General Discussion

General Discussionhow to avoid retarded teammates

how to avoid retarded teammates in General Discussion

    seriously theres no way raising mmr with those retard shite



      is matchmaking broken?

        You cannot, everytime your win rate gets above 50 percent its auto matching with retards.
        Everyone will say its your fault while it isnt, i went from 240 mmr to 2810 mmr in one year and the only way you win with retarded teammates if you over play yourself two or three times as if i get retarded teammate i have to play like a 3.5k player to win that game and sometimes i am able to sometimes i cannot.
        So unless your skill level is near 5k to 6k plus you cannot win a 3k game easily or at least its hard to keep a win rate above 60 percent.


          use the avoid player feature. ez

          Ramtin H

            Beliveit or not the only soloution is the classic Get better at the game
            and inorder to do that there are tons of ways out there


              since i managed to do it, i am sure u can too, unless u got no more than the mental capabilities of an ape.

              Yimbler Mazekagi

                You just need to get better... I looked at some of your recent games and it looks like your MMR is where it should be or lower.


                  Be the retard


                    Retard teammates are inevitable mate, you have to accept this truth


                      Retardet team mates assume u are always right!

                      Maybe u are retardet!


                        If u feel 4 of your team mates are retards maybe u are the retard and your team mates are not.

                        Can't u just go play mario if u are like that

                        Stop Playing

                          meh.fucking bullshit.
                          we can't win solo a game cuz we are not immortal smurfs.
                          just look at this games.
                          safe lane dk=1-5. first item ac

                          russian pudge who couldn't speak eng and afk jungle naga.

                          < blank >

                            But you cant avoid yourself :thinking:


                              Bro, you dont have to win every game to gain mmr. Just need win more than you lose

                              < blank >



                                  You can try hitting the ancient

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