General Discussion

General DiscussionOnce upon time

Once upon time in General Discussion

    Once upon a time there was land called Heraldian. Land was a paradise where all was friendly and happy to wonder every butterfly there was it was place like no other.

    But one day strange wanderer appeared to Heraldian and he was so evil and heraldians learned to know him as Smurf! Smurf told there are other lands where people like Heraldians are banned and spit on constantly! Heraldians was shocked to learn such evil exists and poison of the smurf start to have effect on Heraldians' minds.

    Some of Heraldians ended their Dota adventures after toxicity was planted to previously so warm and welcoming land of Heraldian and old good days never returned.

    Remaining Heraldians began to make Alt accounts just to get out from this toxic place which they used to call home.

    R.I.P. Sweet home