General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone analyze my play / coach a 2k?

Can someone analyze my play / coach a 2k? in General Discussion
Johnny Silvercock

    If someone here is willing to critique me please post it in comments here. Or add me on steam if you are willing to coach me. I'm happy to trade coaching sessions for in-game sets or something.

    I'm not sure if my recent games are good to look at, though my last match probably is.

    I've reached the point where I am not aware of my shortcomings. So anything you see will be helpful. Thanks PD pros.

    Hatrið mun sigra

      Just took a quick look at your last game. Honestly I wasn't surprised with what I saw 'cause I've noticed the same problems occur every time 2-3k people ask for the analysis of their games.

      Look at your tower dmg, you didn't hit any building basically, so less gold advantage for your team and, most importantly, you didn't take space on the map, probably didn't split push either, taking into consideration the number of lh you had. I think you spent the entire game ganking, am I correct?

      Problem is, you win this game by taking objectives and resources from the enemy team, like their jungle for example, or Roshan when you know you're stronger. You take t3s? Take down shrines. This will make the enemy team poorer and poorer and will put pressure on them. The thing about taking towers and ending the game fast is true especially vs heroes like Spectre, who will comeback in the late game no matter how many times you shut them down in the early/mid game, 'cause by doing this you'll deny them the moment they hit their power spike. For a hard carry it's the late game of course. You didn't have any bkb either and was probably forced to ulti early every time a fight took place.

      SS lost mid and SF was out of control, this made the game much harder and it wasn't your fault, he created a lot of space for his Spectre to farm, probably towers too, but Imo you could have taken other, more right, decisions to win.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Add me for sets for coaching

        Johnny Silvercock

          Hmm.. ok thanks for the analysis.. I think the problem is that every game I am not able to coordinate with my teammates.

          If I split like you suggest my team takes 5v4 fights in the enemy jungle.

          If I stay with them then we dont get objectives.

          Unless I pick spectre I cant seem to push towers and also be in fights.

          And sure .eXcel i will add you.

          Hatrið mun sigra

            If your teammates take bad fights that involve the entire enemy team that's even better, more time for you to split push and get fat.

            Ik coordination is a problem, that's why you don't see Earth Spirits in low mmrs for example. Adjust to the bracket and pick heroes that don't rely on the team to win/put pressure. I climbed with strong early game heroes/initiators, you can do that with carries that split a lot, whatever you like to play.

            Johnny Silvercock

              So I just watched BSJ on Storm in 3K. It looks like he just cuts the waves the enemy team is attempting to push over and over. That way the other team can't push at all and gets tilted. He only joins fights when the other team begins to dive and overextend or if he absolutely has to tp back.

              This explains a lot since I never understood how split pushing on a hero like Storm could win games with such weak building damage. The trick is the cutting.