General Discussion

General DiscussionQuitting

Quitting in General Discussion
Solo Leveling

    Not sure what happened. Everything was great. Highest MMR of my life at 4400. Calibration comes. I get some of the worst games of the past 6 monhts. Im talking trolls, huge range of skill, players that dont know what they are doing even.

    I go 3-7 in Calibration. Go from 4400 MMR to 3500 MMR. Ancient 4 to Legend 1. I am actually devastated. I worked so hard to get up to Ancient 4 close to divine bracket. I dont deserve this. I dont care how good or bad I played in these games. It literally erased my 2 years of progress in 10 games.


    I am beyond upset. I want to kill myself. I have never been so upset about something.

    To top it off I now have 5 Low Prio games because of 1 intentional abandon and 1 accidental. Honestly this couldnt be any worse.

    Grief Counselor

      I had a 4 afk heroes as my first caliberating match.
      I don't think I calibrate even around 3k.


        @cockroach you have <45%winrate and you think it is other people are the problem...


          Man, i feel honestly sorry for you :(
          Seems like every bad scenario came down on you in just 10 games.

          let me buy dagon

            haha u lose only 10 game? wuahah, im playing bad aswell on last 2 week i think.. ilose my 21 game with only win 4 game XD.. idk what happen but im playing soo fucking bad.. and then come the new recalibration, and i think i deserve to back to crusader lol. btw last time i get legend 2.. soo i think volvo just make more people to quiting doto and go to new moba on phone if u cant enjot any losing u get :)


              YO cockroach people like you are the reason why 3-3.5k mmr range is like playing russian roulette, someone catches the bullet. Xou are the bullet.


                It's just a game if you feel like killing yourself over it, you shouldn't be playing this game

                Suck my tiny curry dick

                  If you feel you have to off yourself then you probably should. It just means you’re a sad sack of shit who takes this game too seriously.

                  fArmin Van Buuren

                    @LeGOAT Feels bad man, I had a tonne of those games last night too.. as a matter of fact, YOU are one of those bad players! Talk about instant karma. This guy fights for hc and I give it to him, pick a support and do a great job supporting him and he is just plain bad. Tilts the whole team and tries to blame us and flame us back. You didnt get low prio because of abandons you got low prios probably because all your games you got reported for being bad, flaming and not cooperating. You literally said youre not going to try because we dont deserve this LOL and stayed in fountain as spec and did not ult to win a fight. Flamed me for being clueless and bad.. I went from 3.3k to 3.8k Legend 3 too. I told you you did not deserve your last medal... Feels good man, just uninstall and play LoL, thats where you belong

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      @Broly - Feelsgoodman

                      @LeGOAT - Feelsbadman....classic dota 2, everyone elses fault but your own.


                        @ salt

                        Brutal , Savage , Rekt

                        low prio master

                          No worries bro,propably a lot of players drop and all calibration is most likely droping,so the real value of your mmr drop shouldn't be that bad,otherwise you climb back very fast,should be some ez games for ya,so don't be so disappoint its game only,not end of the world

                          me, government hooker

                            top 0.4 world


                              dude chill wtf:))it's nothing honestly.dota is supposed to be a game.u'll face much more intense shit in your real life don't loose your shit:)

                              .MaryjaNe †

                                hahahahahaha cmon man chill that happen to me like 1 year ago i just went playing vanilla wow and even then i came back to dota, now waiting for legacy open while wasting time in dota :D


                                  If you are at that skill level you will be back up to within 300 mmr of it very quick . Enjoy the win streak coming up .


                                    I lost 1.9k mmr last year you’ll be ok .

                                    let me buy dagon

                                      seeing my dotabuff profile may be make u smile again dude :) go enjoy it


                                        Your name tag is Only Mid (Tilted), but you have below 50% winrate in every fucking mid hero you played, sincerely, what did you expect?


                                          i really dunno what to say,just don't go suicide's a bad decision
                                          i know grinding 1k mmr is a pain tho,this new system is really merciless

                                          Suck my tiny curry dick

                                            He’s still alive :(

                                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                              Don;'t suicide dude. Chill. It's just a game! Quit if it'll make your life healthier and better.


                                                Waaaah my imaginary useless number dropped BabyRage


                                                  @salt what's up with you lol,joking on this isnt really that good


                                                    Play the game dude, i lost 700 mmr in the first season launch, grind again, lost again.
                                                    we are far from pro, so just play for fun

                                                    unbreakable spirit

                                                      Well as far as I know mmr brackets are a thing, I don't think someone who has stayed in the 4k bracket for a long time will have any problem surviving the 3k bracket. You'll eventually reach where you belong anyway.

                                                      the better spidey

                                                        Stay strong man.


                                                          hey brother, calibrate your party mmr. your medal will be adjusted, most probably same as before.


                                                            I went from 3.3k to 1.0k then back up to 2.9k. Shit happens. Then again I haven't played in almost a year.

                                                            Pick your drug.


                                                              @Washed Up going in hard on OP haha

                                                              Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                If this dude takes a game that seriously then he has issues. I mean he’s not even a pro who is making money so its not hurting him. You should try real life frogger.

                                                                Grandpa Limbasia

                                                                  Can we ban this NA guy?


                                                                    Which one, washed up is me, the other is a copycat.

                                                                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                      Which one, washed up is me, the other is a copycat.

                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                          your fault for queing with low behavior score, i made sure to raise mine before calibrating, im 7-2 right now, only one more calibration game to play. Good thnig I raised behavior score all last week in turbo/normal.


                                                                            i lost 800 mmr last recalib as well. don't give up, friend

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,


                                                                              pos 1 or 2 or 1 or 2

                                                                                I DELETED STEAM RIGHT AFTER MY CALLIBRATION. I FEEL THIS GAME IS NOT WORTH PLAYING ANYMORE.


                                                                                  lucky me i was 2.9 then got 3.5 hahah


                                                                                    4400 is not that hard to get actually


                                                                                      just 1 random question but please answer me honestly (i talk to thread starter). How many money u got in d2 to buy items/tickets/passes etc?

                                                                                      Story Time

                                                                                        I want to kill myself. I have never been so upset about something.

                                                                                        dude, this is just a game :D relax

                                                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                                                          You made this thread less than 24 hours ago and somehow managed to play 14 games since making it.

                                                                                          Story Time

                                                                                            by the thread name "Quitting" he meant "Quitting is hard"


                                                                                              can I actually get herald if I lose all games? Anyone tryed?
                                                                                              I would check myself but I don't really have the will to play ranked now because I feel like it will be extremely frustrating with everybody on the edge cause of a god damn number they are trying to achieve.


                                                                                                Yeah i lost 6 won 4 went down from Ancient 3 4025 all the way to Legend1 3.3k and EVERYONE IS SO FUCKING AWFUL HERE

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                  Currently 2-3 from divine 5 to divine 1 average, i also got cancers in my game who get core role but cant play properly. Ur not alone bro, it literally took me a long time to climb and now with the new recalibration system i get 4k mmr core wannabees playing at 5k bracket


                                                                                                    That's life


                                                                                                      The OP has played like 25 fucking games in the last day and a half. No wonder this dude wanted to off himself. I am guessing this is like a 12 yr old kid to have that kind of time and rationale.