General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win games as sky [7.20c]

How to win games as sky [7.20c] in General Discussion

    Howdy guys, how ya doing?
    In this guide I'll show to you how to win games as sky (have at least 90% win rate regardless if you first pick it or not).
    You start off with 3x mantle of int., 1 set of tangos and a clarity and then you go to the offlane and spam arcane bolt at enemy carry's face.
    Don't use the ability on their pos 5 because it's a waste unless he's squishy (silencer/lion/shaman). If you really want to get kills, wait to level up (preferably level 3 to kill their pos 5).
    Your items at lvl 3/4 should consist of 3 null talismans and brown boots (you don't need MS just good positioning).
    Your skill build should be: 1-2-1-3-1-4-1- 2/3 - 2/3 - 2/3 ( "/" = situational )
    After buying 3 null talismans, you should buy kaya(I prefer kaya) or veil of discord.
    *If you're behind (farm/stats) or you want to survive in team fights, you get ghost scepter/glimmer cape.

    You might as well look at my sky games since I literally first pick it and win games :-)
    -If you have any question, just ask em below:

    თემა შეიცვალა

      ty for guide tribo

      Lruce Bee

        i rate this guide 5/10.


          So when you get kaya do you still have the 3 null talismans in inventory? All my other questions are answered simply by looking at your recent games.


            Yes you still have 3 null talismans to amplify your damage.


              ty for guidance albaking


                ty tribo now let's try it in sub human environment of low 4k


                  Someone test this in 4k flat and let me know. Ty


                    @Tribo : what if the enemy carry turns away his face when I'm bolting him? Do I auto lose?
                    What if enemy has a trilane in their safelane, do I go to my safe lane then?
                    What if enemy carry is necromancer with stick first item?
                    What if I run out of mana? Is charities better or mango in laning phase?


                      You just suicide at thier t2 after u spend ur money
                      U dont care bout necro

                      Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                        And against sustainish lanes with heal (dazzle, warlock, WW) that get a wand ?

                        *Wait for it* Spam Q from treeline so you dont give stick charges !

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          i dont like clarity. you spend too much time trying to get value out of it. it used to be okay last patch because it actually scaled with your int but not it barely gives mana anyway. you either start with 2x circlet + 2x mantle and ask 1 tango from your support/offlaner or you start with mantle + circlet + 2 tangoes + mango + branch if you wanna play the lane more.
                          i like urn on him. it used to be better last patch because the mana regen you get was much higher, but its still good for the damage. buy it if your other support doesnt. dont get both kaya and veil. aether lens is generally more useful. even though its less damage, it makes your job much easier in the fights. you can also buy utility items like glimmer cape or force staff if your team needs them. i think you def max 2nd spell now because you can use it on creeps.
                          also i dont agree with not focusing on the support. they generally have very little regen while the carry will have a lot of it and it is much easier to secure the kills on the support as well.

                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            I got the exact same starting items LOL


                              wait if you dont go clarity so you just use mango to refill manas?

                              Lruce Bee

                                what if i dont wanna play sky


                                  You can suicide at their t2 if you're low on mana (dont just go when you have full hp because they can tp n kill you)
                                  I like to stack null talismans because of the mag. dmg. amplification and mana pool

                                  Do Not Harpoon The Poles!

                                    Do you ever play him mid? He's one of my go to mid heros right now. So much fun :)


                                      Well he's viable as a mid laner too but 4 is better imo


                                        Any benefit of suicide to towers as opposed to jungle creeps?

                                        Are you playing him as a pos 4?


                                          Well, with the fall of dazzle. I may have to give this one a try shortly.

                                          Yami Yugi

                                            I was about to ask about your winrate on the hero as well as your common items that is far from your guide when I saw this match:


                                            How come there is match when your team is all but Divine but enemy team consist of 4 Immortal and a Divine?
                                            I can understand if your enemy team got an Ancient instead of a Divine but this... is not winnable

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              if you suicide at enemy towers your respawn timer is faster
                                              If you look carefully, that game doesn't count because our pos 5 was ultra garbage and we had no vision the entire game. That guy came back to dotes after nearly a 1 year of inactivity, losing me 2 games. Also ranks do not matter man they just represent your peak mmr.

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Also look at huskar smileyface last pick

                                                Yami Yugi


                                                  losing in normal match by saturday, this account may as well be borrowed about

                                                  Yami Yugi

                                                    Oh and about the rank, all the games I watched live in DotA2 says otherwise when it comes to immortal

                                                    Yami Yugi

                                                      and yes, the draft is cancer, more like "holyshit it's Imortal vs Divine match, better be trollin"

                                                      Lruce Bee

                                                        it is really hard to take anything written by a garbage human seriously. albeit 5k mmr garbage human being.


