General Discussion

General DiscussionThis game is trash and dead

This game is trash and dead in General Discussion
卍pudge king卍

    1. The ranking system of top level Dota is trash. Why? Because raising MMR takes 1000 years and is a massive timesink to raise because of MMR inflation due to account buying/MMR abusers feeding the top no life players while skill being the same. When your rank gets harder to raise people tend to cheat more and creates a feedback loop. A game takes 30 minutes on average EVEN WHEN U LITERALLY CANT LOSE IT TAKES 30 MINUTES BECAUSE OF STUPID DELAY MECHANICS of the game unless the other team literally afks in base or picks some absolute grief tier draft. Everyone and their moms in top 500 have some sort of a 55% winrate grind fest of op heroes or gotten their ranks from stupid pay to win double downs after seeing the draft, or avoiding known griefers. Literally no other game has a ranking system this retarded

    2. Current patch is heavily draft and team based. Even if you are severely better than your shit mates you cannot pick for your teammates and you cannot play for them. The problem is valve is making the game more and more team based and making drafts so broken because they just had to nerf ITEMS which were the only thing that made heroes less variable in function. This creates the smurf problem because people want to WIN because of their skill and decision making. HOWEVER PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT INDIVIDUAL SKILL and just smurf WILL HAVE TO FOREGO THE WHOLE RANKING SYSTEM. IF DOTA WAS 1 V 1 I GUARANTEE YOUR ASS THAT ILL BE RANK 10.

    3. PEOPLE ARE LEAVING THE GAME BECAUSE OF SMURFS AND RUINERS ETC. The whole game is so toxic and trash to play riddled with account buyers caused by the massive time investment required to rank up.

    4. Valve also does not give a single shit about growing the game anymore. And no new player would want to play this trash game thus there is no future for Dota.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Kabir singh's bo0ster

      Buddy you can be rank 100 in 500 games from scratch if you are good enough, 99.999999 of us are stuck below very high rank immortal cause we suck at the game in some way

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა


        You had me in the first half. Also - I guarantee you will be miserable in DotA if you are obsessed with MMR.

        Regarding Valve, how much money this game generates versus how much they themselves invest right now is probably hilarious if we saw the numbers. Imagine if they spent a considerable budget on:

        - Developing the tutorial
        - Adding initiatives for players to learn and get better that is not gaining MMR
        .ex. Dotaplus hero levels?
        .ex. Achievements that are not just 'did X thing Y times', more like 'did X thing to Y under circumstance Z' (something as simple as killed 2 enemy heroes while <20% hp)
        .ex Had actual community involvement at times that there is no TI.


          yes dead game indeed

          3 hero pool

            WIN = EZ GAME
            LOSE = TRASH GAME

            IM SPEAKING FACT

            Pale Mannie

              ah yes another disgruntled shitter. i hope you let your steam off writing all this



                卍pudge king卍

                  Non VHS arent entitled to any opinion regarding dota


                    Complain about smurfs, then write post on smurf account: D


                      That's the point. Some spend hours in the game to cycle between the same mmr for years and spending hours in the game which we still suck at it. Hell, even valve ruined AP for me. What is this? This mode is literally harder than the competitive cm (since you'll be able to counter the enemy) that was the joy of dota knowing what hero to chose depending on enemy and your team picks. And now cuz some people can't deal with last minute counter doesn't need to be changed the hole system. If competitive matches get changed to AP + 3 bans for both teams it'll be harder to counter the enemy at least in the first phase (since both teams will be the first to pick) and what is this 20m queue search for core roles in 1 fcking game where there're thousands people every day. And games like starcraft, hyper scape, call of duty and more finds enemies 5m less... Dead game. Unfriendly dota 2 to new players as well Valve is not trying at all to advertise the game or change its ranked system. Also what is this? They said they that they'll reset ranked mm every 6 months, hello?????


                        honestly that making game team based is very true. its so fucking frustrating. i played this week on 3k smurf and if i dont follow the best build on lycan, i have literally no impact. and it is retarded. if i fuck around a bit and miss my timings, game over. i have no impact in the outcome.

                        anyway, it feels like the way we played dota past years is dead not the game itself. if u pick sven/spectre/arc/clinkz u dont need any teammates to win i assume

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Yep if you think this is a dead game, go play some games for kids only. This game is not for crybaby like kid


                            Recommendation : go play Mobile Legend/ Arena of Valor

                            Pernod Cola

                              Wins = dota is so ez once u learn it
                              loses = dota is dying and trash
                              complaints about smurfs while threading from a smurf account
                              u literally had another thread a few days ago saying dota is easy once you learn it = hypocrite

                              And btw I've seen your rank calibration games you will calibrate at immortal rank 3000-4000 isn't that enough? lol

