General Discussion

General DiscussionImproving on core role

Improving on core role in General Discussion
swap commend

    Hello beloved dotabuffers xd!
    I would like u to look at my last spectre game and give some advice on what i. could have done. better.
    I. know I am. sucking ass in. your eyes being (archon II) but I think I played better this game. and would love myself some tips
    Ty and have a nice day reading this and taking a look at my games goodnight and ty all in advance!
    PS: Also maybe some Pango spammer can give me some tips for pangolier bc I. dont feel wepp playing that hero at all xd

    the better spidey

      You finally truly carried your team for the first time in over twenty games and you want us to look at that specific game and tell you what you “could’ve done better?”

      Sounds like you’re just feeling yourself and want a pat in the back. No. You’re still bad.

      If you really want to get better ask people to evaluate your average and bad games. Not your “once in a blue moon” ones.


        huh thats a hero i havent heard of in awhile

        Lruce Bee

          Haha evaluating won games are so lame.


            So is evaluating games in general

            swap commend

              Well no shit xd
              I mean the really bad games dont. count for me bc behavior score is ass haha
              But idk maybe someones is somewhat more constructive and really helping. once xd... like come on

              A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                want something constructive? not on this forum


                  wat place should i go then?

                  CAESAR KING OF APES

                    Better post the game that you lost & performed really well in your opinion. Rating won games, when u carried pretty hard is pointless.