General Discussion

General DiscussionPresence of the Dark Lord affects buildings?

Presence of the Dark Lord affects buildings? in General Discussion

    Is it the better talent nowadays? drums+silver edge gives you nearly 550 MS anyway, and this passive is so great for sieging, especially if your team also has deso and AC - you can backdoor effortlessly!

    i came to this conclusion when i went drums-mom, capped out on ms without taking the talent, already at level 15 (you normally cap out in lategame with travels if you dont take the ms talent).

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Story Time

      i drums your mom :P


        ms talent isnt abt lvl 25 movement speed
        its abt being a racecar at lvl 15 with sny usually

        idk, presence affecting buildings is rlly just a talent that says buildings around u have -6 armor
        its not that good anyway
        maybe if the talent increased the -armor

        Player 345996680

          1st if all, sny was nerfed so hard noone buys it on sf anymore.
          2nd yea i get that the ms talent is a midgame choice, and that it likely has a large value in higher rank games (you get to be speedy wihout buying ms items like shadowblade mask drums). But when im playing in 3-4k, i prefer to end my games in 20 minutes forcing down raxes with my sheer puahing power.

          Im the op btw

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            The ms talent goes well with the euls build u run like a racecar with euls and ms talent, maybe the other option is better for early pushing right click build.