General Discussion

General DiscussionI just took an iq test.

I just took an iq test. in General Discussion
i have 5 reports to use

    I got 200 iq which means I am top 99.99999 percentile in terms of human intelligence. This is reflected in the skill I achieved in dota2 (I am divine 1) which is also top 99 percentile.

    Post your iq and rank!

    Divine 1



      Pale Mannie

        last match 2 months ago



          brother, if you dont belive in the one god and his true messenger, your smartness means nothing. after all it was him that created your brain.

          being above 79 IQ also is haram btw, aboce that you start to question things.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            ^did ur mom get raped by arabs or what


              Nah we dont do that. We dont really like white women.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                what about whites in general?


                btw I think Unhealable does raise a good point, like, what even smartness is? is the love of god can affect it? does it even matter in the bigger scheme of things?

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  You take an IQ test and the first thing you do is share it on dotabuff.

                  You might have a high IQ but your priorities in life are quite questionable.

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    congratulation :)

                    I only got 147, I was audited as a part of my recruitment to the army. and an IQ test was a part of the audition

                    so your intellectual capability is huge, much more potent than mine, I envy you :)


                      I actually got 167 IQ until i realize i cant reach anymore thats why i became a 1k mmr retard person who play dota 2 and have no life..

                      Pale Mannie

                        unironically believing in online IQ tests


                          IQ test part of my recruitment to the army

                          army IQ tests LUL

                          i've never seen or heard about IQ tests, more like tests to filter out really dumb people that would be a safetyhazard when handling with weapons.


                            ^did ur mom get raped by arabs or what

                            brother that sounds slighty racist?


                              Took a few and got 124-127 IQ, Ancient 1.

                              For the guys above and op: are you sure the test you took was accurate? I mean the avg IQ is around 103, while >140 is genius, and I'm seeing incredible numbers O.o
                              If it's true grats then, but get ready for a life of loneliness in an ocean of mediocrity.

                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                Unhealable- I am trying to get drafted into a volunteer unit in the intelligence arm

                                porcamadonnadiwifidemmerda- the average is exactly 100. the IQ levels are basically the normal distribution of your intellectual capacity from the average

                                btw top 99.99999% means that you are only smarter than 0.00001% of the population, which is about ~800 people

                                I am unsure if that was your intention

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Lruce Bee

                                  I meant 99 percentile. Not TOP 99%. I question your high iq now.

                                  Divine 1

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                    considering that English isn't my mother language, my mistake is understandable

                                    anyways if you are interested, most of my points were concentrated over the digit span section (where I was needed to memorise a page of numbers and repeat them backward and than forward) and vocabilary, where I was asked to describe objects and situations coherently (in Hebrew, not in English)

                                    where I got the lowest points over picture complition, where I needed to figure out an out-of-place fine detail in pictures based on logic (for example, an house with a water hoe with missing valve)
                                    as well arithmetic
                                    I got on them 96 and 104 in accordance

                                    which inlines with what they called "fluid intelligence" they claimed I got. which apparently is the ability to solve problems through given set of tools, adapting to the emvironment (like programming with an API), rather than the ability to solve problems based on past experience (like solving math problems with studied algorithems)

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      200 iq, bragging about it to internet strangers.
                                      You're the kind of guy that dies a virgin, kid.


                                        Just to throw this out there, unless the type of iq test is mentioned this is quite pointless. A lot of IQ tests don't even go up to 200 points..


                                          200 IQ? Noice and BTW i am a wakandan royalty

                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                              i cant believe you all think hes serious


                                                i actually never took an iq test,how do you do this test?
                                                wat makes you do so well that you got so high score?


                                                  99.99999% is 100000 times rarer than 99%. I know this post is BS but 200 iq is like 1 in 10 billion case.


                                                    147 Archon here. FM(Dota)L.

                                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                      @Luxon IQ is distributed as a guassian distribution with standard deviation of 15, where the mean is 100

                                                      therefore the comulutive of x < 200 is 0.999999999986916075314

                                                      so he is smarter than 99.9999999986916075314% of the population

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      you wouldn't steal a car

                                                        Stephen Hawking had an IQ of 160, just to put your IQ's in to context.

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          and then he died

                                                          Story Time

                                                            why dont u get a phd then?

                                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                                              I read that Iq is on a logarithmic scale so my 200iq is like 1 in a billion


                                                                EQ means a lot more than IQ, having potential isn't the same as using it.

                                                                Story Time

                                                                  ^both concepts are muddy and flawed with respect to measurability and i suggest to not use them again

                                                                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                    "my job is not to be easy on people, my job is to make them better" - steve jobs

                                                                    its all depends on your goals in life cookies

                                                                    generally, high EQ would serve *yourself* better, being able to create stable relationtips that would benefit you

                                                                    while high IQ would serve *everyone* (in case you act on it). being able to inovent and think. you can easily be famous with high IQ by doing something with it. not really the same with high EQ. that ofcourse doesn't state anything about happiness

                                                                    so again. it depends on your goals in life


                                                                      wat is eq

                                                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                        emotional puotient



                                                                          Lruce Bee

                                                                            Eq is the emotional quotient which measures how emotional you are. High scorers are likely to not call you back or tell you what's wrong.


                                                                              Hau 2 git 200IQ?


                                                                                I have a IQ of12, It says im in the 5% percentile. I'm smarter than 95% of the world!


                                                                                  ha his IQ is definitely not 200... not even close
                                                                                  and Cookies is correct, EQ correlates to visual spatial gifting that are the apex of human mental capability more than just IQ scores.

                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    lol noob i have 201...


                                                                                      this guy just declared himsel the smartest man to ever be born in malaysia through out all of history... and the Smartest man in all of southeast asia...

                                                                                      Maybe they accidentally added an extra 0 to the score.

                                                                                      👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                                                                        @HanYolo it measures your emotional capability

                                                                                        your ability to read the emotional state of your surrounding, emphasize with them, and act on it

                                                                                        it is very useful as it allw you to manipulate people. to build trust and create relationship

                                                                                        it is a very importent quality in politicians for example


                                                                                          "IQ is distributed as a guassian distribution with standard deviation of 15, where the mean is 100"

                                                                                          Close but no cigar - the median is 100. Terrifying to think that half the population has an IQ less than 100.

                                                                                          SASA POPOVIC

                                                                                            124 IQ (tho it was tested when i was drafted qt 18 year old in 2007, now its 2018 and i became waaaay dumber im literally feeling it) and crusader 3.

                                                                                            I think my iq fits my rank perfectly im at my max!

                                                                                            Sleight of My Fist In You...

                                                                                              why is it terrifying? maybe for the people who are, it would be if they could comprehend it...are you less than 100 rocket?

                                                                                              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D


                                                                                                its a gaussian distribution
                                                                                                the mean, the mode and the median are the same


                                                                                                  I hate iq test picture quiz give me seizure and headache. So my iq is below 90 i guess?

                                                                                                  Story Time

                                                                                                    ^what was you grade in school?

                                                                                                    i have 5 reports to use


                                                                                                      Jk guys I'm not 200 iq :(

                                                                                                      Divine 1

                                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                        er du dansker lol? fukin mongol