General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to Ancient

Road to Ancient in General Discussion
Retnuh Flim

    I mainly support on solo queue spam lich started from Archon III (2.8k) and i'm Legend IV (3846) now. I really just want to reach Ancient 1 (4.3k) then i can peacefully stop playing dotes. How do i improve specifically guys. Any criticism i'm open to. My goal for every game is to secure the laning stage, have a good pma, and try to be objectively as i can. Feed less by dying less. I can't seem to overcome the skill cap going to ancient. I'm simply below average skill.


      Keep playing lich, ogre and stuff like that (warlock, venge, cm, disrutpor etc) and u ll be there soon. Watch your replays and watch replays of pro players playing this heroes on public.


        im 3900 ancient 2,reached legend 5 on 3500.How are u legend 5 still

        Retnuh Flim

          @Steff hope i do. Who are the best support to watch at twitch aside for synderen

          @;; bro you are clearly smurfing and maybe divine tier or higher so mmr works different? Awesome stats by the way :O


            I mean download replays dude.
            Dunno mb ppd

            Jicniv Rune Farlord El Nix

              spam LC Woods for best Results


                first of all, congrats bro u've been doing super nice with a great winrate wp

                then, my tip is if u think reaching x mmr makes u able to stop playing dota u will see how wrong u'r thinking rn. it'll only feed more to it

                BUT, to help u with what u asked, this is the stuff i learned from personal development + trial and error about communcation:

                you don't have to make every game pma. rather, u gotta see where ur teammates are at in the spectrum of behavior. if u got toxics, u can tell ur team to stop communicating and playing. i mostly dont stay mute that guy. i say guys if u dont like each other mute each other and play ur best who gives a shit what others do just do ur own best. smth like that. and again communication REALLY helps specially if u'r above ur mmr knowledge wise and are an effective communicator. BUT there are levels to it. some games u see ur team doing whatever they desire, be toxic, etc. and u see u cant control them. that's when u do what cores need to do, make space for them, then be there to save them or fight with em. u can reduce ur teammates being punished SO MUCH as a supp by shoving waves to enemy side, warding where enemy passes by, informing ur team about enemy's positioning while their own map awareness is low, and etc. and what i learned is when u save them a bunch with ur wards and telling them enemy's plan or position, they start trusting u as a leader and listen to u.

                next thing, i mentioned above but imma say it again seperately. if ur teammates aren't playing the objective game, if they're in ur jungle farming and nobody's shoving lanes and splitting the enemy or forcing enemy to do stuff, u gotta be the one doing it. ward enemy side, shove lanes toward them. this makes enemy react to ur moves, and that means u just made an enemy threat to ur afk jungler neutralized cuz he has to depush the lane u shoved. now ofc it wont save ur mate from all 5 enemy heroes but it's actually making enemy react and that changes the way enemy plays A LOT. even though it's not to remove all threats, it's super effective.

                and again, u need more map awareness and analytical thinking as a supp so u put the right wards and know where enemy is. u arent thinking about efficieny, farm and items as much as a core. so it gives u mental space to think the strategic game, and map awareness. combining this with communcation will allow u to save ur mates from threats by telling 10-20 secs before they get ganked they're getting ganked, earning their trusts, leading toward objectives, placing good wards, etc.


                  hope that helps

                  Retnuh Flim

                    @Sia definitely it helped! BroodmotherLord by the way 75% winrate with 4.39 KDA under 200+ games :D

                    What i got from your wisdom:
                    1.) Communication is key but if it can't be done (toxic teammates), better mute each other and mainly focus on the game. Don't force PMA.
                    2.) If your cores are not playing accordingly, ADJUST it's my job to make space for them. Its not about them being impeccable but what can i do to prevent my cores to die less.
                    3.) Prove your capability to support first before earning their respect.
                    4.) Be the tempo. Lanes. Pushing the lanes gives pressure to the opponents (needing clearing them) and gives your core space to farm. Cut the lanes impeding them to push the tower.
                    5.) Farm on myself and having items is not bad. It enables me to be more efficient and see the game clearly.
                    6.) Wards win games.

                    Thanks a lot Sia i promise to remember and use your tips!


                      hehe u even added some :d

                      yep great breaking it down. omw to youtube time to create 6 WAYS TO WIN AS SUPPORT IN DOTA 2 xd


                        Spamming wont help you improve, i suggest having a secondary role, i personally chose offlane as my secondary role since it is the role that no one wants.

                        I also started from supporting when i was 2k mmr, pick meta supports preferably lane bullies or have sustain if against aggressive offlaner.


                          Spamming wont help you improve

                          i beg to differ. i can bring logical and scientific proof how focus and niche will improve process. do u have a valid argument (im not trying to be mean. you're just saying ur opinion as a statement of how reality works)


                            WHAT THE FUCK SIA HAVE BLUESTAR


                              spamming doesnt mean u HAVE TO play like attacker and sumiya. u can spam a hero for 200 games then add another hero to ur pool then another and then another. this is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more effective than learning 10 heroes and 2 roles at once


                                Some heroes shouldn't be spammed even if it gives you mmr. Heroes such as lich for example


                                  sia the type of last-pick brood player to get blue star and drive niBBas crazy

                                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                    Keep going, OP, you're doing well so far.

                                    Another tip i would add is to understand hero match-ups and synergies so you can pick optimal heroes during the drafting phase (if you aren't first picking) or suggest good counterpicks for your teammates.

                                    Since the game is currently in a 2-1-2 favoured meta, knowing hero match-ups also tells you where you should lane.

                                    Hope these helps!


                                      @lunamanny lol is it that surprising?

                                      i dont care about 5k and blue star, or just mmr in general (at least not anymore!). i was literally 2 wins from divine 1 for 3 days and didnt play cuz i had things that mattered to me more.

                                      anyway, i might make a thread or smth on why niching down is the best thing u can do for high performance on learning and getting good.

                                      i think the example i gave on other thread helps understand this. imagine learning each hero or aspect of the game is equivalent to a heavy ball. if u wanna learn 10 heroes or aspects of the game at once it's like trying to pull all 10 of those heavy balls with ya. u might be able to do it if u'r strong enough but it'll make u go on burnouts, it'll take soooo much more energy, it'll be super slow. now imagine u pull one ball to destination. u have all the focus of ur muscle and energy on that one. at the same time ur muscle becomes strongers cuz it's been getting trained by getting used. now u go take next ball with stronger muscles. so u move faster. then next one faster, and exponentially it gets faster and faster.

                                      translating back to dota, if u focus on 1 hero and get to a new level of understanding of the game, then adding a new hero will become that much easier to get it to ur level on ur previous hero. and then 3rd hero will become even easier, and 4th even more, and... exponential growth curve.

                                      i hope that could demonstrate my point

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Spamming wont help you improve

                                        i beg to differ. i can bring logical and scientific proof how focus and niche will improve process. do u have a valid argument (im not trying to be mean. you're just saying ur opinion as a statement of how reality works)

                                        I also agree that spamming heroes will help you improve and increase your mmr / medal faster however, there are people who tends to get bored when playing the same hero all over again. I repeatedly used LC in turbo mode just to get his avatar in Cavern and I got bored AF HAHAHA. At least I got the avatar after several attempts haha.