General Discussion

General DiscussionTo people with very low mmr

To people with very low mmr in General Discussion

    Hi all,
    I know there is a lot of good players in this forum who you can learn so much from, but , I just wanted to share my solution with people who are trying to get to a better mmr from very low buckets.

    All I did was to mute all chats and comms! I know this makes no sense for higher levels but for people with low skill levels and prone to be trolled a lot by people who happened to be in the same bucket as you and call you noob it is very frustrating.

    No matter what people say, I promise you, when you get to a little bit higher level the game is so much easier to win becuz everyone tries to win more and talk shit less and they focus on their role more .... ofc for very high level you have to be very good! I do respect that but still.

    Getting out of under 1k mmr is sooooooooooo much harder than getting to 2k! It is just the quality of your teammates. Unless you are so damn good that you can outplay other 9 people in which case you wouldn't end up in the toxic mmr anyway.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Thanks, crusader.

      Disturbed Jawker

        muting literally does nothing


          Thanks for the tip , I will try it in ancient bracket.

          offlaner ≠ carry

            I mute people after their second verbal assault on me.

            Sometimes you find a good teammate that you'd regret to mute him/her.




                Insta mute enemies yes
                Insta mute teammates? Nah, i prefer to see what they want to say first

                chicken spook,,,,

                  its not like lower mmr will give you info on anything other than obvious shits x D

                  Stone Cold Steve Austin

                    Don't mute your mates. Just don't start flaming, as that's the only way that can lose a game for you with more certainty than bad picks or plays. Ignore "trolling" - as you refer to - but communicate with them if you have a plan, or at least be ready to take sensible ideas in consideration.


                      You mean you paid for boosting who played Jul 30 went 34-6 and then the next week 57-8?

                      Look at that Storm, Necro, Monkey King winrates and kdas. and how they're miles above anything else

                      Curiously, also during the same time period as those two weeks I mentioned earlier of abnormal amount of games played and win rate jumps.


                      Edit: I do give props at least your booster played on the same server and used a bunch of different heroes.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        thanks, maybe I can win games now


                          i suspect it's the booster making this thread instead of the real account owner

                            კომენტარი წაიშალა

                              Lmao caught boosted


                                Why would you hire booster to get you to crusader? Seriously is it that hard? At least hire a booster till ancient or divine, stop half assing something

                                Story Time

                                  but then you cant command your teammates what to do. I feel like cooperation requires communication

                                  100% WINRATE MASTER

                                    i would hire a pleb to help me get to 1 mmr


                                      I can make u 1mmr if u pay me enough

                                      Look my profile mmr 384 so I think I can do 1mmr too

                                      edit. ofc 1mmr is 10 times harder than 384 :D

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                      PRAISE THE SUN!

                                        If a player has lower mmr than you then mute / ignore them.
                                        Dodge games until you have higher ranked allies.

                                        Eventually the higher ranked allies will carry you to a higher average mmr =)


                                          Well for me i was guardian 3 and now im crusader 4 and i have a little advice for u guys always think u are going to win it no matter the situations i have almost 2 k games and i have gone through alot in this game from craziest comeback to craziest loosing so always think u are going to win



                                            lol goes from getting a 11-15min bloodstone in the previous storm games to that game with 16min Kaya only...

                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!