General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does icefrog decide who to buff/nerf?

How does icefrog decide who to buff/nerf? in General Discussion

    With all these tournaments they have plenty of data for pro play. If I were to decide I would probably keep it simple say 5 heroes went unpicked I would buff those 5 heroes and nerf the 5 most contested heroes (if 15 went unpicked and visa versa). They tend to make an enormous amount of changes on patches though just trying to get some insight on other people's suspicions.

    Machado98 #xatubaking

      i guess he just checks statistics and some pro player consulting


        He spins a giant wheel and which ever hero it lands on he flips a coin , heads he buffs the hero and tails he needs it .


          Its kinda obvious, nerfs most picked buffa ignored.


            It's mostly based on pick rate. A hero could be picked every game of the tournament, with a 10% winrate, and still get nerfed, because Valve


              Icefrog is a extremely smart genius,nobody have game sense as he does,he have dota space in his blood he can play 5v5 in his head with every hero.
              He show his perfect game sense many times and actually every patch.
              You can blame him why he does this or why this.But youre just not see his points,not understand game as he does.
              Dota is icefrog understand this.


                nerf most contested, buff arcanas



                  Decapitated chicken decides what happens to each hero. They kill hundred chickens every fortnight.


                    There are lot of exceptions like never make heroes with arcana irrelevant


                      ^So Techies is relevant ROFL


                        techies is relevant