General Discussion

General DiscussionBooster, smurf? Can't just be a mere spammer

Booster, smurf? Can't just be a mere spammer in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Oddest profile ever. Very normal with other heroes, but just look at that Invoker winrate. What nonsense. Just played a match with him. One of the best invokers I have seen. Said he was rank 720 or something. I'm inclined to believe it. Thoughts?


      Unlike other invoker pickers he maybe just picks it vs a favourable matchup and he is good at it.

      Story Time

        he didnt play invoker at all until recently, so we could also expect that it was a different player or acc was sold


          Or perhaps it’s two friends or siblings sharing an account.

          Story Time

            ^or girlfriend and boyfriend

            Bill Cutting

              It’s someone else playing Tinker and Invoker for sure.

              Palmen aus Plastik

                i think the sibling theory makes sense.

                @darth - no man, i saw the replay when i was on his team from his perspective. felt like a divine player for sure. It cannot be what you are saying. like i said.

                SASA POPOVIC

                  Evryone, literally everyone have at least 1 smurf in low brackets when you needed 25 games for ranked, everyone made low account, even Arin LUL!


                    nothing special? especially in this mmr

                    Solo Leveling

                      I know it sounds crazy but maybe he has a Script Hack that works for only invoker? Its literally the only outlying statistic


                        his not 700 more like 40000 but still very good 97.4 percentile through not as good as his stats
                        through i have around 22 heroes above 90 and 7 above 97.4 i don't think if that's anything special either in comparison u got ure dragon knight at 98 percentile

                        but u said dota was fun :(

                          Check his recent matches. Sure boosted and he picked the hero invoker. That's just impossible, at least for me. Invo and tinker are the hardest when it comes to mastering heroes. Even basic heroes, his stats suck, big time.

                          SEA ranked #1 Feeder KEK

                            Booster confirmed. Pls report so valve can ban this acct. Thx

                            Palmen aus Plastik

                              man he was very good. I saw the entire replay of my match with his perspective. Perfect combos, perfect sunstrikes, superfast item switching, spell switching, blink dagger usage, map awareness, confidence to build midas. Sure as hell looked like a top tier player to me, and believe me I have watched way too many pro players playing invoker for my own good. I may have had actually played with a legit SEA pubstar. If you're interested I can give you the link to the match, you may then check the replay at your convenience and tell me if I'm wrong.

                              Suck my tiny curry dick

                                You’re wrong

                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                  ^ah well, that clears things up. :)


                                    Nah! He's that good with the hero or someone playing on his place.

                                    Bill Cutting

                                      He had a 45 game win streak with tinker invoker storm lmao

                                      It’s definitely a booster

                                      SASA POPOVIC

                                        If he is that good with the hero he wouldn't be stuck in shitty archon bracket where people stlll think jungling is viable strategy and smoke ganks are something people do to create funny youtube videos.

                                        He is obviously boosting account you dont just wake up one day and become a Sumail born from 2k MMR...

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა