General Discussion

General DiscussionFinallyy Reach Ancient Rank

Finallyy Reach Ancient Rank in General Discussion

    How it goes ancient rank ?




        also congratulations my dude


          Congrats welcome to the toughest bracket to scale through.


            ^^ In my main i crossed 4k-5k in 6 months , the lowest time taken by me . The longest time was taken to get 4k from 3k , a long 1 and half year .

            boni top fan

              Next level of cancer there, the toxicity is much worse there than in 3k


                Ancient I is about 3.7k right? If so then you will encounter many tryhards in there and its gonna be a long journey if you dont improve yourself more since starting at that mmr sleigh of hands would be very much needed, also a rattle move does not count. I can see that you're a determined support, well good luck and congrats

                mute all

                  ancient 1 is 3.7k??


                    no its 4.1k if u just play solo


                      Honestly, I never felt any difference whenever I rank up. Its literally only 25 mmr gap between your last legend7 game and your first ancient game.


                        welcome to the toughest bracket~~~ =)))))))))))

                        where most smurfs/boosters/everyone mid/idiots who think they are good/support who wannabe carry in this bracket~

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Shit bracket with shit people. Dont trust anyone with an ancient medal.


                            where most smurfs/boosters/everyone mid/idiots who think they are good/support who wannabe carry in this bracket~

                            lol? isnt that the 2ks way of playing dota? just listen to them, they are all sayin "carry ur games and dont trust in random ppl" when most real 4ks i know, got their mmr with playing pos 3,4,5 ":)"


                              ^ @ parma

                              implying you've ever played in ancient 1 bracket in solo que is false, btw

                              you're barely above 2k

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              mute all

                                archon mocking ancients..omegalul..

                                Lruce Bee

                                  Go easy on my girl pharma


                                    haha , good to hear . thanks guys


                                      This Parma guy is quite funny I must say.

                                      '96 Neve Campbell

                                        huh duh parma has never played in the ancient bracket huh duh

                                        yeah cause its not like I havent played hundreds of games in HS/VHS brackets and seen the toxicity of people with 3-6k solo firsthand, yourself included. At least I have a >50% winrate and dont rely on trashy cheese heros to win my matches thanks.

                                        This Parma guy is quite funny I must say.

                                        Not as funny as your solo ranked record.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          yeah cause its not like I havent played hundreds of games in HS/VHS

                                          You literally didn't play even 100 games in VHS bracket. Out of 68 games you had there, literally 0 of them are solo-que based (ranked)

                                          You did play 164 games in high skill bracket, and i'm 100% positive that ouf of 164 games exactly 0 of them are pretty much, once again, solo-que based (ranked)

                                          Out of your 3k+ matches, 2904 are recorded in normal skill bracket.

                                          You are 2k mmr player (not even sure that you are 2k mmr, and even if you are, you are not higher than 2.2-2.3k) who literally can't climb to 3k even if you wanted to.

                                          The difference between any real 3k mmr player and you is very noticeable, let alone Ancient and above, you're just not even close to legit legend material yet, and here you are, with your fake Ancient 1 medal flexing on the Internet.

                                          You are THE definition of "fake it till you make it" kinda of thing. You are literally an example of delusional human being with big ego, lots of insecurities, ton of complex and an atention seeking attidude just so you can feel better about yourself. And obviously dunning krugger.

                                          How can you even be any better not even a question, because you can't and you know it. People like you rarely change. This is what you get when everything that's related to you is behind a computer screen.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                            you are such a snowflake lmao. the irony of someone with 6000 games who doesnt even progress in mmr talking to me about being unable to climb when i have gained over 1200 mmr from ~100 games. Its ok friend I would also be salty in your shoes xD Also it doesnt that a Srinivasa to comprehend the fact that anything over 200 is hundreds. So yes, I have hundreds of games in hs/vhs.

                                            Also as per usual your peanut brain just gets transfixed on my solo mmr. What relevence does my solo mmr have exactly? I have enough experience with divine/immortal players to know what high mmr players are like. Just because my solo is 2.4k doesnt mean I havent experienced how games work in higher mmr you dip. Its ok though perhaps one day you will get over your weird obsession with me.

                                            Also nice ghetto OS you have there.

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                              You are THE definition of "fake it till you make it" kinda of thing. You are literally an example of delusional human being with big ego, lots of insecurities, ton of complex and an atention seeking attidude just so you can feel better about yourself. And obviously dunning krugger.

                                              stop talking to yourself please


                                                i was going to go to the zoo to watch the monkeys but then i remembered i could check dotabuff and see you two buffoons going at it


                                                  you are such a snowflake lmao. the irony of someone with 6000 games who doesnt even progress in mmr talking to me about being unable to climb when i have gained over 1200 mmr from ~100 games. Its ok friend I would also be salty in your shoes xD

                                                  I'm not the one who's pretending to be something I'm not, once again. I'm open to any cristism and I am perfectly aware that I am not perfect by any means. I might even have more than 6000 games and I've never been even 5k mmr in my life, but I've never claimed otherwise.

                                                  Everything I've archived in Dota 2 reflects publicly and I am not ashamed of it by any means. Frustrated? Yeah, that's for sure,because dota2 is frustrating sometimes, but that's nothing new.

                                                  You are completely opposite. Trying to be smart with 2.4k mmr, having mentally unstable anger outbursts at people you actually "care" about, flexing with fake medals, fake stories, fake everything (or almost everything), trying to poke someone who is at least 2x higher mme than you are and list goes on and on.. :/ Sad, sad life you got there, Violet, my friend.

                                                  Also as per usual your peanut brain just gets transfixed on my solo mmr. What relevence does my solo mmr have exactly? I have enough experience with divine/immortal players to know what high mmr players are like. Just because my solo is 2.4k doesnt mean I havent experienced how games work in higher mmr you dip. Its ok though perhaps one day you will get over your weird obsession with me.

                                                  My highest mmr was 4.7k which was pretty much divine 1 already back in season 2, it's just that I got it much earlier and lost it before the Divine 1 got to 4.6k. It was hard for me, someone with 6k+ games to keep up with high 4k players and low 5k guys.

                                                  And yes, while I'm not super-good at Dota 2, I'm way better than you to actually talk anything related to 3k and 4k mmr (both brackets in which I spent 99% of my Dota career) This is why I find it hilarious how stupidly fake and unrealistic you are.

                                                  Now, listen to me. Trust me, you have no idea what are you talking about. You don't have ANY real experience with Ancient/Divine bracket, you're just fucking delusional and it's funny, that I have to admit. While not being able to get 5k mmr myself yet, I've actually had close to 50% of my games in VHS bracket and coinsidering I got 6k+ games as you said, that's pretty good sample size.

                                                  And srsly, if you beleve for a sec. that you know anything about 3k+ mmr you're helpless case, I guess I'll just keep making fun of you, which brings me to my last point and that is:

                                                  Its ok though perhaps one day you will get over your weird obsession with me.

                                                  I have no obsession with you. Unlike you, I actually have more than enough evidance to back up my talking. And trust me when I say that I just find you insanly entertaining and funny (in a weird way), because I don't coinsider you to be funny realisticly, you're just boarderline retarded so that's funny in a way I guess

                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                    i was going to go to the zoo to watch the monkeys but then i remembered i could check dotabuff and see you two buffoons going at it

                                                    Im not the saddo who spends most of his days trawling through a forum looking for some girl I have a weird obsession with. Sometimes its hard to ignore his hilarious replies and general lack of self awareness

                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                      IN THIS THREAD: mid-20 something man-child loses his mind!

                                                      Lets not address the fact that I climbed 1200 mmr in 100 games. Lets instead hide how insecure you are about your own skill and inability to climb by putting down people with lower mmr and telling those people that they arent going anywhere despite all evidence to the contrary!

                                                      >200 games worth of high skill or above is more than enough to know how toxic people are. You are putting on a good display of what typical ancients act like. It only takes a quick read of this forum or a few stacks with ancients and divines to get a grasp on exactly the kinda personality they have.

                                                      :/ Sad, sad life you got there, Violet, my friend.

                                                      Lil man-child getting all mad over a videow game :ccc :/ Sad, sad life you got there, Vertox, my friend.

                                                      I have no obsession with you.

                                                      Must be why you compulsively feel the need to attack everytime I write anything on this forum lmao. Keep telling yourself that you dont have problems xd

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        general lack of self awareness

                                                        I mean, that's related to you. You got it wrong but it's ok. :-)

                                                        m not the saddo who spends most of his days trawling through a forum looking for some girl I have a weird obsession with

                                                        Yeah, let's see about that...

                                                        Flexing with computer specs,saying people when you were born, (lets not forget gender, the need say you're a female, wouu), let's just say I'm from UK twice aswell, because people need to make sure they read where I come from (cuz btw I'm also a racist and I judge people based on where they live, how rich/good looking they are, pretty much everything materalistic).. let's not forget some golden shit from your profile too:

                                                        :CapitalDome: I am usually a busy person so it may take me time to respond to your messages!

                                                        :CapitalDome: Feel free to leave a comment!
                                                        (cuz people are so much into you, they will leave a comment for sure) - just make sure you post a real FUCKING picture of you first... Xd

                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                          Have felt what few will ever know
                                                          Have seen the truth beneath the glow
                                                          Of the ebb and flow, where the roots of all mysteries grow
                                                          I am below, so far below the bottom line
                                                          Transmitting live, transmissions rise
                                                          From the depths out of controlled by
                                                          Suspended glance of an unblinking eyes
                                                          Imminent gaze cast 'pon the path that winds
                                                          'Pon the path I find, and claim as mine
                                                          To ride the waves of unrest
                                                          Made to make me shine as a testament
                                                          To why the ways of the blind will never get
                                                          Shit but shanked by my disrespect
                                                          Dismiss this life, worship death

                                                          '96 Neve Campbell

                                                            I have no obsession with you.

                                                            proceeds to look through profile


                                                              Lets not address the fact that I climbed 1200 mmr in 100 games. Lets instead hide how insecure you are about your own skill and inability to climb by putting down people with lower mmr and telling those people that they arent going anywhere despite all evidence to the contrary!

                                                              Congrats on escaping sub 1k mmr and 1k mmr bracket. I guess addresing something is different for everyone. You learn a new thing everyday... :-D I would not be proud of getting out of 1k tho. With that being said, I've escaped it multiple times on my smurfs with ease.

                                                              >200 games worth of high skill or above is more than enough to know how toxic people are. You are putting on a good display of what typical ancients act like. It only takes a quick read of this forum or a few stacks with ancients and divines to get a grasp on exactly the kinda personality they have.

                                                              Gotta ask first where are those hundreds of VHS games tho? Had to adapt the shit you're talking after I debunked you? Ez.

                                                              Btw, 200 games is nothing, not to mention that your average stats for high skill are: 26 min blink dagger, 350 gpm and 480 xpm..

                                                              Do I have to mention the fact you've actually never played a single solo-que based high skill match that's ranked again? Xd

                                                              Lil man-child getting all mad over a videow game :ccc :/ Sad, sad life you got there, Vertox, my friend.

                                                              I will have to adress you to your most famous thread in which you literally show everyone how stupid you are for saying this:


                                                              Do I also have to mention the fact that you went int. feeding because you got mad?


                                                                proceeds to look through profile

                                                                Just for scientific purposes.. but you're stupid enough to actually use that as an argument so I will also enjoy how easily you lose your shit and go full retard. Xd


                                                                  Not as funny as your solo ranked record.

                                                                  dotabuff solo filter is not working correctly, just look at the times
                                                                  4 month ago
                                                                  10 month ago


                                                                    I guess this is the part in which ParmaViolets disappears into the dark again.. Xd

                                                                    Until next time Parma... quick tip; if you want to argue learn how to do it first

                                                                    '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                      Arguing with you is not unlike arguing with a child so I dont think I am going to waste my time anymore. You have exhausted your small well of content anyway. Have a nice life.

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        Arguing with you is not unlike arguing with a child so I dont think I am going to waste my time anymore. You have exhausted your small well of content anyway. Have a nice life.

