirit


                    Its a curse. Lol

                    mute all

                      same..but i think im the reason why my team lose..will try to be better next time..


                        You need to optimize your item builds and spam your skills as often as possible. If you are not using clarities 1/4 of the time, it means that you are not doing anything most of the time as a support.


                          Ever since I got into the habit of equipping wind lace, games were so much easier to win. I am afraid they may remove wind lace next patch.


                            ^^Imagine getting cocky over lucky streak. Thinking that doing something like "using clarities" or "equipping lace" results in winning is so funny.
                            Currently you are getting shit heads in enemy team, few weeks later that's gonna change and you are gonna make similar post like this cause you are losing games.


                              ^^ One will have to wonder how do these shitheads climb rank. Maybe these shitheads dropped rank from ancient instead. Either way, the more I climb, the less shitheads there should be and the easier it is to win.

                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                ^Hmmmmm you sure about that hun? 3k flat is an absolute nightmare to play in though, idk wtf happens between archon 5 and legend 1 but it's unbearable.


                                  ^Truly unbearable, trying to stay positive and hopefully get out of that chokepoint.


                                    ^^ Dropped rank yup, Went from crusader 4 to ancient 2 = dropped rank. Funnier when, just 2 weeks ago I was legend 4 and some subhuman trash at herald like you was calling me a 3k dog ...OMEGALUL XD
                                    Please more salt. I need some for my fries. hahahahahaha

                                    Want some tip to be positive?? I can help you with that. If your trash ego allows that.
                                    You can't even identify free wins, and you dream of climbing LOL.

                                    Watch and understand this, if you ever want to improve.

                                    Letting free wins boost your ego, where you think, random stuff you did in those games are the winning conditions LOL

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      ^What? who cares about what others call you or call me? If you cant prove that you are better than the rest of the people that are sitting in your bracket, it would be very hard for you to rank up. Good for you to reach ancient 2 from crusader. Just make sure you stay there and dont drop haha.


                                        i care. i care a lot when you guys calling me kowaretard. i cry in bed every night


                                          ^ I care a lot too. If I stop caring, I miss on all the salt from low mmr trash like you who blames everything else for their own low mmr. OMEGALUL XD

                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!