General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo offlane is ded?

Solo offlane is ded? in General Discussion

    I got bb vs slark + veno roam on my lane got destroyed like 0/4/1 on 10 minutes, how do you handle situations like this? :eh:

    flourishing new leaf

      You don't pick a braindead carry offlaner.

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      Use chatwhell=mute

        yes literally dead imo.

        Lruce Bee

          Bristle against slark lopppl

          Story Time

            there are still darkseer and batrider, so it is not "ded"


              GO JUNGLE, THX ME LATER


                yes, it kinda is.
                solo offlaning without a roamer helping you early is impossible in this meta, unless you're against a very very weak safelane.
                if you are offlane and u have a shit team, pick a hero than can clear jungle camps easily like underlord or axe, it will help you a lot of you are being zoned by heroes like skywrath mage


                  It doesn't matter if u die 8 times in lane if u still get levels, so unless they constantly pull and make it so the creeps never come under ur tower u shud be fine imo


                    if u dont get any levels you're fucked as well..


                      ^yeah if u dont get levels ur kinda screwed


                        well, if your enemy support is unskilled, anythings possible


                          pick axe = win

                          Lruce Bee

                            ^ Ax is bak


                              Pretty much every offlane hero shouldnt be dominating with 1 against 3 at lvl , or else it would be too unfair for their supports. Play carefully as offlane, if u can get lvl 2 after all that denies and zoning, the offlane hero should have powerspike like BB, Axe, Undying



                                IS THIS 2016


                                  pick better hero tho


                                    i think the best case scenario for 1 vs 3 now is to pick enigma and or lich for offlane haha