General Discussion

General DiscussionReddit crybabies ruined my calibration

Reddit crybabies ruined my calibration in General Discussion

    Lost my first game= -400 mmr

    didnt have time to play until after the update to calibration.
    won the next 3 matches get 50 mmr for a win? cool

    if it still would be the old system i would have gained 800 mmr.

    reddit smurfs that cant win ranked in 3k first ruin my normal ranked games and now ruin my calibration.


      basically i went from
      legend 2 to archon 2 in one loss, 3 wins later im inly at archon 5.


      Story Time

        that is basically the same bracket, why you cry? nothing changed for you


          if reddit wouldnt have cried i would have gotten 1200 mmr out of these 3 wins.

          basically reddit made that i loose huge amount on my loss and on my wins i gained very little in perspective.


            The fuck you talking about buddy?


              didnt they change calibration so that you win/loose less mmr for each match?

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                yes and excess mmr loss/gain u got from matches before recalibration was accounted for

                fuck off



                  how can i loose 1 game win 3 and still be in archon 5 (flat 3k) which is 200 mmr lower from where i started?

                  I just want to get legend 5 so that i can flame aimstrong for being the same mmr as me :)

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    u are where u are supposed to be lmao
                    it wasnt reddit that fucked up ur calibration, its just that u are shit


                      Just trolling lol =)


                        fak u finnish dog PERKELE
                        white trash
                        POTATO-PEELING swamp human

                        enjoy mosquitos in summer hehehe

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                        A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                          Meanwhile.. i need +25 for 7k(top 100 in sea right now)

                          Story Time



                              Oh plz, my situation is far worse. Clinkz literally 0% winrate when I play him. Can't use pub stompers because I tend to lose. Always have smart enemies with dumb allies. Can't spam because if I do I will get a guaranteed lose. With these conditions I started to lose in my calibration (currently 3-4 I'm in a bad spot right now). Please no more complain MY DOTA LIFE IS FAR WORSE THAN ANY OF YOUR BAD SITUATIONS combined. You just can't understand my life but I think it will MAKE you insane if we trade body/soul. It's a miracle that I am still not insane at this point because I am focused on thinking rather than these pesky hormones circulating inside my body. Clearly not a coincidence, SIMPLY JUST CURSE.

                              On second thought, I think I was meant for this because If I get high mmr it would be easy for me to win. Just like when my main acc got out from being limited, my life as a non limited acc became very good.

                              Just pls dont complain just play.

                              Lruce Bee

                                scammed lmao

                                Solo Leveling

                                  Let me explain to you:

                                  You havent been "scammed" and "redditors" being your scapegoat is pointless. The System overly sensitized the calibration games resulting in overly skewed results. This is why they did the original "Rollback" after recalibration. Archons jumping into Ancient and Divines falling into Ancient wasnt the intended result of the calibration, so naturally they fixed it.

                                  #2 The MMR to Medal Ratio has changed. What used to take a certain MMR to get a Certain Medal has changed. Last season Divine 0 was 4750. This season Divine is 5100. They also added an additional league to further highlight the skill range in the top tiers of Dota (Ancient - Immortal) There is also no (Archon, Ancient, Legend 0 Anymore) This further shifts the MMR distribution by Rank.

                                  You havent been fucking scammed the system has changed for the upcomming season. Use your Brain


                                    inflation has started to take place slowly.




                                        im not talking about medals?

                                        the mmr range im in now is 3000, started at 3250 lost 1 game won 4.
                                        1 game loose 400-ish mmr
                                        3 games won, win 400-ish mmr in those 3 together

                                        theres no way i should be in the same mmr range after losing 1 game and winning 3

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა