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General DiscussionPos 4 more contested than midlane

Pos 4 more contested than midlane in General Discussion

    Really people use statistic tools to see how much they win or lose. Like I had 80% win rate as Treant and now I have ~50% so I say in common language I have dropped 30%. No one would really make math about it


      parma i recommend u read my last comment
      yeah the story is a bit confusing and misleading

      i think
      the point and question is, how likely our tilt influence our winrate

      i mean if i am a person who tryhards and can win 55% of his gmaes if he focus on game
      but some times im going in ghoul mode and im tilt and stop focusing or trying -> 10% of times
      now i wanna check, how likely im winning if i tilt-> 49.5%

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        porblem is, u are solving this problem below

        im a person who have 45% winrate (with tilt), and i lose my games 10% of times cause of tilt
        now i wonder if i stop tilting how much my winrate increases?

        it increases to 55% in this way :)

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
        Karl Marx

          I hate to say that this ungrateful prick is right this time.
          55 % => 45 % would make sense only if those 10 % of tilts happened solely in games that you would otherwise win. However, if we assume tilting happens randomly regardless of whether you are winning or not (bold assumption, but I didn't start the fire), it means that of those 10 %, you would lose 0,45 of games anyway. So effectively you only throw away 5,5 % games, not 10 %.


            the whole problem is u wont affect that "with tilt", "without tilt" in ur calculations properly

            me, government hooker

              you fucking retards are talking about different things

              the glimmer guy is talking about the impact tilting would have on a person who would normally win 55 games out of 100 if he didnt que tilted, in which hes right, and the pepega ghoul is talking about a scenario in which the player is guaranteed to tilt for 10% of the games at random and how that affects the winrate, in which hes also right

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                thank u mr putin
                very kind and nice words xD


                  I said 10% of total games, I never said converting wins into losses.

                  I did specify 10% of games played, not 10% of games you would have been winning.



                    '96 Neve Campbell

                      parma i recommend u read my last comment
                      yeah the story is a bit confusing and misleading

                      i think
                      the point and question is, how likely our tilt influence our winrate

                      i mean if i am a person who tryhards and can win 55% of his gmaes if he focus on game
                      but some times im going in ghoul mode and im tilt and stop focusing or trying -> 10% of times
                      now i wanna check, how likely im winning if i tilt-> 49.5%

                      But you are completely missing the point of what was said. The point was that someone with the potential to win 55/100 games will win 45/100 instead due to tilt. Your maths is correct but not when applied to what Glimmer was actually saying. The way you seem to be willfully misunderstanding or ignoring what was said is bizarre sorry. You can't deduct the games that you lose due to tilt from the equation because that eliminates the main variable from the calculation.

                      It doesn't matter whether or not your maths is correct, the way you are talking about something completely different to the equation proposed is honestly ridiculous, you are like that smartass kid who fails every exam cause they misread the question or try to over-engineer it for no reason.

                      porblem is, u are solving this problem below

                      im a person who have 45% winrate (with tilt), and i lose my games 10% of times cause of tilt
                      now i wonder if i stop tilting how much my winrate increases?

                      it increases to 55% in this way :)

                      Yes. That is all that was being said. So stop being a retard and trying to apply something pseudo-scientific to a completely theoretical discussion because it just makes you look like a moron thanks.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      Karl Marx

                        As usual, we agree to be talking about different things and we can go home.


                          @kill my pain
                          no , he assumes the guy have 55% winrate in tilt free and 10% tilt will leading to 49.5% winrate
                          but if he assumes the guy have 45% winrate with tilt, and 10% tilt leading to 55% winrate in tilt free games

                          Karl Marx

                            Oh also, we are getting lost in terminology:
                            Lose 10 per cent of 55 % WR -> 49,5 % WR
                            Lose 10 percentage points -> 45 % WR

                            me, government hooker

                              he assumes the guy have 55% winrate in tilt free

                              and 10% tilt will leading to 49.5% winrate


                              he said that if a person who would win 55% games tilt free would queue tilted in 10% of his games that would mean he will only win 45% of the games which is correct. if u take another example thats less confusing youll see its true. if u have 157 games at 55% winrate you win 86.35. 45% winrate is 70.65 games won. 10% is 15.7 which is the same thing as substracting 10% from the 55% games won.

                              your math is also correct but for a different argument. your argument is for converting 10% of the won games into losses, which is not what he was talking about


                                i dont understnad what is the point here
                                but i think glimmer wants to say how really our tilt influence our winrate
                                and all i said is the right way of thinking about this question

                                yeah im totally agree, u guys are talking about sth else, something that u are not even wanted to slove in first place

                                as i said
                                u are mixing different stories to get ur desired output
                                but its not
                                10% tilt will not affect ur 55% skill that much :) all im saying and i think that was the problem :)


                                  @kill my pain
                                  look u are doing a biiiiiiiiig mistake

                                  u saying he win 55% in tilt free. ok. so if u have 157 games at 55% u win 86 all ok
                                  but did u know ur assumption is, the all 157 games are all tilt free?
                                  thats make ur 86 wins valid
                                  but thereafter u saying 10% of 157 which is 15 are lost by tilt
                                  so u are making ur 86 invalid here cause the 55% is for tilt free games

                                  so tell me
                                  is that 157 games are tilt free or not? it cant be both xD

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    well i dont mind getting insulted by u or others
                                    but try to raise ur self and stop lowering others so u look higher than them

                                    i mean im doing this stuff for fun and no hardfeelings about it, its just internet and retarded forum
                                    but u look really triggered and serious

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                      I dislike it when people act smart when they are being moronic. You are like some kinda Iranian Ben Shapiro.

