General Discussion

General Discussionany tips for improving draft(hero selecting)

any tips for improving draft(hero selecting) in General Discussion

    hey guys can u give me some tips for good drafting i mean not just countering for example how can i understand a special hero can be useful in a special match what do i must concentrate in drafting im not really good in draft


      Are you talking about Captain's Mode drafting? Or just picking in pubs? Big difference.


        both i meant


          ya , just pick beastmaster


            Just delete dota and get real fuvkin job


              Dota is designed and balanced in such a way that you can always punish your opponent if they try to take a specific advantage. for example :
              1. if they take heavy team fight heroes -> you can punish them by picking rat heroes like Nature's prophet
              2.if they pick all str heavy tanky line ups -> you can punish them by picking lifesteeler,necro,enigma
              3.if they go for all range line up(with a draw ranger usually)-> you can punish them by picking heroes like storm,PA,specter since range heroes are usually squishy
              4.if they go for all invisable line ups like riki + slark+clinz etc.. -> you can punish them with Zues,techies and sentries
              there are lots of these things that you can punish by drafting.
              In my opinion in your team drafting you should always consider heroes that cover each other's weaknesses:
              for example: if you have an anti-mage carry in your team (which is really weak in early game and needs lots of farm) and you want to pick for mid lane, you should highly avoid picking mid laners that are weak in early game and needs ton of farm to come online(like medusa,pa,invoker) instead you should pick sth like Zues,brood,tiny that is really strong in early game.
              the other thing to mention is that you need at least a front liner and one wave clear hero in your team. If you don't pick any AOE spell in your team enemy can easily punish you by picking illusion based heroes like PL.
              In general always try to think what your team needs, what do you lack? do you need a good front liner? pick axe,centaur,beastmaster. Do you need good wave clear ? pick kunka,Zeus... . do you need to create space for you carry to farm? pick tiny mid and start ganking early. do you need to buy time for your core to come online? pick tinker and turtul the game. No one is picking in the start of the game? pick typical safe support like Lion,Ogre magi,Shadow shaman etc.

              Crystal Methane

                AM for ever has a great summary above. In general you should have a checklist of things when it comes to picking. Try to follow this:

                1. If you play core, avoid first pick
                2. If you play support, ask your core what they want to play, and then first pick it. Usual safe first pick include Lion, disruptor, dazzle, rhasta, grim
                3. After you saw their supports, try to pick offlane that can go toe to toe with their supps.
                4. After you saw their offlane, and even better, their carry, pick something that can own the lane. Ex: pick naix vs centa, pick ursa vs timber, etc.
                5. For mid, if you haven’t seen their mid yet, pick something that strong enough at laning, but also complement what team lacks. Ex: if enemy safe and offlane is squishy agi, pick sky. If your team lacks tank, pick kunkka/dk, etc

                In pubs I just try to survive the laning phase.

                Sanft & Sorgfältig
                  კომენტარი წაიშალა
                  Sanft & Sorgfältig

                    Just download overwolf.

                    Marko Bulat

                      There is no way that someone can explain you this in few paragraphs, its a skillset that acumulates through expirience, just learn hero matchups and powerspikes.

                      In your bracket people fail all the time because they dont know when they can fight and when they cant, so they usually waste their powerspike by farming jungle for no reason.

                      papito bravo

                        ^ Just think it
                        Just think it!

                        In a broad sense, thinking includes all forms of cognitions, perceptions, imagination, memory and conception. Sometimes the term thinking is used to mean the process of problem solving.

                        Generally thinking occurs when we are confronted with a problem which demands solution or it occurs when something goes wrong with or around us. When everything is smooth the chances of thinking are rare.

                        Whittakar defines that “thinking is a complex cognitive forms of behaviour which occurs only at relatively advanced stage of development when simpler and more direct methods of dealing with the environment have proved ineffective”.

                        In simple terms thinking may be defined as a ‘sequential arousal of symbols’, i.e. the symbols of objects, words or concepts flow in the mind in an order, one after another. Thinking consists of the cognitive rearrangement or manipulation of both information from the environment and the symbols stored in long-term memory.

                        A symbol represents or stands for some event or item in the world. Generally images and language symbols are used in much of our thinking. Hence, it may be stated that thinking is an organised, systematic, and purposeful and goal oriented activity.

                        Types of Thinking:
                        There are two types of thinking:

                        I. Autistic thinking:
                        This is otherwise called free-floating thinking. This is more common among children. It is away from reality. There are no restrictions of reality or of time and space. It is not goal oriented or problem oriented.