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                i just care how valve isn't carrying at all "cough" the community. Community makes dota 2 not the fcking competitive matches which they focus primarly. Low priority for what? So people can report others when they've bad game and the unfairness continues years? Valve isn't trying to contribute to the game at all. Just some cosmetics and thats it. They've no intention on improving their own SYSTEM for matchmaking and report system. You can't play 14 games great every time and when you meet trash team mates they either leave you alone on the safe lane later report you and you nothing can do about it. If valve doesn't fix its matchmaking the game will DIE sooner than they thought. This game is hard to study and especially harder if your team MATES are playing to ruin others game. Its up to you if u want to invest YEARS in order to become something. Hell, even if i start studying more than im playing video games i could be rocket scientist. And the funny part about having job/studying is that they don't change. What you do will stay the same (yes some things might change over the years which u need to study it), but that's basically. Video games are made for fun and not cuz some trash mates is unhappy with your performance boom, report, boom low priority, boom 10 games playing for 2 wins. Touche. As for @harts223 u have no right to talk about smurfing since u're a smurf as well and i complain about their system way before you've played this game.


                                  At the end of the day it’s just a game!
                                  If you can’t have fun playing a game it’s time move to another one.
                                  Instead most of you trying to create new accounts and hoping to calibrate high mmr once you fail your a miserable

                                  Pernod Cola

                                    True that. I only created this account cause people can't take criticism these days and report you no matter what u say to them. I guess 5 games of SD was too much for me. @Bambooni sit down kid. I said nothing about smurfing being good or bad. He is complaining about smurfing while he is a smurf himself. I don't think you've played the game before me since I have a test account and played the game since 2011 when it was not even out and f2p whidely. I'm ancient in this game from the Garena and time.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    Willow's Alt Acc

                                      I lose 500 mmr because of double down and mediocre behaviour score. Stupid me xD
                                      Yeah the game is very hard in nature, as other people afect ur gameplay despite ur skill

                                      What I can do is just improving on my part and eventually outperform others


                                        2k11 december is my first game on this account. And i played dota 2 on another account 1 game before this one

                                        убивать фанатов аниме для...

                                          Anime profile pic - worthless opinion.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            i was asking myself wow why is this dude so mad ?? then i went to check he's profile and saw that 11 losses 2 days in a row ... feels bad man lol..
                                            sometimes u take the game too much seriously specially when losing, i been there. that makes you really mad and make you lose more.
                                            so dont play too many games in a row if u lose or if u mad and remember to have fun in the game .


                                              Don't think a lot of people realize its perfectly normal for your MMR to fluctuate +-500.


                                                who cares, its video game, i think dota is too much time investment and frustrating to play solo, so i only play party and i play it less, i dont whine abt it on some random forum like a toddler, i just go use my time playing a different game.


                                                  For almost everyone gaining MMR is a challenge... therefore it is a rewarding process when you succeed and a punishing process when you fail. When people say they "only play for fun" its kind of counter intuitive because they're often greatly reducing the potential enjoyment from the game by emotionally protecting themselves from the punishment of losing.

                                                  To say you play DOTA for fun and don't care about MMR is like playing Texas Holdem with no money. It is meaningless. It doesn't matter if you are high MMR or low MMR the point is that you have something to gain or lose each match.

                                                  卍pudge king卍

                                                    This game is dead and dumb


                                                      The game has always been dead and dumb to those who aren't smart enough to play it.

                                                      Pernod Cola
                                                        კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                                          i dont care about earning fake video game points i enjoy the game for what it is, i think its rather demeaning to imply people cant make the decisions that are best for their own enjoyment

                                                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                            You would enjoy it if you could, getting a pat on the back and knowing you are better at something then everyone else is a really good feeling, besides high level games are more fun that low skill shit shows i wish I was good enough to play at highest level pubs with pros and shit that sounds like a blast.


                                                              What Kabir said it correct but it is even more simple than "knowing you are better at something than everyone else" it comes down to knowing you are better at something than you were a few months ago. Seeing yourself improve over time is a very rewarding experience that someone who simply plays for fun is likely missing out on.

                                                              Many people don't seem to realize that DOTA requires active learning, you cant just passively play the game and get better over time. You must analyze what you've done and critically think about how you can improve. Someone playing for fun isnt doing this.

                                                              Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                Yea thats how I should have worded it I meant that deep down but words are hard.


                                                                  yeah man I also want to get better and higher mmr to play with pro player in pub must be very fun

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    i have grinded from 600 mmr to 3.6k ok, im well aware of what grinding is, its not all bad, i just dont feel like doing it anymore, because for me i find the most enjoyment out of messing around with friends. if i later feel in the mood to grind, then i will.

                                                                    unbreakable spirit

                                                                      I also want to get better and become a top immortal some day


                                                                        Smurf complaining about smurfs shows that any idiot can reach Immortal 5000 as long as they have good reflexes (above average).

                                                                        Dota system was the best ranking system ever created untill Valve started changing it.

                                                                        In the past you could see match history of others without inviting them. You coud actually dodge certain loses, when the system forced you to play with people on red days vs people on green days. You could literally see that the system is not trying to balnce the game at all, but works more like COD ranking system. The better you play, the worst teammates you get. Smurf accounts back then could be spotted with 99% probability, but Valve did everything in its power to keep the smurfing business going by making the game history invisible for others. Also by changing the way game loaded. You could no longer dodge a smurf or account buyer and then the smurf plague began.