                                      Karl Marx

                                        From another perspective, to lower your wr from 55 to 45 you would need to tilt in ~18 % of all games.


                                          This forum is just golden! People just try to argue as long as possible per thread. Then they fall back to shadows like vampires to wait another victim (thread)


                                            well, im not acting smart, im just talking about math
                                            but well u like to make it personal, u like make everything personal
                                            u like call every body stupid and moron
                                            like u say everybody who is not top 100 immortal is nothing more than a 3k and u see 3ks playing better than them xD

                                            i thought this is simple math that everybody knows, thats why in firstplace i trolling around but well it seems we have serious problems here xD


                                              Werewolfs vs Vampires round 2 "ding"

                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                Yes, I see someone acting like a moron so I call them out for it. That isnt personal, its me stating the fact that you are being a moron.


                                                  yeah mulli
                                                  specially the glimmer dude
                                                  he is teacher, typical behavior of a teacher, they just talking one sided , if someone ask a question, oh we are running out of time buddy
                                                  maybe i answer u after class, or next semester, or never
                                                  cause im insecure about my thoughts and all i have is a degree in my field.
                                                  simply teachers like to just talk no matter what for low iq audience who got impressed ezly.
                                                  no hardfeelings tho just my thoughts can be wrong :)


                                                    so after all of this still u think im the moron here
                                                    and why is that? cause u dont know math and probability?

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      What? This isn't about whether or not your maths is correct its about how you willfully misinterpret what was said and proceed to derail the thread by creating an argument that isnt even relevant to what was said. That is a moronic thing to do which would lead me to believe that you are indeed a moron.


                                                        anyway for ppl who like maths and can think about problems and have healthy brains
                                                        this is the whole thing im talking about

                                                        this is the model of the real question
                                                        u can change the numbers and see how it goes
                                                        u can criticize it and whatever u want
                                                        feel free to insult it and calling it moronic


                                                          So there really are selfish idiots who keep on just talking for themselves and their points. Such people just have no common sense, hmm. They argue with every little useless fucking details. ahaha, no common sense. but ofcourse they wouldn't know that I'm talking about them coz they would see themselves as if they are always right.


                                                            ok parma-chan
                                                            this is the glimmer explanation

                                                            So if I don’t tilt and I win 55% of games out of 100, that’s 55 wins.

                                                            I now tilt and lose 10% of games instead. 10% of 100 is 10 extra losses. So I go down to 55-10= 45 wins. 45 out of 100 is 45% winrate.

                                                            You don’t set aside 10% of games at the start of the calculation, that makes no sense.

                                                            he says, if i dont tilt and i win 55% of games -> it means we have the value of tilt free games not the value of exact winrate with tilt :)
                                                            we exactly set aside the 10% because we dont have any idea of the winrate with tilt :)
                                                            we can build a model who working with winrate with tilt as an passive varibale, but it makes things a little bit complex :)
                                                            so we are discussing winrate in tilt free games not the things u are tallking about
                                                            so who is moronic here?

                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                              Im done. You are actually beyond reasoning with, either you are deliberately trolling or you have severe brain damage.


                                                                well i understnad what u saying
                                                                yeah, maybe u dont care about maths, i dont like to explain anything here too. but whole problem here is u are the selfish guy not me.
                                                                u think i give a shit about ur opinion about me and thats why u think im explaining details here and arguing with others
                                                                but its not the case
                                                                i have a life backing me up, and i dont need this retard community backing me up about anything. if im arguing about this problem
                                                                its just because i like to explain it to u thats all.

                                                                who cares about ppl who cant add some numbers together what think about my logic and maths skills

                                                                im not always right and ur words wont change anything
                                                                if u are get triggered cause u dont like me and im right in this particular subject
                                                                i just can feel sry for u.


                                                                  glimmer way of ending discussions xD
                                                                  "have a nice evening "
                                                                  dude, if i had severe braindamage well first i wouldnt be in place i am
                                                                  and second u wouldnt even start talking with me xD

                                                                  just try to convince me with ur reasons! wth

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Good Person

                                                                    Well yeah I think glimmer is right, he's talking about the overall games not just the winrate. It is a flat deduction of probability, tilting does not affect only the time you're about to win but the whole matches you played.


                                                                      ^ well done brother
                                                                      u are right
                                                                      but the point is, u cant affect tilt free winrate in overall games , cause overall games including of both tilt free and tilted games.
                                                                      thats the missing point in ur deductions

                                                                      and no, whole point is, we wanna see how much tilting affect our winrate. so as he says if u have 55% winrate and 10% tilt u will decrease to 45% and u will be a loser . but its not truth!

                                                                      Good Person

                                                                        You cant argue it that way too brother, you have to exclude the probability of a tilt free game since glimmer already said if he was tilted,so obviously it was after he was tilted. He never said how much it would affect his overall winrate, he said after the tilt train came that his winrate would reduce by 10%.


                                                                          OP forgot the probability when you have 100% skills -> good and easy game -> 0% tilt.


                                                                            ew nerds. just play the game. sometimes u lose sometimes u win. no one care.