                        Generally such thinking will be highly private and the individual may use symbols with very personal meanings. Individual’s personal wants are involved in this kind of thinking and he tries to fulfill them.

                        Autistic thinking will be in many forms:

                        a. Fantasy:

                        It is otherwise called day dreaming, i.e. dreaming in an awaken state. It is like building castles in the air. In such dreaming we imagine things or situations as we want, not as they are. That is how we will be able to fulfill those wants which cannot be fulfilled in reality.

                        Even the impossible things become possible. For example, a cattle boy grazing cattle in a field may dream as though he is travelling in an aero plane. A young adult may dream to become a famous hero, etc.

                        The individual may find some pleasure or relief from tension temporarily by fantasy. But too much of day dreaming may make him incapable of facing reality.

                        b. Dreaming:

                        Sigmund Freud has stated that the dreams are wish fulfillments. Our desires which are not fulfilled in reality appear in the form of dreams and get fulfilled. There are no restrictions for ideas appearing in the dreams. They may appear directly or in disguise form.

                        c. Imagination:

                        Imagination is a mental activity in which we make use of images. In the process of imagination we will not be having sense perception. We will not be in touch with reality; we will have only mental images. Hence, we may go wrong in our thinking.

                        d. Reverie:

                        This is also like fantasy. In fantasy we will have some ideas and goals, but in reverie, there will be no ideas at all. Mind will be floating freely and any and everything may come to mind and go away.

                        II. Controlled thinking:
                        It is otherwise called directed thinking. It is aimed at solving problems or creating something new. Here we regulate the process of thinking. Our thoughts will be in touch with reality and the thinking will be goal directed.

                        Forms of Controlled Thinking:
                        This is also a kind of thinking. It is defined as a “process of arriving at a new judgement on the basis of one or more judgments as premises”. In reasoning there will be checking and rechecking of the conclusions arrived at, based on certain facts or data.

                        Reasoning is of two types:

                        i. Inductive reasoning:

                        In this kind of reasoning there is a shift from individual to the universal; in the sense that, generalization is made on the basis of a series of individual experiences regarding a particular thing. So the conclusion drawn is wider than premises. For example, we arrive at a conclusion that all politicians are selfish after seeing many politicians.

                        ii. Deductive reasoning:

                        In deductive reasoning we shift from universal to the particular and the conclusion drawn is narrower than the premises. For example, all actresses are beautiful. So the actress that I see also must be beautiful.

                        Generally in reasoning logical principles are applied to our thinking. It will be most directed towards getting at certain conclusions and inferences.

                        Problem solving:
                        A problem is any conflict or difference between one situation and another situation we wish to produce our goal. The thinking that we do in problem solving is thus goal directed and motivated by the need to reduce the discrepancy between one state of affair and another. In trying to reach the goal of problem solution, we use information available to us from long-term memory.

                        Problem solving can be done by trial and error or by insight.

                        John Deway has suggested a scientific method of problem solving which follows the following procedure:

                        (a) Identification of the problem,

                        (b) Defining the problem,

                        (c) Collection of relevant data,

                        (d) Formulation of hypothesis,

                        (e) Evaluation of hypothesis,

                        (f) Verification of derived conclusions.

                        скрытый бассейн

                          Try this site for counterpicks:

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            gotta love copy pasting from wiki on smth completely unrelated to sound smart

                            dont be thrilled by this ...

                              how can i understand a special hero can be useful in a special match
                              its the exact idea of counterpicking!!! so best thing is knowing the power and weakness of heroes.

                              people provided good guide in above comments. im adding a few key things:
                              1- for early picks you cant do much unless you know what heroes your mid and hardcarry are marking to pick something in synergy

                              2- always keep equilibrium between physical dmgs and magics. dont go full rightclick (pa+mk+trax+ ... ) or full magic papers. one omni can screw your rightclick draft!

                              3- STUN STUN STUN. picking some reliable stuns always helps. (also adding pure spells or bkb piercer stuns if you suspect they will have early bkb picker in their team like pa huskar sven)

                              4- once again insisting on combining early gamer and late gamer as pos1 + pos2. not 2 heavy farmers.

                              5- pick meta heroes, i.e. dazzle, pa are super strong this patch

                              6- dont wait for last pick if you dont know counterpicking and aiming for a certain hero from min 0. give a chance to someone else to counter!
                              * i always wait for 3-5 picks even when im support. some supps can turn games. a late pugna into sky or od or ... a late aa into husk, void, ... ww into a meepo or other melees