General Discussion

General DiscussionBehavior Score

Behavior Score in General Discussion

    10k BS = Losing streak
    <9k BS = Got some winning

    Is this normal??
    Need to blame my own team and get reported to winning some game

    Kabir singh's bo0ster
      კომენტარი წაიშალა

        how the fuck do you have 9k+ behavior , when i played i was constantly around 3-4k and still winnnig a lot


          Idk, do some 3 men RP, then say gg to all, got some comments. Even you have 3-4k and still winning a lot. I hope I can reduce my BS

          P.s. idk how to be a toxic except feeding


            if u ahve 10k behavior score it means ur rank is higher than it should be, u win lots of games whenever u get macthed with hidden pooled occasionally. try hitting off <3k behavior score, only people game ruining, griefing, feeding and spamming "kose nanat"


              play at 10k behavior score u can play greedy, ur in the bracket where supports and other cores dont play donkey greedy, they buy mana and health regen, on lower u win alot by buying regeneration for other players u dont win by palying greedy, they will feed alot and blame u just live with that