General Discussion

General DiscussionNEED HELP

Dota 2 API დროებით მიუწვდომელია. მატჩის შედეგები გამოჩნდება Dota 2 API-ს აღდგენისას.
NEED HELP in General Discussion

    so ive been on the trench for almost 3 months now im stucked from 4.6 mmr ,ive been demoted several times but i managed to get my divine 1 medal over and over again but i find it hard to get out of divine 1 its either ive team up with griefers,account buyers/boosted or im up against boosters/smurfs.WHAT SHOULD I DO plss serious answers only

    Kabir singh's bo0ster

      Contact MR dojo for a coaching session, some hours later and 1000 dollars down the drain you will be rank 500 NA with 6k mmr.


        use booster bro just boost to certain mmr if u can stay in that mmr range then u are good enough

        ME MID

          Give ur acc. too kabir booster ez divine bracket


            Ez bro just feed every game and you will be out of the 4.6k trench real quick heading to 3k!


              Ez bro just feed every game and you will be out of the 4.6k trench real quick heading to 3k!