General Discussion

General Discussionmeepo question

meepo question in General Discussion
Beater Griffin

    If u play mid as meepo, do u save ur 2nd skillpoint for level poof 2 and ur ult instead of net and passiv ?


      It's 99% of the time. You may (or not at all) kill once with your net. But then your farming speed is slowed down significantly. It's not worth it.

      Machado98 #xatubaking

        I always save the point
        Only exceptions is when a support ganks me and I need earthbind to secure kill, slows down the farm anyway so sometimes I won't get Net even in those situations


          use brain


            its up to you if you can think u can kill him lvl 3 . you can go on net .

            Player 153433446

              Get passive for damage and slow


                Depends on the situation.

                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                  I rarely get net on lvl 3. Either passive or 2x poof so i can switch between jungle camps and clearing waves.

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Meepo players.

                    Is SB > Dag?

                    Machado98 #xatubaking

                      Is SB > Dag?

                      Depends. I always go dagger. I only build SB when I need the Silver Edge to break some passives and even then I still preffer going Dagger and Silver Edge, afterall it gives some nice stats
                      If there is no passive to break I don't see the point of going SB when you can get an Eaglesong for the same price and go e-blade