                                                                        Nah, you're just out of arguments. Xd


                                                                          Takyon, shot down your throat like a keg of beer
                                                                          Choke on the smoke we in and exhale 'til the whole chamber is clear
                                                                          Haters act so fucking weird
                                                                          Try to stain this atmosphere
                                                                          But they can't cause its way too sheer
                                                                          How to make a hater disappear
                                                                          Take shit where it ain’t never been
                                                                          Fuck what you thought could not comprehend
                                                                          This shit if I fisted your brain with it
                                                                          10, 9, 8, 7, triple six, five, forked tongue
                                                                          Criminal level crunk lightning storm
                                                                          Get out the way or get up torn
                                                                          Ain’t a picture big enough to fit
                                                                          What we dig up from the core
                                                                          Of all that they forgot ever was
                                                                          Militant march of this war


                                                                            here's some actual good music and some actual good looking female singers

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                this is, what, the third thread that you have derailed with your petty & moronic arguments?

                                                                                keep going


                                                                                  this is, what, the third thread that you have derailed with your petty & moronic arguments?

                                                                                  you do realise she's a fucking retard, right? Defending her makes you a retard too


                                                                                    @Keel : What shit (stuff) are you on ? :D


                                                                                      depression and anxiety mainly
                                                                                      mc rides soft beautiful voice helps me relax

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        you do realise she's a fuck­ing ret­ard, right? Defending her makes you a re­t­ar­d too

                                                                                        ure a mon­­g­o­loid for following her everywhere and trying to start shit (among other reasons)
                                                                                        shes a mon­­g­­oloid for replying to you not once, not twice, but however many times she replied to you (among other reasons)



                                                                                          I get an idea why it looks like that to you and I'm fine with it, tbh. Not like I give many fucks if I leave wrong impression towards someone here. So w/e, we good

                                                                                          SIMPLY LEMONADE 1.54L

                                                                                            @KiLLiNg._.MaCHinE claims he's a 5k player. Look at his profile you'll see he has negative winrate. Even 4k players won't have that kind of winrate. You are overestimating yourself. Stop lying just to improve ur image.

                                                                                            mute all

                                                                                              HOLY SHIT! where is my popcorn??!


                                                                                                Hello ..........Its me.......Back to my topic please


                                                                                                  Lol parma bad, cant reach 3k solo xddddd dogshit player


                                                                                                    Whenever some post about rank came out,these two fellas would go all in. It like bvs but in dotabuff.

                                                                                                    Lruce Bee

                                                                                                      broh vertox when did you hit ancient with so many stars man. weren't you like struggling in low 3k or something. then got carried by cookie in party to ancient medal? or was that 2 seasons back. man how times have changesd


                                                                                                        broh vertox when did you hit ancient with so many stars man. weren't you like struggling in low 3k or something. then got carried by cookie in party to ancient medal? or was that 2 seasons back. man how times have changesd

                                                                                                        Technically I should be Ancient 2 or 3 at best and this is what I'm talking about. System has been completely ruined by this badges, and literally nothing but Divine + represents true measurment of someones skill.

                                                                                                        Medals are super inflated below Divine. So basically you get people with 1k/2k/3k mmr way above they real MMR for 2 reasons:

                                                                                                        high party mmr or inflated medals for some unknown reason. (it's like Volvo wants to give people high medals so they still play the game?

                                                                                                        Anyways, back in season 1 I really did struggle to break 3.5k, despite the fact I've been 4k+ before medals came out.

                                                                                                        Since I had a break back then and was unable to re-gain my 4k, I asked Cookie to help me with Dota 2 and he did.

                                                                                                        I managed to high 3k back in season 1 which gave me Ancient 1, got it pretty much almost when the season got to the end.

                                                                                                        We did play bunch of party too tho, I think he boosted my party mmr from 3.1k to 3.9 or 4k, not sure anymore. But was a big boost.

                                                                                                        I still use tips and tricks he gave me and because of him I learned how to Meepo, which mostly helped me escape 3k mmr.

                                                                                                        In Season 2 I reached my peak of @ 4.7k mmr solo but currently I'm in a low 4k range.

                                                                                                        I have no idea why I got Ancient 7 tho, because both of my solo and party are pretty much in low 4k range and for sure are not anywhere close to 4.9-5k ( which is Ancient 7 if im not mistaken)

                                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა