General Discussion

General Discussion3k low b score full of cheaters

3k low b score full of cheaters in General Discussion
    every game over 4 cheater in low beehaviour score dota


      Well first of all it's not "dead game" and second of all you can't just assume you have cheaters in your match.

      And the last of all get rekt you fucking toxic 3k bs omegalul.


        looool (enemy 3 we got 2) dowload games u fucking nerd and look how much cheaters it gots xD enemy ( 4 we got 2 )
        u ugly nerd


          I have no idea what you mean, do you eat your own words while talking?


            every society over 4 criminal in jails


              For real though, who calls people a nerd as an insult in a high-fantasy game like DotA?

              Considering how highly valued skill is in MOBA communities, one would think nerd wouldn't be insulting- you've probably got to be a nerd to some degree to be skilled at this game.

              We're try-harding in a game about deities and elf/orc among other standard high fantasy trope analogies fighting each other with magic. This shit is nerdy as fuck.

              Free Israel2024

                Op some 3k legend cuck that made a smurf thinking he could calibrate higher but got stuck in ancient1 bcoz he is dogshit

                Glimmer of Dawn

                  We're try-harding in a game about deities and elf/orc among other standard high fantasy trope analogies fighting each other with magic. This shit is nerdy as fuck.

                  Acknowledge the nerd child within you. This is why I have thousands of hours in this game. Whoops.

                  You know, I tell my kids that they're lucky to be growing up in this age where nerdism, intelligence and knowledge are seen as attractive qualities. This is because financial success is more attributed to intelligence than brawn these days, as we move from an industrialised economy to a service economy. "Nerd" is actually used in a positive light in schools more than in a derogatory way, and I say more power to them ;)