                                                                        Another thing with smurf accounts. How can Valve know who is playing the game ? There is no system that would balance the game because people will always find a way how to cheat it. Humans are the problem and their need to show low mmr scrubs that they are superior or just money issues in poor countries where selling 3 accounts can feed their family.

                                                                        Dota system used to be nice, not anymore. They would have to narrow 1 steam account to 1 computer which is impossible to do.

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          if the system wants u to lose, u will lose. simple as that.
                                                                          hows that even possible to dodge? is it hard for the system to queue you with red day players in next game again? stop making stories for little kids and get real.

                                                                          [DoN] Rust

                                                                            Smurfs are bad said the smurf.


                                                                              Shit game

                                                                              Beast of no Nation

                                                                                Dude you Just played dota for 14 hours straight. No wonder you are pissed

                                                                                anal enjoyer

                                                                                  in poor countries where selling 3 accounts can feed their family

                                                                                  poor countries most of time have ping,fps,... problems so they can't actually


                                                                                    if the system wants u to lose, u will lose. simple as that.
                                                                                    hows that even possible to dodge? is it hard for the system to queue you with red day players in next game again? stop making stories for little kids and get real.

                                                                                    I dont understand your point but you probably dont seem to remember old system. If you had good connection, you loaded to a game as the first one and saw others on loading screen. You still had time to click on profiles, check match history and decide whetever to abandon or not (just on 5 min penalty without mmr loss). You could dodge a thrower from previous game, smurf or acc buyer with a simple trick making the probablility of a balanced game higher.


                                                                                      Another 5k shitter complaibing about being stuck. Go end urself

                                                                                      卍pudge king卍

                                                                                        game dead and shit


                                                                                          i dont know about old system, i wasnt playing back then, there is NO FORCED in this game and thats all im saying. random events supposed to happen.

                                                                                          You could dodge a thrower from previous game, smurf or acc buyer with a simple trick making the probablility of a balanced game higher.
                                                                                          oh so u abandoned the games u had smurf in your team aswell????? damn, u are such a nice guy Lex. real hero :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                                                          get real ;)


                                                                                            Where did I say there were forced loses? You just had that obvious RNG loses that you could dodge. Dodge the RNG.

                                                                                            Another 5k shitter complaibing about being stuck. Go end urself

                                                                                            Where did anoyone complain about being stuck? I think 5ks+ know why they are stuck. Mostly because they dont have time to no life. You can be Immortal rank with good reflexes but still a dumbass. People using „go end yourself” should be permanently banned from this forum.

                                                                                            The thread was mainly about the smurfing issue. The most important thing about the old system was that you could spot a smurf and report him. And somehow Kowareta you just want to quarell about something completely irrelevant that I did not say. I dunno what is your problem. Maybe get a girlfriend. You will have less time to taunt people on forum.

                                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                              you literally said these stuff pal

                                                                                              You coud actually dodge certain loses, when the system forced you to play with people on red days vs people on green days.
                                                                                              The better you play, the worst teammates you get.

                                                                                              ok bud, what about u fuck off from here and enjoy your time with your amazing girl friend instead? huh?
                                                                                              im pretty sure she will not get disgusted when u claiming the old system was better cause u could dodge games only because u had better internet. WOW so goooooood, LEX the great can dodge the games while poor kids queue games over and over and cant play cause sub animals dodging them. Lex the one who spending time with girl friend.

                                                                                              so fucking disgusting

                                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                DoTa SyStEm Is VeRy NiCe WhEn I cAn AbUsE iT HiHiHi

                                                                                                - Lex the playboy


                                                                                                  The problem is that you are not intelligent at all and you have problems with reading. In the old system smurfs were super easy to spot and report. They changed it due to reddit cries. This thread is mostly about smurfing issue in general. And now you just stick to 1 completely irrelevant part of it just to catch me so you have something to make fun of. While I just wrote it as a fun fact from the past and the whole clue is somewhere else.

                                                                                                  The real problem here is that you should fuck off from this forum and look for a girlfriend (or boyfriend) so you have less time to poison dotabuff with your childish presence.

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    EXS DI
                                                                                                    another joker.
                                                                                                    its alright lex, i have problems with reading, let me read what OP said again, hmm... 15 lines of text, only one short sentence about smurfs.

                                                                                                    its all about smurfs and old system i guess. the system that existed before i and probably OP even playing this game. :))

                                                                                                    the guy has more games than any of us, tried to be immortal on many smurfs and couldnt be a one, knows what going on reddit and talking about being no life and pretending he is not immortal cause he has a life and bad reaction times.

                                                                                                    nice try tho, keep trying. ;)

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                                    lost from within

                                                                                                      Why don't you people just ignore the angry little animal, I mean if this idiot can argue with a retarded archon dumb bitch for an entire year, what makes you think he isn't going to waste your time too Lex?