                                                          ok guys give hansolo a clap


                                                            something something spam null talisman murder


                                                              something something lets carry this shit am picker

                                                              Yami Yugi

                                                                lol I watched the replay last night, not only PA's dagger out damaged your Q, but also 2 v 1 you can't take her down while your safelane constantly massacred. Pudge only need a dagger from PA to hook you 100%, it's a disaster lols you even constantly return to fountain unlike your dead to T2 suggestion.


                                                                  Tribo, I want you to know you're an absolutely sick person for creating this played my first game as you said and it was probably the most tilting thing I have ever done to an enemy carry. I felt awful. Will definitely do it again.

                                                                  I actually led that game in hero damage as well.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Yami Yugi

                                                                    don't clarity outside the jungle, OP got daggered by PA and it's 50g for nothing

                                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                      Clarity is still more cost efficient than Mango if you can hold it for >20 seconds.
                                                                      Arcane Bolt and Concussive Shot have great cast ranges, you can avoid getting hit easily. Sure, PA dagger can cancel that but that's just PA. If it's used on you instead of securing last hit, fair trade really.

                                                                      Walking back to fountain isn't so bad since Sky has 2nd highest base ms and it's offlane.
                                                                      The suicide regen thing is great but you will need to spend all your unreliable gold to reduce loss.

                                                                      Yami Yugi

                                                                        Clarity is still more cost efficient than Mango if you can hold it for >20 seconds.
                                                                        Arcane Bolt and Concussive Shot have great cast ranges, you can avoid getting hit easily. Sure, PA dagger can cancel that but that's just PA. If it's used on you instead of securing last hit, fair trade really.

                                                                        yup, it is better than mango for a ranged attack, long ranged spell heroes like sky, but I suggest people to avoid using it in the "open", even when it's a fair trade, because at the mentioned matches above, our Sky keep on retreating, losing both XP and harrasing tool, left PA both farmed and leveled, and in the following stage of the game, the result is bloody obvious, I'm not sure this guide works on certain situation, and when the said situation occur, going back and forth the fountain is definitely not an option, I might have a suggestion, but I'm just subhuman here, you stars think over it, I'd just saying the fact that's all, dude, it happens.

                                                                        Yami Yugi

                                                                          Tribo, I want you to know you're an absolutely sick person for creating this played my first game as you said and it was probably the most tilting thing I have ever done to an enemy carry. I felt awful. Will definitely do it again.

                                                                          @Jack Attack well? how's it going? :axe_laugh:



                                                                            Espada you punk some games are unwinnable


                                                                              Espada, I begged him not to pudge. Some game are unwinnable.

                                                                              Yami Yugi

                                                                                yea it goes the other way around in your previous game you boasted about, 3 - 25 by 23 mins is not a winnable game too.


                                                                                You can boast, I can toast, else we have a hypocrisy here


                                                                                  u dont need boots just buy like 4 nulls and kaya and walk around and dump ur mana on people

                                                                                  i think u can u buy support items like glimmer or ghost scepter and shit but u shudnt buy too much of it, just scale into an aghs, u can actually farm wtih concussive shot.

                                                                                  i think u max concussive shot but it doesnt really matter.

                                                                                  hero is so fucking fun

                                                                                  Yami Yugi

                                                                                    ^is this guy on meth or something?

                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                      You talk so much, perhaps you should try it out yourself.

                                                                                      Yami Yugi

                                                                                        You talk so much, perhaps you should try it out yourself.

                                                                                        @Jack Attack Oh hahaha tilted aren't we?


                                                                                          I still consider this guide pertinent. Although a few things I will add.
                                                                                          attacking the support is just as ok as the carry.
                                                                                          You really need to convince your pos 5 to buy all the wards during the laning stage.
                                                                                          This pick is very situational if you dont have a teammate playing a proper pos 3 hero this wont work.
                                                                                          I dont even bother buying tangos, I just buy 3 mantle 3 clarity.

                                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                            Told this guy to pick sky and we dumpstered them.
                                                                                            He was mainly spamming bolt at enemy pa during the first minutes than we both started harassing Disruptor making their life hell. They left the lane, pa started to jungle at 9-10 min mark while the itemless disruptor rotated mid/bot

                                                                                            Side tip: atos is also cool vs grumpy heroes like dusa or lich/disruptor since their MS is wack