General Discussion

General DiscussionSupport at 2k MMR

Support at 2k MMR in General Discussion

    I am ~2K MMR and in most of my games, everyone wants to pick carry so although I do not like playing support, I decide to play support. But, I suck at most supports. What would be the best supports to pick at my MMR considering that the rest 4 are going to be hard carries?

    Support heroes I suck at - Rubick, Earthshaker, Crystal Maiden, Keeper of the LIght
    Support heroes I seem to be okay with - Lina, Ancient Apparition

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Lion or Bounty hunter. Good for laughs...

      smurfs = no balls

        if everyone else is core, u cant pick rubick or earthshaker or anything else greedy if ur priority is to win, not have fun. Pick cm, wd, ss, ww, lion, ogre or chen. If u suck at them, then practice, just like in any other thing in life. GL


          Lion, Lich, WD, WW, Dazzle are the best imo. Strong laners, great late game & in 5v5.

          Player 281121816

            For fck sake! Stop pick rubick as pos 5 support

            Déjà vu

              shadow shaman. you can push if your team dont want to.


                pick AA and ask ur carry playing slark, no way u lose the game :)


                  if your goal is not to get the farm for an aghs on rubick, then he isn't the hero for you.

                  shaman and jakiro are the only ones that can counter your team refusing to take objectives unless you fancy some chen...

                  Potato Marshal

                    Lion is fun in lower mmr, max mana drain first then just stun and suck. Sometimes you don't even need to stun.


                      Play a carry as a support. The enemies 100% don’t know how to punish it. Just buy sustain items(urn and arcane boots) and defensive utility(force staff, glimmer, etc), and get a ward here and there. If the game goes long enough, you’ll eventually be able to transition to a core anyways. Even in high 3K, I get away with playing support Sniper. My personal favorites are support Sniper and support Razor. Lol


                        If you have a team with 4 hard carries you will lose, no matter how good your support is. If you have 4 team mates that are going to go jungle for 30 minutes, well, that's a lost game.

                        Vengeful Spirit also a pretty good support that can swing into a more carry role with a good game. She has a solid stun, armor lowering aoe nuke, aura that gives your core that little damage boost (not so little in the end) and an ability that you can swap yourself with a core to save them or to pull out a key enemy hero for the rest of the team to kill. Also, the right click animation is good, though range could be longer... She isn't all that good on pushing lanes, but she is solid support that can bring the hurt...


                          Metsis, the thing is that the opponent team also is all carry, so it kind of evens out.

                          smurfs = no balls

                            @metsis any game is winnable with any kind of picks... it just means that u have to play even better to be able to win :)

                            ur parents r siblings

                              Pick lich i think its the most braindead support


                                Trust me and pick these 3 : Lina why? lina because of her fking ranges are just so strong also in low mmmr they just take full melee heroes so lina is rly good for that point ; Queen of pain : yes Queen of pain? ofc she can support her teammates Well get early Orchid and arcane boots and mekansm 'also rings first' and start roaming with her blink and her slow finish off with her ult Third one is actually Shadow shaman you can just roam with his third skill and yeah ez mmr


                                  pick bane, ogre, SS.

                                  covers all the issues with the typical 2-3k picks. (no stuns, 5 greedy heros that just get roflstomped early, bad push)

                                  oh, and if you're willing to learna more complicated hro spam oracle, the hero is ultra broken.
                                  broken attack animiation, broken burst damage in lane (i often see oracles getting 4-5 kills before 10 minutes, just because people dont know how much damage the hero actualy deals), sabe your braindead core when he jumps into 5 enemies etc.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    play heroes like shaman, lion, bounty etc.


                                      I scaled 1k and 2k using omni knight, abaddon, warlock, and necrophos mostly.
                                      I scaled 3k using visage almost exclusively.
                                      Here I sit now at 4k and I am yet again struggling to find my place in the meta.

                                      Perhaps the heroes I used will help you as well. The first 4 all can be played as support and though they lack early game they all scale very well. Early game doesnt matter as much at low mmr

                                      jeremy meeks' personality

                                        Trust me and pick these 3 : Lina why? lina because of her fking ranges are just so strong also in low mmmr they just take full melee heroes so lina is rly good for that point ; Queen of pain : yes Queen of pain? ofc she can support her teammates Well get early Orchid and arcane boots and mekansm 'also rings first' and start roaming with her blink and her slow finish off with her ult Third one is actually Shadow shaman you can just roam with his third skill and yeah ez mmr

                                        how lina is even good as a support lmao? no one even want to play her mid
                                        qop ? support? might as well pick storm spirit too since he got a disable and is mobile :D
                                        "get early orchid" as a support? mek QoP?
                                        you don't roam with shadow shaman, you win your lane for your pos1 and then get blink and get kills all over the map with your team
                                        edit : yep this advice came from a 2500 matches sub50% winrate crusader

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          My general advice is not to listen to guardians about anything related to Dota, especially weebs.


                                            I did spam phoenix alot but now i spam dazzle. I like the fact that all spells have low cooldown and there is no big ulti to play around. He can also nuke waves which is nice.


                                              Im struggling to win mmr with support carry, if my teammates pick all the carry, i'll pick heroes which have big impact for war and objective like wr or slardar. They have stun, run and damage burst


                                                What is your play style ?