General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting out of ancient

Getting out of ancient in General Discussion

    Any tips for getting out of ancient ranks (4k bracket). I've tried being versatile but didn't work out well. Should I start spamming meta heroes or keep with versatility ?


      Versatility if you want to thoroughly improve at the game, spam one hero if you want short term mmr gain

      5 (Muted)

        It's not gonna be a thing or two TBH. Mmr system is based on mechanical skills. Doesn't matter whether you spam or be versatile as long you are improving your mechanical skill your mmr will improve as well.


          Destroying the ancient.


            Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

            Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

              i like what u do

              Mode : TOPSON

                So if you play slow as fck and doesn't have mechanic skill even if you win the game your mmr wont increase??

                Little Crow

                  Be better than your opponents


                    Decrease mmr recalibrate. And wala legend bracket. Easiest way. Thank me later.


                      You cant GET OUT OF 4k YOU SHIT.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Play for fun


                          I would say you need to start understanding powerspikes in a game really well. Small power spikes during laning, as well as team spikes. Itemisation has to follow accordingly. Most 4ks just play their own game and do not itemize correctly taking this into account, always playing the same pattern.

                          It’s really about the details to get out of 4k and the more u know the faster you make the right decisions. Remember 4ks already know roughly know what you’re up to. But they are bad at the little things.

                          But if you know that you’re gonna hit lvl 3 after one more creep and have kill potential over the lvl 2 enemy and he doesn’t know this, you’ve won the lane.

                          Being faster with objectives is another one but it’s alot easier said than done. This falls into category of game sense and you’d just have to understand what your draft is capable of. This has more to do with macro level team power spikes. You should be very good at remembering enemy cool downs, tp usage, skill usage, item cool downs, teammates cool down. Etc. The more u know the faster u decide when u can rosh, the more 4k gMes u will win.

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          beyond harm

                            Versatility and spamming is shit. Just use your intuition(logic), don't rage.
                            And if u want to improve really fast - please, forgot about roles in dota at all. You should not think in the way like - i am a mid hero i should farm mid and i can't buy wards or save tp in early game. In every scenario you should think like - what should i do for next few minutes to increase my team win probability. Dota is very complex game and making it simple for yourself doesn't mean the game works that way.

                            Giff me Wingman

                              contest enemy safelane, ez win.

                              4ks have extremely weak mentality and play mostly on autopilot.
                              You could actually see them as bots.
                              Honestly anything that wins mid/late/crushes enemy core is your best bet. Make them tilt in less than 5 minutes and you won. You can either pick strong offlane, or do something like picking a roaming hero (yes people in 4k forgot how to play against that) and rek enemy mid. Once 1 core is tilted, game is ez.

                              If your team is autsitic, go rat, it also wins games.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              play for fun

                                nothing like a legend giving advice on how to escape ancient


                                  I really like how these low mmr shits are giving ancients tips like really?

                                  SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                                    Just keep throwing games and lose mmr and when u recalibrate u will be out of ancient.


                                      Spam lakad matatang


                                        To get out of 4k, play unranked. Problem solved - you're not playing in 4k anymore


                                          Example of a cancerous 4k mmr carry