General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do account buyers always play carry?

Why do account buyers always play carry? in General Discussion
卍pudge king卍

    Are they stupid or something

    anal enjoyer

      they wanna feel kinda boss in the game


        you are slowly turning to a whiney anime bitch
        watch some manly porn instead of hentai


          getting trolled by dagon tiny
          karma is real bitch

          pissfuck shitass gaytard

            because mid/carry = only roles that matters
            so when you have deluded people buying account, they still think they were stuck with bad supports while in fact, they were absolutely dogshit

            卍pudge king卍

              That game with tiny dragon was winnable but I think my supports bought their accounts. Puck was a massive idiot too. The game plan is to stick as 4 but he kept dying before we can do anything. Should have split more


                nobody takes weebs seriously tho
                thats might be why they dont listen


                  OP u can boost me if u are bored ty


                    From the looks of how OP posts on this forum you will lose about 1000 behavior score for every 100 mmr gained.


                      "That game with tiny dragon was winnable but I think my supports bought their accounts."

                      Isn't that a contradiction of your post title? Or perhaps you might wanna check your tendency to equate everyone as an account buyer every time u lose a game.

                      pissfuck shitass gaytard

                        ^wow sub50 winrate crusader judging a divine 4 player

                        unbreakable spirit

                          ^Wow says the sub50 winrate archon player


                            ^wow says the weeb


                              @ egypt, I'm asking a legit question. Why do you think it's judgemental? And why bring up rank on that question? I can understand rank matters if it's about game mechanics and stuff...but this is just a question about OP's attitude.

                              And as you can see...if you wanna bring up rank...then u and me better keep quiete then.

